Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baseball - The Greatest Steal Ever!

For baseball fans, this week marked the 30th Anniversary of one of THE greatest steals in American baseball history. It was April 25, 1976 at Dodger Stadium top of the 4th inning... [+] Read More...

Chaplains For Atheists--Huh?

Leave it to the New York Times to find an absolutely ridiculous concept and treat it as a legitimate news story. This time it's the ultra-serious issue of whether atheists and secular humanists should have their own military chaplains. Now stop that giggling immediately. Everybody needs a place to get together and not pray while being led by somebody who knows the right way not to pray. [+] Read More...

Friday, April 29, 2011

OK, What Picture Would You Post----

---if you were writing an article about the future of circumcision in San Francisco? The loons in Crazy Town are just shy of having enough support to put an anti-circumcision initiative on the November ballot. This movement has been growing since my own son was born in 1972, and I gave serious consideration to the arguments against circumcision. In the end (no pun intended) I came down on the side of the practice for multiple reasons with which I will not embarrass my only son any more than I already have. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: Kick Ass (2010)

Kick Ass is a comic book movie about a teenage superhero wannabe (Kick Ass). Through a series of misunderstandings, he makes himself a target of a drug kingpin, who is being hunted by a foul-mouthed eleven year old girl (Hit Girl) and her father (Big Daddy). The critics called this film “ultra-violent,” “an explosion in a bad taste factory,” “quasi-porn. . . except there’s absolutely no ‘quasi’ about it,” and Roger Ebert called the film “morally reprehensible.” But they’re wrong. What’s more, I enjoyed it. Surprised?

Click Here To Read Article/Comments at CommentaramaFilms

Thursday, April 28, 2011

2012 Race Baiting Season Begins Early

Black voters apparently are incapable of making up their minds on issues, or so it would seem based on the efforts of the race baiting industry. Every election, they scurry around finding evidence of racism lurking in the hidden meanings of everything, and then they trumpet their “findings” to trick blacks into voting for liberals, i.e. the only people capable of slowing the tide of a return to slavery. Yesterday, apparently, was the start of the race baiting season for the 2012 election. [+] Read More...

Speak Ill Of Islam--Go To Jail

Or to hell, as demonstrated by the signs held by the English-as-a-second-language students of Osama bin Laden University in Dearborn, Michigan (I made that last part up). The publicity-hungry Pastor Terry Jones of Florida Koran-burning fame decided to take his act on the road. And he headed straight for one of the largest Muslim enclaves in the United States. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TV Review: Game of Thrones (2011-????)

HBO is running a new series called Game of Thrones. Generally, I’m a sucker for fantasy stories and I’ve liked much of what HBO/Showtime have produced in the past decade. But this one leaves me cold so far. I’ll give it a couple more weeks, but right now I’m finding it hard to care. [+] Read More...

The Re-Quotable Obama

There isn’t much in the news in the past couple days. . . [+] Read More...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Obama’s Easter Non-Message

Obama is unAmerican. He is the Anti-President. Obama is opposed to everything that Presidents are supposed to be. In fact, he goes out of his way to insult everything the country and all its prior Presidents hold dear. And now we have more evidence with his Easter non-message and his hateful new church. [+] Read More...

Happy Face, Happy Facebook

I'm not the fan of Facebook that so many others are. In fact, unless I get an e-mail telling me that somebody has commented on my home page, I can go weeks without looking at it. But this was too priceless to ignore. Conservatives have taken a page out of the left's Facebook Playbook. [+] Read More...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lie Down With Hamas--Rise Up Headless

Being an anti-Zionist or an apologist for Islamofascists is not enough to keep you safe in the Empire of Hamas (aka "Palestine"). One Italian was taught this lesson in a very permanent way last week. Vittorio Arrigoni was summarily executed by Hamas, for which he had been an ardent advocate. He didn't learn those lessons from the past about consorting with murderous ideologues. [+] Read More...

Conservatives Split On Taxes

There is a philosophical split right now between two groups of conservatives. On the one side are those looking to cut the power and scope of government. This group is led by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Ok), one of the most fiscally responsible conservatives in the Senate. The second group opposes tax increases. This group is led by Grover Norquist, founder of Americans for Tax Reform. Normally, I like and respect both men, but Norquist has gone off the deep end this time. [+] Read More...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Schadenfreude. And I Missed It!

You might think that is the famous San Francisco fog coming in over the Golden Gate. But you would be wrong. It's steam escaping from the ears of Barack Obama, Fundraiser-in-Chief. I knew I was leaving town too soon. It would have been worth sticking it out for another year in Sodom-by-the-Bay just to see the look on Obama's face when his people turned against him. [+] Read More...

Top 25: Westerns You Should Know

Let’s discuss the Top 25 Westerns you should know to be well-versed in Westerns. Westerns are one of the most distinct genres with storylines that can’t easily be translated to other genres, e.g. wagon trains and cattle drives. They are also the quintessential story of America. Picking the Top 25, however, is surprisingly difficult because Westerns have been a cultural battleground where left and right struggled to define American’s Mythology. This means the influence of individual films often was short-lived and coincided with cultural changes within the country, rather than coming from the film itself.

Click Here To Read Article/Comments at CommentaramaFilms

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Maybe It's NOT Good to Be King

It's good to be King!
from "History of the World, Part One"
by Mel Brooks
You think this is going to be about the upcoming nuptials of Prince William of Wales and Catherine "Kate" Middleton. Though  I can't wait to see what dress she wears, I will save that for next week. [+] Read More...

Obama Declares Class Warfare

Yesterday I discussed how the Obamists plan to extort big bucks from business. Today we'll discuss how they plan to pick the pockets of the ordinary taxpayer. You see, "taxpayer" applies to people who actually pay taxes. The Obamists apply "taxpayer" when they actually mean "tax-filer." About forty percent file their tax forms solely to see how much money they'll be getting from the fools who actually hand their money over to Uncle Sugar for redistribution to the filers. [+] Read More...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Opaque Obama Discovers Transparency

Barack Obama, like all good "reform" candidates, promised that his administration would be the most transparent in American history. It has turned out to be the murkiest since Richard Nixon's. Ignoring the facts and the evidence (along with ignoring Congress and the Supreme Court), Obama has unofficially decided that he will add a convenient "transparency" to his agenda. "Full disclosure" is the order of the day. [+] Read More...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Don't Like The Results? Burn A Church

Most Americans liked the movie Mississippi Burning,, though there was some serious grousing from the "civil rights establishment" that the FBI agents who were portrayed as solving the murders of three civil rights workers were all white. The movie was based on a true story, and truth confuses liberals. [+] Read More...

Leftists Sink To Vile New Lows. . . Again

Every time I turn around, the left sinks to new lows, especially when it comes to their Palin Derangement Syndrome, which is much viler than their Bush Derangement Syndrome, which is much viler than their Reagan Derangement Syndrome. Their latest spewage involves attacks on Sarah Palin’s down syndrome child Trig. And low doesn’t really describe it. . . subhuman is more accurate. So pardon my anger. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Film Friday: The Core (2003)

I’ve got a film on my mind: The Core. The Core isn’t horrible, but it’s not a good film either. Strangely, The Core has generally good writing, good special effects, some likeable characters, an interesting plot, and decent production values, but it's still not a good movie. Why? Because it’s lazy. [+] Read More...