Monday, January 25, 2010

Commentarama Polls: Grade Obama

It’s been five months since we first asked you to grade Obama. Let’s see if he's changed your mind? As before, answer the following questions and we’ll provide an analysis in a couple days. (And don’t forget to join us for the live blog of the State of the Union Wednesday night at 8:30).


AndrewPrice said...

P.S. If you have any thoughts or comments, feel free to post them here.

AndrewPrice said...

By the way, if you haven't heard about Obama bringing his teleprompter to address a group of 6th graders, go check out Writer X's place today. It's embarassing:


BevfromNYC said...

I saw a photo of Obama and his good friend TOTUS. How hard is it to speak to 6th graders that he has to use TOTUS? Millions of teachers do it every day. He was a lawyer! But then again, I did hear is speech for Coakley in Massachusettes [sic]. He's not very good with hecklers.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Isn't that the truth! He does not handle going off scipt well under any circumstances.

The thing about being a laywer is that there are different types of lawyers. There are trial lawyers, corporate lawyers and lawyers with law degrees who never really practiced. Most of the trial attorneys I know can talk for hours off the top of their heads because it's necessary. But Obama wasn't a trial guy -- he's a lawyer with an unused degree.

Still, you'd think as a grown man who has some political experience, that he'd be better at giving speeches. . . but then he is an empty suit.

Anonymous said...

I saw the picture yesterday. I knew the teleprompters were the reason he does that amateurish "look to the left, look to the right, look to the left" that they teach in high school speech class. When I finally saw his 6th grade performance (double-meaning intended), it not only showed the two teleprompters, but how they're positioned. Now I also know why he does the "Mussolini" chin up garbage as well. They position the teleprompters at just above his eye-level.

MegaTroll said...

Good questions. I see the Republicans are already doing better and Obama is doing worse. Ha!

BevfromNYC said...

I watched some of the pundit shows on Sunday and I don't if the Democrat advisors and pundits have it out for Obama or not, but their learned analyses indicates that Obama isn't left enough or he hasn't blamed Bush enough [that was James Carville's bright idea]! Gibbs actually said that the Brown win in Mass. was an indication of how much those Bay Staters support Obama's policies and he meant that as a positive thing. His smarmy smile has looked a little more faked in the last week and there are now little beads of sweat on his upper lip...

Writer X said...

Thanks, Andrew! It's been interesting today listening to the Dems snip at each other. There's definitely blood in the water. But, jeez, who staged the sixth grade field trip??

AndrewPrice said...

You're welcome Writer X, I enjoyed the post. I'm with you -- I can't believe no one saw a problem with bringing the teleprompters to show and tell!

Anonymous said...

Great poll! I can't wait to see your analysis.

Monica said...

Okay, there wasn't an option for if you don't understand ANY of Obama's positions, and picking just one biggest embarrassment was really hard (and, yes, I realize that "biggest" does mean just one, but still. . .) It was a good poll. I'm interested in the coming analysis.

AndrewPrice said...

Monica, I didn't want to include a "none of the above" because I thought too many people would choose that. I wanted people to think hard about the question and then I'll assume that anyone who doesn't answer is probably in the "none of the above" camp.

In terms of the "biggest," that was probably the hardest question, but we're looking for the one that really bothered people the most -- kind of a "level of intensity" question.

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