Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Captioning: "My New What?"

Trying to fulfill two promises at once -- spending less and giving voters greater insight into the every day working of government, Obama shows Hillary her new desk and "office."


patti said...

hillary doesn't seemed too concerned with barry's threat of an open handed slap across the table. after all, she's married to bill and has weathered worse.

ScottDS said...

To borrow another movie quote, this time paraphrased from Citizen Kane:

Hillary: "Really, Barack, people will think --"
Obama: " --what I tell them to think."

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I get the feeling that Bill is the one who is used to being slapped, or punched, or smacked with a baseball bat upside the head. . .

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, So when Hillary says "Rosebud," she really means the "the Rose law firm, bud"?

Tennessee Jed said...

"Barry, when are we going to tell Michelle and Billy about us?"

Anonymous said...

Andrew: So when did Obama move Hillary up to the real redwood picnic table?

Writer X said...

The only thing missing are a box of crayons and some construction paper. Does he push her on the swingset after he's done boring her to tears?

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I would laugh at that if I wasn't so horrified by the possibility! LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Her deputies got those little colored, plastic picnic sets for kids.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, LOL! I can see them playing in the sandbox now!

BevfromNYC said...

It's Picnic Table Diplomacy - Obama's showing Hillary what an unclenched fist will look like when dealing with Mahmoud. And she looks unconvinced much like the American people...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, He's getting ready for a series of picnic summits this summer!

ScottDS said...

Andrew -

Considering one of the possible sources of the name "Rosebud," I don't even want to go there. :-)

Anonymous said...

" is on the Stimulous Books as costing 1.8 million dollars and creating 18.6 jobs. And Nancy said the Redwood they cut down to make it was more than 700 years old. I ordered 5 more for that ridiculous garden Michele planted.

AndrewPrice said...

Anon, LOL! Nicely done! That's exactly what it would cost to get a table like that built by Obama's stimulus plan!

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, I wouldn't know what you mean. . . ;-) Rosebud was a sled.

StanH said...

Hillary: “I have to tell you Barry, your cookouts really suck!”

DCAlleyKat said...

"Where's the beer, the press, and who's paying for lunch"?

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