Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Big 2.0!

Commentarama starts its third year today! Mozart made his first composition ("Ode to Diapers") when he was just five, so I guess we better get with it?! In any event, from all of us to all of you, thanks for being part of this! You can all have the day off!


Tennessee Jed said...

Great job Andrew, Hawk, Bev and the elves. I have very much enjoyed you folks; first over ar BH, but even more at your own place. Here's to many more!!!

patti said...

CONGRATULATIONS! you guys know how much i lurvs you. so happy that this site is such a success.

now, pass the bubbly...

JG said...

Yay! :) Thanks for sticking it out for two years. I've learned so much from y'all. Here's to another great one!

BevfromNYC said...

It's been 2 years already?? Why, it just seems like yesterday! Thanks Andrew and LawHawk for making it possible!! Three cheers and raise your glasses! Well, maybe it's too early...naaahhhhh!

And to our great and wonderful Commentarama-ians, free invisible t-shirts for everyone!!! [Well, I should check the inventory first, but I can't find it...]

Anonymous said...

Congrats guys!! I've mentioned before that this site is my daily dose of sanity. Keep up the good work!


StanH said...

My, how time flies. Well done to all involved.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Jed! And we've been happy to have you all here. In fact, it's the community here that makes this such a fun thing and keeps us going! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Patti! We do! And thanks for all the links over time and your unique insight!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks JG! I'm glad to hear we're educational! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I know, two years! Who would have guessed? It seems like only a few months ago that we started?

I think the invisible t-shirts are in the invisible storage room, but I'm not sure.... next to the weather machine. ;-)

P.S. Thanks to you too! I hate to quote Hillary, but it takes an eVillage to make Commentarama happen.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks TJ! We do try to be an ocean of sanity in an insane world! Or at least we try to offer a row-boat of sanity on the ocean of insanity!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Stan, And does time ever fly!

T-Rav said...

Woo hoo!! Thanks to all you guys for starting this great site! So glad I found it. Here's to another great year; I'm going to celebrate by sparing the kitten and shooting something else in the face.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, Thanks for joining us!

I'm sure the kittens will be glad to hear it. Might I suggest a snipe as an alternative target?

Joel Farnham said...

Great Job Guys.

Hope to be reading you guys for many years. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Joel, I hope we're writing for many years to come as well, and hopefully you'll all stick around too!

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: We were afraid we'd "go Hollywood," but after two years we've still maintained our sanity by having our own blog. LOL

Anonymous said...

Patti: Thanks. I'm opening the 7-Up right now. That is what you meant, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

JG: We're going into what might be the most important election year since the Great Depression. We have to survive for at least another year just to make the world safe for democracy.

Anonymous said...

Bev: Your contributions have been invaluable. Without your balance from the Big Apple we'd have fallen into the Pacific Ocean by now.

Anonymous said...

TJ: It's always comforting to have someone call us "sane" despite our own occasional doubts.

Anonymous said...

Stan: I'll soon be celebrating my first anniversary in Caliente after my escape from San Francisco. A year ago, I was getting a bit pessimistic about America's future. I've gotten that old optimism back, and as we go into our third year at Commentarama, with the help of loyalists like you, we'll be writing about the coming fundamental return to constitutional government.

Anonymous said...

T_Rav: My assistants Kitty Kelly and Beegee thank you profoundly from the depths of their little hearts. Niko the Wonder Pup is not quite as thrilled by your change of plans.

Anonymous said...

Joel: Thanks. Be assured we're too stubborn to go away.

AndrewPrice said...

Anybody notice Obama throwing Israel under the bus today? He is an utter disgrace.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - Would you expect anything less (or more) from Obama? He has been throwing Israel under the bus for 21/2 years now.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Nope, that's exactly what I expect from Obama. His seems to love throwing our allies under buses and he really seems to despise Israel.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Obama did his usual snooze-inducing hack professorial presentation, and I was ready to pronounce "more of the same" until he dropped the Palestinian State bomb. Now I'm too busy frothing at the mouth to say anything more about this crazy bastard. For now, at least.

rlaWTX said...

happy, happy anniversary/birthday!!! "... and many moooore!"

AndrewPrice said...

Hawk, I wonder if there's a point where people just get numb of his stupidity?

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, Thanks! Excellent singing! ;-)

Many more would be pretty cool....

BevfromNYC said...

rlaWTX - As long as the "many moooore" doesn't include a Michael! ;-)

Anonymous said...

rlaWTX: Thanks. I'm headed out to get the cake and ice cream right now.

