Monday, November 30, 2009

Question: Too Much Love In The World?

Let's reverse last week's question. Who got together, in films, books or television, that never should have? Whose happiness ruined your viewing pleasure?


BevfromNYC said...

[I am commenting from AA Flight 721! Let's hear it for inflight WiFi!]

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog - Interspecies dating never works out.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

The two guys from Brokeback Mountain.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Very cool!

ACG, LOL! Well played!

Anonymous said...

ArmChairGeneral beat me to it.

AndrewPrice said...

All in all, I wasn't thrilled with Maxwell Smart and 99 getting together, that kind of killed the show.

And I wasn't thrilled with that whole Obama / Helen Thomas thing. . . or did I imagine that?

Game Master Rob Adams said...

"Obama / Helen Thomas thing. "


ScottDS said...

The first thing I thought of was Roger Moore and Grace Jones in A View to a Kill but it's been a while and I can't honestly recall if they hooked up or not. (He ends up with Tanya Roberts at the end of the film.)

I didn't think Max and 99 getting together hurt Get Smart that much, but I know I'm in the minority on that one. And there are still some good episodes in that last season. One of my guilty pleasure episodes featured Vincent Price as the KAOS "mad pharmacist." :-)

JG said...

Mulder and Scully. One of the many, many things wrong with the 2nd movie. It just doesn't work.

Writer X said...

I DREAM OF JEANNIE. I liked it better when Jeannie irritated Larry Hagman from inside her very cool 60's pink genie bottle. When they got married, that sort of ruined the fun.

AndrewPrice said...

JG, I agree completely (horrible movie and the whole getting together thing seemed exploitive to me).

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I'd forgotten about that -- good call!

CrispyRice said...

Bev, to this day, the frog says it never happened.

I agree with Mulder and Scully.

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