Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Captioning: Obama Fundraiser

Seen below are photos of Obama's most recent fundraiser with Democratic donors. Here Obama either promises to pass "double plus good financial regulation" or he's bragging about the highly addictive taste of Slurm. At least, that's what I think he just said.


Anonymous said...

I won't go with the obvious (ahem) so I will simply leave you with this...

"This is Barack Obama. He's a legacy from Chicago."

"Okay, this guy is a real zero. That's true. Think back to when you were freshmen. Boon, you had a face like a pepperoni pizza, right? And Stork here. Everybody thought that Stork was brain damaged. I myself was so obnoxious that the seniors used to beat me up once a week. So this guy is a total loser? Let me tell you the story of another loser..."

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, LOL!! Brilliant reference to Animal House!

Geithner 0.1
Biden 0.1
Obama 0.0

Anonymous said...

And this clip works too. :-) Actually, it works on a couple different levels but I think it's funny. NSFW language at the end.

AndrewPrice said...

Wow, that was "Leon" from Bladerunner under all that hair.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. It's a shame that actor (Brion James) passed away. I thought of his last line when I saw the photo but then I thought, "Obama... unions... there's something there."

I'm sure I'll have one more thing later.

patti said...

hand me the darts please...

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, He's one of my favorite character actors. He shows up in everything and I always liked him. It was sad to hear about his passing.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, That would make a good dart board wouldn't it?!

JB1000 said...

I saw the hands on the side and I was wondering if he was 'bragging' about needing both hands.

Wasn't there an old German movie from the 1930's call Metropolis that the Apple commercial was compared to?

As for the whole scene just label it Obama - Or Else!

Tennessee Jed said...

That picture just says 1984 to my eyes. Best case is Wizard of "O"

Tennessee Jed said...

The Hands on the side have a sort of Andy Sipowicz quality "ipso loco this!" (or some such thing.)

Skinners 2 Cents said...

My ego used to be this big.
Thanks to you sycophants, now it's this BIG!

Writer X said...

I think the hands symbolize the president's approval rating. Or is he auditioning for a role on "V"?

I'll go with the approval rating.

AndrewPrice said...

I like going with the idea that the hands are making the international symbol for "O" as in, "OMG what have we done!"

AndrewPrice said...

JB1000, The movie was Metropolis by Fritz Lang, and of course 1984.

Writer X, Are you suggesting Obama has green scales underneath his skin? I would believe that.

BevfromNYC said...

Look into my eyes...Marvel at their magnificents...You are getting sleepy...sleepy

Individualist said...


The Big Screen in the back...

Is that Barack or the Teleprompter.

I can't tell......

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, LOL! When people say that, it's usually a good time to check your wallet and run for your life!

AndrewPrice said...

Individualist, What's the difference? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ignore that man behind the curtain, Dorothy.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Don't you mean, "give generously to the man behind the curtain"?

StanH said...

“Excuse me Mr. President, you have a bugger hanging out of your nose!”

“Okay Mr. President we’re all standing, what next?” Moments pass into minutes, minutes too hours…

wahsatchmo said...

Barack Obama Voiceover over PA System: "This isn't about me..."

CrispyRice said...

LOL @ wahsatchmo!

It just makes me wanna run. Ugh.

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