Monday, February 8, 2010

Captioning: IQ Testing For Dummies

Before making his recent politically-incorrect point, Rahm Emanuel quizzed each member of the cabinet to test their ability to count to seven without the benefit of their second hands. Seen here, Timmay Geithner fails the test.


Anonymous said...

Five showing and four hidden jobs = 2,000,000 jobs created or saved. I think it's perfectly OK to cheat and use the other fingers. The picture of Geithner merely proves my point.

StanH said...

Would the F*$#ing Retard please raise your hand?

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, LOL!!

If it wasn't that, then Geithner is saying: "Stop, learn to use deodorant!"

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I think Geithner counts like the rabbits in "Watership Down" -- 1, 2, many, millions.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: True and accurate.

Anonymous said...

That's the poorest re-enactment of Spock's death scene I've ever seen! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, ROFLMAO! That was funny! I think you win the prize today!

Tennessee Jed said...

Emmanuel to Geithner - you effen retard, you're killin' us!

Geithner to Emmanuel - Talk to the hand, slimeball. I'll bet you actually paid your taxes, you idiot!

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, LOL! I could completely see that exchange!

patti said...

timmy: no?! that's not right? it has to be. it's exactly how i do my taxes...

(where be the intense debate?!)

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, we're having a sign up problem -- someone else already registered our site, so we're trying to work through that.

Writer X said...

I think Timmy was trying to push off Rahm's advances. After all, we saw how weirdly he went after Pelosi.

Stan, your comment made me choke on my coffee!! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, We may have our first sex scandal of the young administration. . . wait, I think they're already on one, maybe even two. Hmm.

Writer X said...

Andrew, I'm having a hard enough time bleaching the image of Rahm in ballet slippers and a tutu out of my head; Rahm and Timmy, together, will require a lobotomy.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, That would be a horrifically bad image -- kind of like our Naked Congressional Calendar that we have planned!

Writer X said...

LOL! And gross! Please don't let Schumer or Rangel get anywhere near the Commentarama photographers!

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Don't worry about that, I doubt I could get our photographers anywhere near either! ;-)

CrispyRice said...

OMG, you guys are cracking me up!

BevfromNYC said...

Timmay: Stop In the Name of Love, before you break my heart!

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