Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Weekly Bidenism Reidism

Stupidity never sleeps. So with Joe Biden taking the week off, others have stepped up to the task of being the village idiot. Harry Reid has made a particular strong case, echoing racist sentiments formerly expressed by Joe himself. Thus, this week Harry Reid guest stars on a very special The Weekly Bidenism. . .

By now you’ve probably heard about a book coming out Monday called “Game Change.” This book, about the 2008 campaign, contains a series of interesting behind the scenes quotes about Sarah Palin, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and others. One of those “others” turns out to be Harry Reid. Dingy Harry was caught explaining what he liked about Sen. Obama. Basically, he praised Obama privately as being:

"a light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
This has shades of Joe Biden’s description of Barack as the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking.” Sounds like they were smitten doesn't it? In any event, just as Joe’s words inform us that he views blacks as dirty, ugly and in articulate, Reid’s words bespeak a man who sees blacks as too dark and incapable of speaking without a “Negro dialect.”

Interestingly, in December of 2009, this same Harry Reid who doesn’t like dark skinned blacks who speak with Negro dialects stoked racial hatred by comparing those who oppose his socialist health care plans to those who opposed the abolition of slavery:
"Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is ‘slow down, stop everything, let’s start over.’ If you think you’ve heard these same excuses before, you’re right. When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug their heels and said ‘slow down, it’s too early, things aren’t bad enough.’"
Yep, they were called Democrats.

After Reid learned that his words would appear in the book, he raced out Saturday while everyone was busy watching football to issue an apology. Naturally, the MSM covered this story. . . for about three tenths of second before moving on to attack Republicans.

But with Reid trailing each of his three possible challengers by around 10%, and with approval ratings around 35% and disapprovals just creeping over 50%, this may be the nail that seals the coffin on Reid’s crooked political career.

And what a career it’s been. For example, he’s done so much to lower the level of debate in this country. In 2002, Sen. Sauvé said of President Bush:
"President Bush is a liar. He betrayed Nevada and he betrayed the country."
Three years later, Sen. Civic said this about President Bush to a high school civics class:
"The man’s father is a wonderful human being. I think this guy is a loser."
Of course, that was before Dingy Harry learned the value of civic discourse, something he likes to claim is lacking in his opponents.

But Harry’s despicability goes beyond name calling. In 2007, he traitorously declared the war in Iraq “lost.” He predicted that the surge would not work, and he all but accused Bush of wasting American lives. . . by accusing Johnson of the same thing:
"I believe this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything. . . Johnson did not want a war loss on his watch, so he surged in Vietnam. After the surge was over, we added 34,000 to the 24,000 who died in Vietnam."
Sadly for Harry, we did not lose in Iraq despite his best efforts. Harry also seems to have forgotten his criticism by the time Obama promised to expend as many American lives as necessary to run away from Afghanistan.

Harry, by the way, was one of only a few Democratic Senators to vote against a Senate proposal to condemn Harry’s friends for their New York Times “General Betray Us” ad.

Harry also. . .
• Complained that tourists smell: "My staff tells me not to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway. In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true."
• Told the Las Vegas Review-Journal: "I hope you go out of business."
• Caused a mini-stock market panic by declaring: "One of the individuals in the caucus [discussing the bailout] today talked about a major insurance company. A major insurance company -- one with a name that everyone knows that’s on the verge of going bankrupt."

The next day, his spokesman had to explain: “Senator Reid is not personally aware of any particular company being on the verge of bankruptcy. He has no special knowledge about a bankruptcy nor has he talked to any insurance company officials.” So basically, he made up a phony bankruptcy claim to scare investors?
• Admitted that he "[hasn't] read a single one" of Sonia Sotomayor’s opinions despite praising her legal writing.
• Said of Ted Kennedy's death: "I think it’s going to help us."
• And in August, he declared: "We have a problem in America and it’s called the private insurance industry."
Personally, I say the Senate is a bigger problem, as is the racketeering organization known as the Democratic Party and its rotten leaders. But maybe that's just me.


Tennessee Jed said...

What an incredible idiot. Now if this were Tent Lott, the calls for resignation would be rising to a crescendo night after night or at very least stepping down fromM.L. post. No matter, he's gone, gone, gone next November.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, You're absolutely right. The left was calling for Lott to step down for far less that this.

I really hope he goes down in 2010 -- couldn't happen to a nastier guy.

StanH said...

Reid is an especially nasty little weasel, and suffers from loose tongue disease. If this were a Republican we’d be making preparations for a burning at the stake. It does look like he’s got a political drubbing coming in November, if he makes it that long.

Congratulations Bev and Writer X, your football teams are moving along in the playoffs. With one proviso, if Bev is a Jets, or a Giants fan?

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I think Bev is a Cowboys fan, so you're still sort of right!

