Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Have An Eggroll, Mr. Goldstone

Goldstone lied, people died. I like the sound of that. But you won't hear that from the left or our friends in the Caliphate. South African Judge Richard Goldstone is the United Nations Human Rights Council member who wrote the outrageous "Goldstone Report" regarding Gaza and Israel starting with events in 2008. The pack of lies and anti-Israel propaganda was used by antisemites worldwide to damn Israel for defending itself.

Worldwide media hailed the report for its honesty and craftsmanship, including all the major American media. Nothing new there. Goldstone ignored all standards of investigation, law, fairness and ethics while condemning Israel and ignoring the acts of Hamas and the Palestinian Intifada. Hamas charged all kinds of horrendous human rights abuses, but Goldstone didn't call a single witness who could actually corroborate the charges. Goldstone had decided in advance, in keeping with UN habit, that Israel was guilty of deliberately killing civilians and committing war crimes.

During the period covered by the report, Hamas and friends lobbed rockets and of mortar shells into Israel, deliberately picking targets in highly-populated civilian areas. Israel responded with pinpoint attacks on Hamas strongholds, knocking out many of the ordnance locations. Hamas and the Palestinians place their armaments in the middle of their own populated areas, and the locals don't bother to get out of the way. So naturally, the attacks on the armaments resulted in a number of civilian casualties. Unfortunate, but also necessary. Hamas targeted civilians, but Israel targeted arms depots and Hamas strongholds, resulting in what is most often called collateral damage. In case Goldstone and the leftists haven't noticed, using civilians as shields and civilian homes as hideouts inevitably leads to unwanted but predictable civilian deaths.

Israel is scrupulous about investigating any possible human rights violation within its own ranks. After conducting an exhaustive investigation of the activities covered by the Goldstone, Israel (along with several neutral investigators) recently produced a counter-report with incontrovertible evidence, proof, and testimony. Unlike Hamas and the Islamofascist murderers, Israel actually found two instances where Israeli defense forces had exceeded the rigid rules of engagement which the government of Israel imposes on its military. Those involved are currently being punished.

The new report was so exacting and so ironclad that it showed the Goldstone Report up for what it actually was--a sham and a UN coverup of Hamas's murderous ways. Whether struck with conscience or merely embarrassed by his incompetent "investigation," Goldstone has now disavowed his own report. Goldstone went public with his non-apology apology in the Washington Post. The fact that the Post even printed it is surprising, since it tends to prove that they have been enabling Islamist lies and supporting a world peace organization that cares not a wit for actual peace (or truth, for that matter).

After admitting that his report was seriously lacking in all the fundamentals of a genuine investigation, Goldstone further stated that he could find no serious flaws in Israel's counter-report. He says he "regrets that his panel did not offer a fuller picture." Oh, his report was full, all right. Full of lies but absent any believable facts. He says that the counter-report proves beyond any doubt that civilians in Gaza were not targeted either intentionally or as a matter of policy. He neglected to mention that it did prove that Hamas regularly, intentionally, and as a matter of policy targets civilians.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is demanding that the UN formally repudiate the Goldstone Report. As he should. But Natanyahu is no fool, and I'm sure he's not holding his breath waiting for the UN or the Council to admit their purposeful defamation of Israel. Said Netanyahu: "There are very few instances in which those who disseminate libels retract their libel. This happened in the case of the Goldstone Report."

Now you know that the left and the Islamofascists are not going to take this lying down. Their former hero is now their demon. Goldstone has been called a "self-loathing Jew," a "traitor," and "an ignoramus who doesn't know the difference between antisemitism and antizionism." Ilan Pappe at Electronic Intifada calls Goldstone's statement a "shameful U-turn." But just like the original Goldstone Report, they offer no proof that he was right then or wrong now.

Note: For those not familiar with musical comedy, "Have an Eggroll, Mr. Goldstone" is a line from a song in the musical "Gypsy."


Tennessee Jed said...

very interesting post, Hawk. What I have found puzzling is how the Jewish American left (about 90% of all Jewish Americans) have seemingly abandoned Israel. The clear problem for them is that it conflicts with the fact the left is down on America and America is in the midst of a struggle with jihadists. If there is anyone more hated than America (the great Satan) it is the Jews and Israel. Only recently did I see Bill Maher even try to stand up to Islamic apologists.

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: The emergence of anti-Israel sentiment among American Jews seems to be in direct proportion to the number of years between the Holocaust, the founding of the Jewish state, and today's generation of liberals with no real knowledge of the Middle East. There was always a substantial minority of American Jews who were inimical to the creation of a Jewish state. But they fiercely advocated the right of the Jewish people to survive. Today, that anti-Zionism has merged into the international left's singular antisemitism. The two have become inseparable, and as a result, Jews on the left can be as critical of Israel as the best of the Muslim critics, and equally blind to the murderous intentions of the Islamic world. They simply seem to ignore the fact that if Israel were to disappear today, the enmity towards Jews would not be allayed one bit until Hitler's plans of extermination are completed by a new Holocaust.

patti said...

this piece started out with such promise: mmmmm, eggrolls!

and then you had to go all "left and the Islamofascists" on us, ruining a perfectly good lusting after some tasty chinese food.

as far as the douche goldstone, i'm shocked he "owned up" to the fact that he printed a bunch of damned lies. of course, i'm paraphrasing here...

AndrewPrice said...

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want an eggroll from the UN, especially if it was a Halah eggroll.

Anonymous said...

Patti: The Human Rights Council has issued its first resolution that doesn't include prohibition of "defamation of religion." Five to go, because with six, you get eggroll.

I think the reference was subconscious. I love my new place, but in SF I didn't have to walk more than two blocks in any direction for good, authentic Chinese food. Here, I have to book a tour.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I wouldn't accept a sealed package of Hostess Cupcakes from the UN for fear of what they've done with it.

T_Rav said...

I find it highly ironic that the leftists are saying Goldstone doesn't know the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. As far as I know, none of them have figured that one out either.

Anonymous said...

T_Rav: You win the big banana for uncovering a major truism about leftists and Israel-haters: Only the ignorant can so boldly criticize others for being ignorant.

T_Rav said...

LawHawk, it helps disguise their own ignorance. Just ask Helen Thomas.

Anonymous said...

T_Rav: I don't know about you, but I kinda miss her. She was an insane, babbling idiot with venom dripping from her every pore. But at least she was amusing. Admit it--do you find David Gregory half as much fun?

StanH said...

Goldstone is a leftist tool, that’s why the UN hired him. Boy, I’ll tell you, getting the UN the hell out of America tops my list. A local talk show dude has a great suggestion, too move the UN headquarters to Haiti - - in all their splendor they’ll have Haiti whipped into shape in no time.

“With Six, You Get Eggroll” Memories…cool movie.

T_Rav said...

LawHawk, I don't know if "fun" is what I'd call it, but sure, I guess you have a point.

Anonymous said...

Stan: And let us not forget that Obama feels that our first sojourn on the UN Human Rights Council was so successful that he wants to repeat it. Maybe we could put one of our judges on it this time, like, say, Cass Sunstein.

Anonymous said...

T-Rav: Except for the dyed-gray skunk hair, Gregory is really pretty boring compared to the great Helen.

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