Saturday, September 12, 2009

Live from New York, It's...well, Washington DC!

New York City will have to wait 'cause this weekend I'm in Washington D.C. at the National Tea Party! Watch for me. I'll be the one carrying the sign!

So I've spent the morning trying to come up with clever slogans for my signage. You can't be a proper protestor without clever slogans. And now I'm off to Freedom Square somewhere on the "Red Line" to gather for the March to Capitol Hill. Then it's chanting and cheering for a better America in front of the Capitol Building all afternoon! More when I get back...


AndrewPrice said...

Good luck Bev! I underdstand the Boiler Room Elves are down there already (they escaped from the boiler room yesterday).

How's this for a slogan:

"Mr. President, Read Commentarama, You Might Learn Something"


"Mr. President, Tax Thyself"

AndrewPrice said...

FYI, the elves have called with an update. CNN is reporting there are "500 people" but...

The elves report that the metro was standing room only. Which I can tell you has only happened one time in my time in D.C. and that was the million man march (around 200,000 people).

They are also hearing estimates of between 200,000 and 400,000 people. Apparently, the mall is quickly filling up and spilling over into side-streets.

And I am so proud of them (don't tell them though) -- they're carrying a sign that says:

"The Public Option Is A Snowejob"


Anonymous said...

GO BEV ! Keep us posted on the activities. We right-wing demagogic astroturfing traitors want news, news, news about the rebellion!

Writer X said...

Way to go, Bev! Thanks for reporting what the MSM refuses to do.

patti said...

I am SO envious! GO BEV!!!

How about: Mr. President: YOU LIE! Censure that!

Mike Kriskey said...

Good for you, Bev!

BevfromNYC said...

Oh, my God - I have never been so proud to be an American as I am this day! And I've been very proud so far.

The itinerary said that we were all to meet at Freedom Square starting at 9am and at 11:30 we would start the march down Pennsylvania Ave. to Capitol Hill. I thought I don't want to arrive early and be the first one there, so I took the "Red Line" at about 9. I got off the train and turned the corner and there were already THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE gathering. They had to start the march at 10 to make room for the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people pouring in. Fox News reported about 1.5 MILLION people were there. CNN reported 500. Finally we heard that ABC verified the 1.5 MILLION. There were people everywhere. I will post pictures as soon as I get back to NY tomorrow. I was stunned, thrilled, and proud to be an American today!

PS - Because we are good law-biding Conservatives, there was no trash left on Capitol Hill this day! The ground was spotless!

Anonymous said...

Bev: Great! It was clear from every station that I jumped to that the rally was a rip-roaring success, and the final number, whatever it is, will be BIG!

StanH said...

Very cool Bev., I’m jealous. Give’em hell!

CrisD said...

Thanks, Bev! Full report, please! Too busy to make it myself but my prayers were with the crowd all day!

StanH said...

Yeah Bev, I second CrisD! I’ve been to three Tea Parties, nothing like that, full report please : )

patti said...

bev, i have chills. well done fellow conservatives. god bless america and the movement that could.

Writer X said...

Bev, cannot wait to read a post from you when you get back!

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