StanH said...

HL Menken quote: ‘There is no genuine justice in any scheme of feeding and coddling the loafer whose only ponderable energies are devoted wholly to reproduction. Nine-tenths of the rights he bellows for are really privileges and he does nothing to deserve them.’ Despite the billions spent on an individual, ‘he can be lifted transiently but always slips back again.’ Thus the New Deal had been ‘the most stupendous digenetic* enterprise ever undertaken by man …. We not only acquired a vast population of morons, we have inculcated all morons, young or old, with the doctrine that the decent and industrious people of the country are bound to support them for all time. The effects of that doctrine are bound to be disastrous soon or late.”

Since this is a bit of an open thread, I thought I would post this, heard it on talk radio, and loved it. The guy could see the future.

rlaWTX said...

[Bluto was not included in the song...] [and I had Swenson's Butter Pecan ice cream at lunch - YUM!]

Law, do you ever regret putting yourself in a position (re this site etc) where you HAVE to listen to the TOTUS? I saw the articles on his address, and 1st thing I thought was, "rats, I gotta go see what he said!" and I am just a teensy plankton in the grand ocean of conservative talker-alotters
[y'all might be more like whale sharks, more fright than bite, but big enough and serious enough to get the job done]...
just a tiny little thought on this auspicious day ;)

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, Great quote! And I often wonder if they knew how the New Deal would turn out in 50 years, would they still vote for it or would they just tough it out and let the market put people back to work?

StanH said...

digenetic /di·ge·net·ic/ (di″jah-net´ik) having two stages of multiplication, one sexual in the mature forms, the other asexual in the larval stages.

Save you the trouble, Menken’s wonderful grasp of the English language.

StanH said...

One of the selling points of much of The New Deal was sold as temporary, and like Barry FDR was fully capable of arm twisting, stacking or altering the judiciary, etc. Many people who lived through “The Depression,” thought FDR was a saint, many much wiser new where it would lead, like Meneken - - and here we are.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, It's like the income tax. When they passed it, they said it would be temporary and would never get above 1%. Can you image 1%?!

But like all things the government touches, it became permanent and it grew and it grew and it grew. Now it's the monster that's eating our economy!

Anonymous said...

rlaWTX: It bothered me every day until I got the doctor to prescribe anti-nausea medication. Now, whenever I watch him, I just get angry but I don't throw up.

Anonymous said...

What? No Carvel whale-shaped cake to celebrate? :-)

I can't believe it's been that long. I assume I found this site via BH where Andrew was fast becoming one of my favorite commenters (along with LawHawk and TN Jed). I think my first comment was for Andrew's Brazil review.

I look forward to the next two years and beyond. There will no doubt be plenty of Star Trek and Simpsons references!

And on a more serious note, thanks for showing this independent that not all conservatives are as crazy as TV makes them out to be.

Anonymous said...

Scott: And we appreciated your film school articles. Thanks for your support and ongoing comments.

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, It's amazing how fast time can fly! BH really did us all a great service by bringing us together and I'm truly glad to have met everyone!

Believe it or not, I'm out of Star Trek references! Yep, used them all up. . . . just kidding. I don't think it's possible to run out of Star Trek references!

"not all conservatives are as crazy as TV makes them out to be"

LOL! You're welcome. In truth, I think the vast majority of conservatives are like the people you meet at this site, they're just not as vocal as the nuts. Indeed, I have to say, it's been a pleasant surprise to see how nuanced and thoughtful everyone who visits this site is. Some sites are over-run with people who do the knee jerk thing, but I can't think of anyone who does that here -- which is very refreshing and makes for interesting discussions.

Any hoo, thanks for bringing your independent views too. It's always good to hear from thoughtful non-conservatives.

Tam said...

Since this became a bit of an open thread with the Israel bull$hit, (grr, grr, grr, and GRR!!! That is about as articulate I can be on that subject at the moment) did you also see that the senate republicans successfully filibustered judicial nominee Edwin Liu? I don't know what happens next, but that was a bit of good news.

Tam said...

also, happy b-day/anniversary!

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I did see that and I was thrilled they stopped him. That's a big victory for America because they were grooming him to become the next Supreme Court nominee.

On the Israel thing, yeah, it's very annoying. He really needs to stop speaking. I just hope the Israelis don't take this lying down.

Anonymous said...

Tam: My Friday morning article will be about the Senate vote rejecting Goodwin Liu. I had written two versions in advance while waiting to see what would happen when the cloture vote was taken. Fortunately, I got to use the one I really wanted to use.

