Saturday, July 18, 2009

Captionating. . .

According to the Commentarama Science Division, a rare but not-unbelievable scientific event occurred last night at 3:30 am EST. Apparently, the Earth accelerated in its orbit, causing the planet to literally pull away briefly from everyone on the back side of the Earth. The photo below captures the effects of that moment. At least, we think that’s what happened. If not, you tell us what is going on. Give us a caption for this photo. . .

* Special thanks to USArtguy, whose idea we have totally stolen, without giving him even a hint of credit.


Anonymous said...

Always Refreshing. Never Filling. Drink Beijing Lite Beer (Or Else!)

JG said...

No caption, but that's an amazing shot.

AndrewPrice said...

Here's one:

"Chinese Police Test Invisible Bus"

BevfromNYC said...

The Red Army's auditions for "Peter Pan"

StanH said...

Simon says …jump!

ScottDS said...

Would the Earth tilt off its axis if everyone in China jumped at the same time?

StanH said...

We jump like little bunnies -- weeeee…

StlDan said...

Yes Sir, Chairman Obama.

AndrewPrice said...

"China Gets A Jump On Crime?"

Or if you're a Pointer Sister's fan: "Jump for Mao's Love"

Writer X said...

Is this what travel will look like after Cap and Tax?

Tennessee Jed said...

"Aye Captain it's true, I believe the Romulans have time travelled back to 21st century earth to lend their cloaking device to the Chinese for their unicycles."

Suzie1 said...

EEK! A Maose!

ScottDS said...

Tennessee Jed - I'm a big Trek fan, so score one for you!

Suzie1 - ha!!

AndrewPrice said...

Suzie1 -- brilliant!

Jed, I also love the Trek reference.

USArtguy said...

Little green (uniformed) men from space have finally arrived!

AndrewPrice said...

That's a long jump USArtguy. You'd think they had a transporter!

Mike Kriskey said...

Warning: excessive consumption of bok choy may cause flatulence.

DCAlleyKat said...

Movin on the white house!

BevfromNYC said...

Rehearsals for the Red Army's Hord's-A-Leaping segment in "12Days Of X-Maos" Pageant.

Anonymous said...

When the beloved leader yells "Jump"....


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