Saturday, February 25, 2012

Question: If The World does end on December 23, 2012...

Tick, tick, tick...
As we all know, the world is scheduled to end on December 23, 2012. Well, that's according the people who think that the Mayans knew something that we do not know. Personally, I think the stone carver just got tired of carving in a circle, so he decided to just stop. The Mayans probably had it on their "to-do" list, but the Spanish Conquistadors got in the way and they just never got back to it. Or not. [Cue: scary, foreboding music...]

So, just for fun, and on the off chance that the Mayans might be right and the world will be ending on December 23, 2012 at precisely 4:44am, are you making plans?

For me, I am still on the fence about sending out Christmas cards. I mean, what would be the point really?

FYI: Broadway calls to me this afternoon, so I will be late in responding. Have fun!


AndrewPrice said...

I don't really have any plans yet for the end of the world, but it feels like something I should put on my to-do list. Of course, the smarter thing would be to build a means of escape. Perhaps I should add that to my to-do list?

BevfromNYC said...

Hey, it never hurts to plan ahead. But what happens if there IS no means of escape?

But then again, one more thing on my "to-do" list that more than likely won't not get done until 12/23/12 at 4:43 pm.

AndrewPrice said...

I have no answer for you yet, Bev. Apparently, my life is fulfilled?

On a side note, I've seen questions like this before where they ask people what they will do if we are all told the world will end. And so many of them say things that assume that everyone else will still be working right up through the end, e.g. "take a cruise."

Personally, I suspect most people will just get together and either (1) hang out in church, (2) hang out at a party, (3) hang out with their friends and family, or (4) watch television.

tryanmax said...

It would be easier to plan if I knew what to plan for. What sort of end-of-the-world are we talking about here? Is it an R.E.M. sort of ending, or just a Skeeter Davis finale?

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, If my Mayan translations are correct, it will be a plague of turtles roaming the Earth, devouring everything in their path.

Or it could be rabbits, I'm not sure on a couple words. ;)

BevfromNYC said...

See, tryanmax, that is a very good question. Will it just be a little Apocalypse or an all out Big Bang Earth Goes Super-Nova kind of deal?

Part of my plan involves chocolate cake and ice cream...

BevfromNYC said...


Anonymous said...

Well, all I can think of is having an early Christmas.

T-Rav said...

If it looks like it's really going to end, I foresee considerable bloodshed at my house. Because at that point, neither the kittens nor I will have anything left to lose.

AndrewPrice said...

Forget the kittens, we should all meet at Bev's place for a big old End of the World Chocolate Cake Party!


BevfromNYC said...

And T-Rav, what happens if God turns out to be a giant Kitten...he'd be sooooo mad at you.

Hey, Andrew, I like that - End of the World Chocolate Cake Party featuring an Apo-calypso band...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Now I'm thinking that Parrots will mark the apocalypse. LOL!

Future T-Rav said...

Ungh....don't do it, have no idea what you're getting into....cough, cough....

Future God Kittens said...

Take heed, T-Rav, we know where you are...

Kit said...

A KILLER Rabbit.

With Sharp, Pointy TEETH!

Zombie Andrew said...

T-Rav, Don't listen to Future T-Rav, the future is fine... just make sure you bring your braaaaains.

The Holy Handgrenade said...

What rabbit?

Koshcat said...

If the world is going to end and there is nothing we can do about it, why worry?

Does anybody else find it odd that they will tell you the Myans built their temples without the wheel yet they had their calendars on circular stones?

El Gordo said...

What´s the point if we don´t KNOW for sure the world is going to end? I could quit my job, spend my savings, move to Hawaii, stop shaving right now - but if the world does not end I´ll be screwed.

AndrewPrice said...

El Gordo, That's the problem. If you knew for a fact, you would definitely act differently than if it was just a possibility.

AndrewPrice said...

Koshcat, Good point! My guess is that the Mayans put some huge government agency in charge of making the wheels. That's why they never actually produced any... and those they did make are square.

tryanmax said...

Belated photoplasty: LINK

Skittlessooserious said...


Stephi said...

I personally don't think the world is going to end. I think that the person who was carving it either got tired of carving or died before he could finish. Though the past few months all the crazy things that keep happening... we'll just have to wait and see.

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