The simple answer to your question about "what next?" is that it's up to the Democrats. They can keep trying to get cloture so they can get an up or down vote (which they'll lose), or Obama can simply withdraw his nomination. The third and unlikely scenario is that Liu will withdraw his name from contention, but his personality seems to dictate against that possibility.

Tam said...

Lawhawk, I'm looking forward to Friday. It sounds like any outcome is a good one for America. Well done, Senate Republicans!

darski said...

OK, where did this come from??? I can't believe it has been that long.

I remember ready youse guys at the Bigs and always looked for what you had to say.

I still visit the Bigs most days but I am here fer shure every day.

Congrats and have at 'em

Anonymous said...

Darski: We owe a lot to Andrew Breitbart and Big Hollywood, but there's nothing like having complete independence and editorial control. Thanks for being a longtime and loyal reader and commenter.

T-Rav said...

Has anyone noticed the difference in how Obama talks to Israel versus the Palestinians? With Israel, he's always either "telling" them something or making demands; with the Palestinians, he's asking/pleading with them to change their ways. NRO kind of pointed this out today.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I'm not surprised in the least. He clearly sided with the Palestinians over the Israelis. This probably goes way back to the Palestinians joining the left in the 1960, so he probably feels affinity for his revolutionary brothers.

The interesting thing is that by declaring his fealty to the Palestinians, he's made it impossible for him to act as a mediator/advisor and to push both parties to the table. I would bet that Israel pretty much feels themselves free of any obligation to us until Obama leaves office.

T-Rav said... I guess Obama's speech has a silver lining to it after all, if Israel's just going to stop listening to him. But then, Fareed Zakaria just said that Obama gave a great speech and it's unlikely anyone in Israel will be offended by it, so what do we know?

On a lighter note, I'm going to put together my TV review over the weekend and email it to the site, so y'all can do with it what you will.

AndrewPrice said...

Well, if Zakaria said that, then I'm sure it's true. Of course, there have been a steady flow of nasty, nasty quotes about Obama coming out of Israel, but maybe we're just reading those wrong?

Please do send it. I've got a couple others already and I plan to officially open the site after Memorial Day.... I'm being like a Presidential candidate by refusing to say if I'm going to officially open it or not... but I will officially open it.

Andrew's Spokesman said...

What Mr. Price meant to say was that he has not made up his mind about if or when he would be opening the site and anyone who plays quotes of him saying anything different is part of a liberal, Washington D.C. establishment conspiracy to keep him from ever opening (or not opening) the site.

T-Rav said...

Andrew's Spokesman, will Mr. Price be emerging from the billowing smoke and dust of doublespeak and conspiracy to succeed in launching a film site where lesser mortals have failed?

Andrew's Spokesman's Spokesperson said...

Dear Mr. T-Rav,
Thank you for your recent inquiry. As the official Spokesperson for the Spokesman for Andrew, I have been directed to reiterate our earlier statement that "...[h]e has not made up his mind about if or when he would be opening the site and anyone who plays quotes of him saying anything different is part of a liberal, Washington D.C. establishment conspiracy to keep him from ever opening (or not opening) the site."

Rest assured that an exploratory committee has been formed and will be studying this situation and preparing reports. We continue to monitor the situation closely.

AndrewPrice said...

Great, now my spokesman even has a spokesman! LOL!

T-Rav, I fully plan to billow some smoke and emerge with the utmost doublespeak to dodge the partisan arrows intended to destroy the dream of a viable film site like no other and thereby bring forth unto this great land a Renaissance of enlightenment that will shine the light of truth onto a million points of light and populate the universe with intellectual unicorns of goodness.... assuming I am indeed opening the site, which I can neither confirm nor deny despite the fact the site is already up and I have committees working to prepare a huge statement on its opening. Yep, no one knows if I plan to open it....

rlaWTX said...

re spokesmen and spokespersons

I love y'all! :-D

Andrew's Spokesman's Spokesperson said...

That's "SpokesPERSON".

Thus, the beginning of a well-oiled bureaucracy is born...

AndrewPrice said...

Ugh. No wonder political campaigns get so expensive. Soon we'll be dealing with a SpokesPERSON's union. . . Talkers International.

darski said...

I love this place. Sanity is highly overrated!

Writer X said...

I can't believe it's been 3 years already!! Happy Birthday--and many many more!

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Thanks! Time really has flow! Hopefully, Commentarama will keep on going for a long time. :-)

darski, Sanity is indeed highly overrated.

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