I agree about Reid, he's a total weasel. I'm really looking forward to election night 2010!

StanH said...

I stand corrected I do believe Bev did state that she is a “Cowboys,” fan.

Writer X said...

Reid is the village idiot. According to recent polling, I'm pretty sure a toaster could beat him in the next election. And rightly so.

P.S. Yes, allow me to gloat. The AZ Cardinals won!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not before giving their fans heart attacks. What a game!

AndrewPrice said...

Let's hope somebody has the right toaster! ;-)

BevfromNYC said...

Okay,while I have a connection...

Harry is an idiot. I'm tired of Harry's idiocy getting explained away and apparently his constituents feel the same way.

BTW - I confirm that I am a rabid Cowboys fan. YEY! The win was particularly sweet, 'cause it would have really just been wrong if Michael Vick got a chance at a Superbowl ring...
YEY for the Cardinals too,Writer X.

The Jets - puh...

Anonymous said...

WriterX: I left the game at half-time, figuring this was a blowout. I came back about halfway through the fourth quarter. Holy Smoke! That game was a lot of fun to watch.

Andrew: This is nothing short of a dog-and-pony show for illiterates and leftist fools. I know we all want Reid to go down to ignominious defeat, but it would be sort of vengeful fun to watch him lose it all nationwide and still have to go to the Senate chambers every day. Karma of the highest order.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I've considered that too, but I would rather he was just gone. Pelosi can stick around and suffer in the minority! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, It annoys me to no end as well that they give Democrats a pass for these things, but get bent out of shape when a Republican does something even a tenth as bad.

It's time for the Republicans to start laughing off ALL Democratic criticism of any sort: "You excused Harry Reid and Joe Biden, so you have no credibility here. . . go away."

Anonymous said...

Reid makes me sick. I so want to see him tossed out on his butt.

Joel Farnham said...

Is it better for an ex-speaker to go down in flames in November or a speaker?

AndrewPrice said...

I agree Anon, Reid makes my skin crawl!

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I'd like to see him stay as their leader because I think that otherwise they will get a grace period that they don't deserve. Reid is becoming an Albatross around their necks, so let's keep him there until the election.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - I think you make a good point. It's time for Republicans to laugh off these minor verbal indisgressions as silly diversions. Joel makes a good point that a current Majority leader losing his election says much more than an ex-leader.

The only other comment I will make - If Reid were from a Southern state and had used the word "Negro" in any context, Sharpton and Jackson would have wanted his head on a platter. Just saying...

AndrewPrice said...

You're absolutely right Bev. There is a major double standard out there.

CrispyRice said...

Thanks for the collective wisdom of Reid, Andrew!


AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, I guess I should have mentioned -- "do not take internally"!

Game Master Rob Adams said...

Hypocrisy is a liberal supporter who masks himself as a moderate playing the race card when one says that MLK would dislike Obama today. Then that person mentions Trent Lott but refuses to mention Harry Reid in the same context. Oh I forget that Reid didn’t mean to insult black people and that it is all good now so we can forget about it. Is this so? Well what’s good for Lott is good for Reid. Or is the Democratic party still playing word games by saying “Hey, mistakes happen let’s move on.” all the while calling for the heads of Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Bill O’Reily, Rush Limbaugh, etc. To my mind people should be able to say whatever they want to say. Their jobs shouldn’t be based on being careful to be politically correct. I think that calling for the heads of everyone who disagrees with you or isn’t hip in your mind or progressive enough or conservative enough is tripe. Trust me the people will respond to offhand racial slurs on both sides of the aisle. He might not resign willingly but you can bet that most Democrats won’t allow him to run again after saying such bile. It is funny that when conservatives play the liberals games they get called names and told that the offenders didn’t mean what they said/did, etc, but when a liberal hears a conservative say something or do something they believe is wrong they call them on it in an instant. By the way normally a conservative will step down recognizing that they failed their people in some way by the comment or deed whereas a liberal will fight tooth and nail to ‘lead the people’.

AndrewPrice said...

ACG, I think the only reason anyone is making a big deal of Reid's comment is that the Democrats are being such hypocrites. If a conservative calls a crayon "black", they are attacked as being racists because the left “knows what they really meant” -- but the Democrats say things that actually demonstrate racist beliefs and they get a pass.

In fact, I think the comparison to Lott is instructive. Lott was praising an old Senate colleague without any intent of raising the issue of race (much like the Democrats do with Byrd all the time). Reid, on the other hand, showed that he sees blacks in two groups -- "good" light skinned ones who use proper English, and the rest. Yet, somehow Lott is supposed to have been the worse of the two? Give me a break.

That's why I have no heartburn at all with this blowing up in Reid's face, even though I think it's ridiculous that we let people make such a big deal about perceived slights based on race.

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