Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Question: Travel?

According to the Simpsons, "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man." But travel embiggens the mind. What was your favorite country to visit, and why, and what country do you still want to visit to have your mind further embiggened? Bonus points if you can tell us something they have, that we don't, that you think we should have here.

There Will Be Anarchy

When last we discussed the swine flu. . . er, H1N1, you may recall the World Health Organization’s marketing-driven declaration that we were all going to die. Well, they’re back. Apparently, the nebulous death threat wasn’t working, so now they’re warning that the H1N1 not only brings death, it brings anarchy -- the two swine of the hampocalypse -- and they’ve included a ransom demand. I’d tell you all about this, but I’m still feeling too lazy, so I’m just going to reprint this article too. . . [+] Read More...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Captioning: "Sweet, um, Nothings"

Rumor has it there is a little hanky and some panky going in the old White House. Seen below, Obama and Hillary during a recent "working dinner" at The Love Club in Manhattan. It looks like Obama just told a joke: "What do you, um, do with an, uh, elephant with three balls?" Or he might be talking shop: "How about them, uh, Hondurans." But I'm not good at lip reading, so you tell me what they're talking about. [+] Read More...

Through The Legal Looking Glass--The Nine Gray Eminences

Chief Justice John Glover Roberts was born on January 27, 1955 in Buffalo, New York. He is the son of John Glover Roberts and Rosemary Podrasky, an American-born woman of Czech extraction. His father was a plant manager with Bethlehem Steel. The family moved to Long Beach, Indiana when young John was in second grade. He attended Notre Dame Elementary, and the La Lumiere School, which is a Roman Catholic boarding school in LaPorte, Indiana. He has three sisters--Kathy, Peggy and Barbara. [+] Read More...

What’s Old Is New Again

By Writer X

When I’m not writing, I’m reading. And when I’m not reading, you’ll usually find me at a bookstore. And it’s not just because one of my favorite local bookstores serves the absolute best snickerdoodle cookies and iced coffees, although that certainly doesn’t hurt. It’s just that I consider reading and visiting bookstores as much a part of my “day job” as writing books. [+] Read More...

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Problem With "Megan’s Law"

Several weeks ago, I read an article in the Economist that criticized the way sexual offenders are registered in the United States. With the arrest of Roman Polanski yesterday in Switzerland on an American warrant, I figured this might be a good time to talk about this. [+] Read More...

Not All Moonbats Are At The United Nations

At least one international moonbat is holed up in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Who's the man behind the ten-gallon hat, you ask? Why it's none other than Manuel Zelaya, former president of Honduras and hopeful future president-for-life of the same beleaguered Central American republic.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rebuilding The Republican Party: Minority Outreach

Today we return to our Rebuilding the Republican Party series. One of the issues that has befuddled the Republican Party is minority outreach. There is no inherent reason that half of all minorities should not be Republicans -- most racism occurs on the left (as it has historically), Republican policies are not anti-minority, and Republicans can hardly be called unwelcoming to minorities. Yet, Republican outreach doesn’t work. Here’s why and how to fix it. [+] Read More...

Ted Reaches Out From The Grave

The People of the Commonwealth of Massachussets have spoken. Ted Kennedy has an immediate successor. Well, the people haven't exactly spoken. Ted Kennedy gave his Democrats marching orders before going to that great swimming hole in the sky. "Change state law and get a Mini Me into office in time to vote on socialized medicine!" And it came to pass that the legislature did that and the governor signed the bill. [+] Read More...

Question: Favorite Sport?

With football season, hockey season and curling season upon us, it’s time to find out what everybody’s favorite sport is and why? We need the info for our records. Do you follow your college basketball team? Your local pro-football team? Or that cool luge team that mows your lawn for beer money in the off season? Fill us in, help us complete your dossier.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Leadership From Dummies: Eric Cantor

I want to be a Republican. I believe in much of what the Republican party stands for. But they make it so very hard. Our party seems to be cursed with a leadership that consists of weak-kneed hacks, incompetent bumblers, and fools. I wouldn’t hire a single one of them to represent me in my personal affairs, yet I am stuck with these idiots representing my views in politics. This does not make me happy. The latest example of their endless stupidity? Heir-to-the-throne Eric Cantor. [+] Read More...

Obama Drops A Bomb

President Barack Obama is congratulated by his fellow UN peacemakers for ending the nuclear arms race, bringing love and brotherhood to the world, and starting the final dismantling of the weapons which previously threatened to destroy the planet. Presiding over the UN Security Council, Obama single-handedly brought about non-proliferation and the destruction of all existing nuclear devices. And you thought he wasn't the Messiah! [+] Read More...

Friday, September 25, 2009

The United Nations Serves A Purpose After All

I'm going to take a small side road away from my conservative friends and suggest that the United Nations does indeed serve a purpose. Yesterday's performances demonstrated that fact, in spades. I'm not sure it's worth the billions of dollars we burn supporting it, but then how can you put a genuine value on great theater? Or maybe I should say comic opera. The greatest collection of comedy stars since they broke up the Hollywood Studio System was gathered yesterday in one grand forum that was seen by the entire world. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: The Game (1997)

The Game is an intelligent noir-style psychological thriller directed by David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club) and staring a super talented cast led by Michael Douglas, Deborah Unger and Sean Penn. It is a fascinating character study hidden beneath the veneer of a twisty-puzzle movie. I recommend this movie highly, though for reason that I’ll explain, you might not “like” it. [+] Read More...