Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Obama Who? Pelosi What? Never Heard of Them!

My how the mighty have fallen. In a few short months, Obama has gone from messiah to pariah. His agenda has gone from ambitious to noxious. And Nancy Pelosi. . . well, she’s never been able to show her face outside her home district. With the mid-terms fast approaching, the Democrats are finally showing some brains. . . by running away from the mess they’ve made and each other.

Think back a few months. Barack Obama was the Kool-Aid Savior. He could do no wrong. The MSM wept in his presence. Average liberals read “his” book, tried to find out what he ate on his pizza, had sexual fantasies about him, and drew him in Biblical poses. Remember that?

My how times change.

Did you know that when he went to Texas the other day, only one candidate was willing to be seen with him? The candidate for Lt. Governor. Everyone else (including Congresscritters) suddenly found themselves too busy doing anything else. And Texas is not unique. When Obama went to Wisconsin, Sen. Russ Feingold disappeared off the face of the planet. It seems that no one wants Obama to come to their districts to campaign for them! Indiana Democrat Joe Donnelly even released a new ad Monday that lumps Obama, Pelosi and House Minority Leader John Boehner together, labeling all three: "the Washington crowd."

Now think back on the Obama/Pelosi agenda. Do you remember how the Stimulus was needed to create jobs? Remember how that was going to be the centerpiece of their November campaign? Remember how they needed to pass ObamaCare to give the voters something to latch onto? Do you remember how that was going to be the centerpiece of their November campaign? Do you remember how the second, third and fourth jobs bills were going to be the centerpiece of their November campaign? Do you remember how financial regulation was going to be the centerpiece of their November campaign? You get the picture, right?

Well, get this. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.), who is running for Senate in Indiana, won’t mention health care reform. In Iowa, the Democratic candidate for governor is running ads attacking the Republican candidates’ health care plan for being too much like ObamaCare. Rick Boucher (D-Va) began his campaign by running ads highlighting his opposition to ObamaCare and Obama’s energy bill. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.) just did a two day swing through Democratic strongholds in South Florida without mentioning the Democrats’ legislative record.

And that’s actually the advice they’re getting from their handlers: whatever you do, don’t talk about the Democrats’ legislative record. Instead, they are being advised to focus on “shaking up Washington” and whatever new plan the Democrats can dream up to create jobs. Indeed, privately, Democratic strategists are admitting that their legislative record “has limited political benefit in swing districts.” Basically, it’s toxic in America.

Fascinating. Who could have possibly foreseen this? ** cough cough ** Commentarama readers ** cough cough **

So what does Nancy Pelosi say about this? We have no idea. . . Nancy’s gone into hiding. Over the last 20 months, Pelosi visited 21 states on behalf of members of her party. Here’s the catch: she hasn’t appeared publicly in any of them! Yep.

Like an ancient vampire, Pelosi has been doing fundraising, sucking donors dry, but carefully staying out of the light of day as she sucks. In fact, later this month, Pelosi will be doing private fundraisers in Dallas and Houston and the two Democrats who the fundraisers are for won’t even show up (Chet Edwards and Ciro Rodriquez). Can you blame them? As Eileen Smith of the Texas Monthly so nicely explained the problem: “Why doesn’t D.C. just send Satan down to campaign here?”

So “the most powerful speaker in history” is now about as popular as Satan. Nice.

But not everyone is happy with the Democrats’ new “run for your life” strategy. Party Chairman Tim Kaine says Democrats would be “making a mistake” to run away from Obama and the party. Actually, the mistake was everything they’ve done up till now. . . as Sen. Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) inadvertently admitted: “Everybody is in one boat. I’d recommend correcting the course of the boat rather than swimming away from it.”

Sorry Bob, that boat already sank and the rats are swimming for their political lives.


StanH said...

What we’ve witnessed in the last nineteen months is the culmination of forty years of the counter culture, conniving, and waiting for the stars to align, with large enough majorities in both houses, and most importantly their Manchurian candidate, Barry! They’ve now attached much of their policies to the body politic, the big question is can it be removed, they are counting on, “no,” …but like a cancer growing, and expanding. We all need to be prepared for leftist demagoguery of biblical proportions, racism. homophobia, sexism, for the children, etc. we all know the rattle. 11/2 is simply the first salvo in a long battle, to retake America from statist Washington. Let the games begin!

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, What's truly funny to me is that they've proven so inept. I don't mean policy-wise because their policies always have been destined to fail, but that they've proven so incapable of working together to put in place their policies.

BevfromNYC said...

Hey, did you know there were Democrats who won in the primaries yesterday? Yeah, big wins for Obama because Democrats won in the primaries...really, stop laughing. They really are touting yesterday as a big win for Obama too. Oh, yeah they forgot that those Democrats who won last night won against...well...other Democrats...because it was...well...a primary.

That's okay, I say let them have their fun. Maybe Democrats will forget to vote in November because they already have voted this year...

AndrewPrice said...

Great point Bev!

I think it's hilarious that they need to trumpet an "Obama victory" out of what is really an indecisive outcome in an intra-party civil war. It's no victory when you overcome insurgents within your own party. In fact, that's evidence of failure.

Moreover, I'm getting a huge kick out of the spin. Take the Colorado thing -- Romanoff stupidly didn't start running ads until recently, which is what caused him to surge in the polls. But most of the voting was done by mail and most people voted weeks ago when they sent the ballots out -- I think I got mine almost a month ago. So the polls didn't matter.

