Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dodging The Interrogation Bullet

You snooze, you lose. While we were all stacking up Z's during the Obama/Republican health care sideshow, the leftists in Congress just tried to slip another America Last national security bill through the House of Representatives. Fortunately, at least one Republican was wide awake during the sneak attack. [+] Read More...

Why Obama Failed At The Health Summit

After seven and a half hours and 60,000 words expended, the health care summit ended in a defeat for Barack Obama and the Democrats. How do I know that? Because the MSM has chosen to ignore the event, rather than trumpet it as Obama’s victory. That’s standard MSM practice when the Democrats lose. In fact, the only Democrat I’ve found that’s seriously calling it a victory is Time’s Joe Klein, and his article almost strikes me as parody. . . or he’s high. So why did Obama fail? [+] Read More...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

New York State of Mind

Snow, snow and more snow... [+]

Film School Follies: Part 16 – The Worst of Times IV

By ScottDS
Alien 3 is one of my favorite films (in its extended form) and I make no apologies for it. It was cursed from the beginning: multiple scripts, multiple directors, a soaring budget, and battles with the studio bureaucracy every step of the way. Alien 3 marked the feature directorial debut of music video wunderkind David Fincher. To this day, he disowns the movie and, despite being approached, refused to have anything to do with the extended cut and declined to be interviewed for the Alien Quadrilogy DVD collection. Ironically, Alien 3 also has (in my opinion) the best acting of all four films and one thing everyone involved agrees on is that Fincher did his best to shield his performers from the proverbial storm that was raging outside. Hey, so did we! [+] Read More...

Race Matters

In his run for the Presidency, Barack Obama stuck to the line that his race meant nothing. Supporters called him the first post-racial candidate, and of course, he became the first post-racial President. All's well that ends well. And then, buddy Eric Holder declared we weren't post-racial enough because we are cowards when it comes to speaking about race. Followed closely by the very American "Beer Summit." Guess it wasn't the end, after all.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rock The Vote--Or Maybe Not

The past few years we've all heard from the Democrats over the exciting development of the youth vote. Whoopee! They're coming out in force. They're going to change America with their enthusiasm. They love Obama and support his hopeychange entirely. They're the future! Recent reports indicate they are quickly becoming the past. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: Vanishing Point (1971)

Sometimes lousy movies are just plain lousy. Sometimes, they're lousy enough they actually become enjoyable in an odd sort of way. And sometimes, somehow, they hit on something that makes them fascinating. Vanishing Point falls into the last category. And interestingly, it’s what the movie doesn’t tell us that fascinates us. [+] Read More...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Captioning: Whip It Good. . .

Apparently, New Wave music is huge in Iran. Even Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a huge fan of Devo. He's such a big fan, in fact, that he's formed his own band AtomicKraftWerk. Here they are singing their new hit Dare to Be Stupid. . . wait, that's Weird Ahl's version. [+] Read More...

San Francisco Diary--Journal Of An Exile

Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these are "the sea lions are gone." The dual picture you're viewing is Pier 39 at Fisherman's Wharf about two years ago, contrasted with the same view today. No more fat, happy sea lions lolling around and giving the tourists a good laugh. And in case you're wondering, The City didn't discover they are Republicans and evict them. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ask Commentarama

Today on Ask Commentarama, we respond to a question from Scott about infrastructure.
Q. Is government spending on infrastructure a good idea?
Yes. . . if it’s done right. [+]


By Writer X

This is the type of gunfight westerns are made of but it won’t take place in Tombstone. It’s happening across Arizona. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

CPAC: Libertarians v. Religious Right

CPAC was much more interesting this year than usual. Not only did it signal the start of the Presidential race, but it signaled an interesting shift in conservative thinking, one which bodes very well for conservatives recapturing the majority of the public. It was also a change that has upset Mike Huckabee -- and he’s very wrong on this. [+] Read More...