Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Captioning: When the Master's Away. . .

Obama and Michelle did not take Bo, their Portuguese water dog with them to Hawaii. . . calling into question their loyalty as pet owners. In any event, while they were gone, Bo spent some time tooling around town. Here's a photo the White House tried to get suppressed.

Or so I'm told. . .


Game Master Rob Adams said...

The real power behind the thronee

AndrewPrice said...

ACG, I think we'd be better off! LOL!

patti said...

man, the ruff life. bo may be the only occupant in the WH that i like...

USArtguy said...

No helmet, no safety measures of any kind. No proof of insurance. Will Obama be fined for not protecting his dog?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: That's a relief. When I heard that they got a Portuguese water dog for the White House, I thought they meant Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Mike K. said...

Let's see that mailman get away this time!

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, "ruff life" LOL!!

USArtguy, I can't see any DC cop giving Obama a ticket. . . or his dog!

AndrewPrice said...

Cold Lawhawk, cold. . .

AndrewPrice said...

Mike, Good one! This could become a real life cartoon-like chase! LOL!

MegaTroll said...

"New law grants drivers licenses to unregistered dogs."

AndrewPrice said...

Sounds like something I've heard before Mega?

Game Master Rob Adams said...

How's it going on Mass today?

AndrewPrice said...

ACG, I haven't heard anything about exit polling, but the Dems are pointing fingers all over the place -- so I think their internal polls must have given them a pretty clear picture that it's going to be bad for them.

CrispyRice said...

"calling into question their loyalty as pet owners"

'Cause dogs do love Hawaii, as everyone knows!

Also, we should perhaps be thrilled that Bo is at least using an environmentally friendly moped to get around, right?

AndrewPrice said...

I guess that should make us feel better?

In terms of Hawaii, I'm betting that Bo demanded some time off. So he sent them on their way to Hawaii and he stayed in DC to just have a little fun.

StanH said...

Actually I think Bo is making his escape.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, He's riding up the Massachusetts to vote for Brown!

Writer X said...

I hope he had a Toga Party while the old ball and chain were in Hawaii. If the police were called, we can assume Bo had a good time.

AndrewPrice said...

Toga toga toga!

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