LL said...

Pelosi is simply scary to look at. Maybe she doesn't want to frighten the children and that's why she keeps out of the limelight.

Obama is toxic, Reid can't stay ahead of Sharon Angle, a political nobody, Pelosi is shunned, and the most ethical Congress ever can't raise above a 15% confidence rating in polls.

America needs some fundamental repair work.

AndrewPrice said...

LL, Very nice summation of the state of the Democratic Party!

And don't forget where they started from before the fall. Remember Obama with the 70% approval ratings that we were told would never fall?

I still think that Reid will lose. Pelosi won't because her district is insane. But Reid will because he's turned off too many people. I also see Obama losing, barring something bizarre on the part of the Republicans.

StanH said...

Ineptitude, is actually a liberal virtue. But lets be certain, there are thousands of beaurocrats busily enacting as much of their BS as possible. In other words don’t watch the bouncing ball, watch what they are doing. The conservative challenge is to be the proud party of “NO!”

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I agree. The bouncing ball is not just the elections, but everything going on at the agency level.

The good thing about agency action is that we can undo it by winning the presidency.

But even better would be stopping it through legislation that prevents it from ever restarting.

(P.S. Sounds like you all have a real barn burner down in Georgia!)

patti said...

ha! i wrote about joe donelly (a two-term dem) trying to convince folks HE'S not part of the "washington crowd" and FAILING.

barry is poison, no doubt. but the rest of them are tainted as well. time to go.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, That's the oldest trick in the book and they've dusted it off once again -- "I'm not with them, I'm an outsider!"

I love the idea of running on "shaking up Washington." Who is Washington if not the Democrats? Yes, let's shake them up. . . let's replace them with Republicans!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't happen to a "nicer" bunch of rats in my opinion. TJ

AndrewPrice said...

Tell me about it TJ! This isn't something that just happened to them, no matter how much they want to blame history ("mid-terms always hurt the part in charge") or the economy, this is something they brought upon themselves.

They set out to do things that the American public hated. They did it over massive public protests. They lied about it, they made up data, they demonized their opponents. . . and now they're paying the price for it.

If you want to know what the Obama/Pelosi legacy will be, just look at the fact that they can't show their faces in the country right now. That's their future.

Joel Farnham said...


I saw Reid played the race card over the weekend. He must be in desperate straits.

Maybe someone should give Obama a call and tell him, his favorite senator is on the ropes and needs his help. ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I think Pelosi and Obama should do a joint tour to support Reid! They can go with Hilter's corpse and Satan, and pass out doses of the plague as they go! ;-)

I saw him play the race card as well, and it just stuns me that he can get away with such blatant race-baiting and the media just ignores it. That's who really needs to be purged -- the media.

Of course, they've killed themselves, so we should just let them die off. (I see that circulation continues to drop even as everything else recovered.)

Anonymous said...

Andrew: If the Republicans take the House in November, that's the end of Pelosi's reign of terror. If not, I still think the Democrats may reevaluate their position on her leadership. But either way, her San Francisco district will continue to reelect her 'til she drops. She'll be gone from the leadership, but will still hang around like a bad cold.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I think you're right. She's safe in that district. As for her leadership role? Who knows. The problem is that it's the moderates who will be disappearing in this election. So the people who are left in the House may become even more pro-Pelosi. We can hope though!

StanH said...

Karen Handel conceded to Nathan Deal on late morning for the sake of the Republican Party in GA. Only 2400 votes separated them out of a million. She had the right to request a recount, but chose not too. If this had been a democrat, they would keep counting until they get the result that they wanted. The good news Nathan Deal is very conservative, and it’s time to unit and focus on defeating Roy Barnes the democrat.

StanH said...

I mean “unite!”

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, It sounded like conservatives couldn't lose no matter who won that race. Good luck winning the governorship!

And you're right about the recount. In fact, I think a Democrat has already demanded one in Minnesota (though I just scanned the headline). If so, that could be our first recount demand of the season. Presumably, the legal teams will follow.

BevfromNYC said...

I think that is just part of the voting process in Minnesota. They campaign, they vote, they count and recount the votes and whoever runs out of money to pay for recounts first loses...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I wouldn't be surprised. It sounds like the process also including various vote counters putting ballots into the trunks of their cars and driving them around for a few days until they ripen.

rlaWTX said...

you know it's bad when Texas Monthly comes out against the Dem/lib!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

(and maybe Satan showing up in TX accounts for our temperatures spiking up!!!)

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, And here I thought it was global warming? LOL!

Ed said...

Finally a little good news after a long day working for the man!

Did you see what Harry Reid said about Hispanics? When is that guy going to resign in shame?

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, Yeah, I saw that. Nice huh? Of course they aren't going to really question it because he's a Democrat. That's the way our media work.

JB1000 said...

More news from Minnesota. The Democrat candidates for Governor started running attack ads against the Repulican candidate before the Democratic primary occured. And the ads mentioned Tim Pawlenty and Sara Palin as much as they did Tom Emmer, the actual candidate. I am a little surprised they did not mention the Tom Emmer - Richard Nixon connection (They are both Republicans!)

The problem with a Democrat vs. Democrat recount is the election judges don't know who they are supposed to cheat for.

AndrewPrice said...

JB1000, That's true.... this recount could drag on forever as they try to figure out which way to cheat?

As for the attack ads, I'm sure the Nixon ads are coming. . . so are the Hitler ads. He was a Republican right? I think Pelosi said that once.

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