Monday, November 30, 2009

Health Care Reform Summarized. . .

With the health care debate beginning in the Senate today, Washington is going to smell distinctly like a cattle yard. Let’s summarize everything you need to know about health care (in one simple to swallow article) so that you can confidently call ”El Toro Kaka!” whenever you hear your Senator drop some. [+] Read More...

Question: Too Much Love In The World?

Let's reverse last week's question. Who got together, in films, books or television, that never should have? Whose happiness ruined your viewing pleasure?

Outrunning The Delta Smelt--Never Surrender

Although it hasn't made any of the mainstream media slots, the governmental/ecofreak alliance's attempt to kill California agriculture has not been forgotten either by the beleaguered citizens of California's Central Valley or a spontaneous nationwide network of sympathetic ordinary citizens. If you are not familiar with the artificially-created water shortage in America's most productive agricultural region, move over to our "recommended reading" list in the right-hand column, and click on The Fish That Conquered California. [+] Read More...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Liberals Betrayed By Obama!

In October of this year, I did an article, the third in the series actually, outlining the way liberals think. In that article, I explained that liberals put their faith in their leaders, not their ideas. This is why they can repeat the same old mistakes time and time again without learning a thing -- because they conclude that the failure was the result of poor leadership rather than a flawed theory. Well, things are about to turn ugly for Obama. [+] Read More...

The Great Land Grab Continues--ACORN Helps

The Supreme Court's unconscionable Kelo decision continues to wreak havoc in states which have not passed legislation preventing government takeovers of private property for "public purposes" rather than the constitutionally-allowable "public use." That stylized "ghost" picture you see at the right is the proposed Atlantic Yards project superimposed over the existing private property being grabbed from those pesky "poor people." [+] Read More...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Film Friday: The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008)

This film is the greatest film of all time. You must see this film. Indeed, they should force school children to watch it. Forget the original, the new The Day The Earth Stood Still, staring Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, imparts just the kinds of values we need in this horrible, capitalist world. [+] Read More...

Next, They Came For The Frontline Fighters

Our prissy President and his prissy military officers have decided that as long as we're going to bring foreign terrorists into the United States civilian courts for show trials, why not make the package complete? Let's gut the ability of our bravest and toughest to wage war overseas and get information out of murderous subhumans who attack civilians and military alike with no regard for any of the rules of civilization. [+] Read More...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Stimulus? They Got Nothin'

On Thursday, Obama will be hosting a “jobs” summit at the White House. This morning, they gave us a peek of what they are planning. Apparently stupid pills were on the Thanksgiving menu. [+] Read More...

San Francisco Diary--Journal Of An Exile

As promised, I'm going to continue with opening pictures of sights other than the ubiquitous Golden Gate Bridge (at least until I run out of them and return to the most notable symbol of the City by the Bay). Pictured is Coit Tower, visible from almost every spot from downtown to Fisherman's Wharf, high atop Telegraph Hill. In front of the tower is a statue of Columbus, holding out his hand toward the great unknown west. He thought he was looking toward China. Since the tower overlooks the largest Chinese community outside China, he might have concluded he was right if he came to The City today. [+] Read More...

Captions: Baby Got Back...

When people say they want to see the back end of this administration, I don't think this is what they had in mind. . . You know, for a rice-fed Kenya boy, our President has quite the caboose. Let us all take a moment to admire the Presidential Posterior (POPOTUS). Do you think those are implants? [+] Read More...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

American Idioms (Revised)

Weekends and holidays are the best times for politicians to release bad news. That makes today the perfect day. And boy do we have a doozy scoop for you! It seems that Team Obama is going to use the cover of this great holiday to announce a new program called The Media Cooperation Program. [+] Read More...

Happy Thanksgiving

Today's a big day for the family, friends and general all-around, well, giving of thanks. Thanks for our bounty, even in hard times. Thanks for a nation that still allows us to make choices. Thanks for the freedom to believe that there is a God who watches over us all, and who feeds His children. Raise the song of harvest home. All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Thanksgiving Message From Joe Biden

** Editor's Note: Today we have a very special guest, Vice President Joe Biden. Mr. Biden asked if he could give a Thanksgiving Address to our readers. Who are we to refuse.

I’d like to thank the good people of Contentarama for letting me address you good people on this great American holiday. [+] Read More...

Question: Turkey Day Memories. . .

Tell us what you like most about Thanksgiving? What are your favorite memories? What are your favorite foods? Did anyone else watch the MST3k Turkey Day marathons when they were on?

Illinois Congresswoman In Honduran Wonderland

The smiling face you see in the photo is the first Democrat Congress Critter to visit Honduras since the U. S. president declared the Honduran constitution void. Numerous Republicans have made the trip on fact-finding tours, but it took a Democrat finally to go down there on a fact-fabricating tour. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Conservative Litmus Test?

Should the Republican National Committee require Republican candidates to pass a litmus test before it helps those candidates financially in their races? Indiana Republican James Bopp Jr. thinks so. On Monday, he began circulating a proposed resolution that imposes such a litmus test. I like the idea, but I’m not thrilled with Bopp’s execution. [+] Read More...

Welcome To The White House, Honored Guests

It's hard to believe, but after eleven months in office, President Barack H. Obama has taken a recess in his global surrender tour to have his very first official State Dinner. The honored guest is the prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh. The rest of the guests will be the usual suspects, but they'll all enjoy the refurbished White House where the dinner will be held (see photo). [+] Read More...

THE WILD, WILD WEST: A State of Contrasts

By Writer X

Something a little different today. Cue the cowboys and happy trails.

Rather than write about books and publishing this week, I wanted to write about Arizona politics and attempt to explain why RINOs like John McCain continue to get elected in my adopted state. I don’t claim to have all the answers but I do have more than a few opinions and observations and even a few facts. [+] Read More...