Saturday, December 10, 2011

T-Rav's Sockpuppet Theater Presents: Children of the Corn!

Yes, we will be doing play by play of tonight's debate. . . what debate you ask? Tonight's ABC/Des Moines Register/Republican Children of the Corn Debate! Live from Drake University in beautiful Des Moines, Iowa! Here piggy piggy piggy.

In case you missed it, Cain put his campaign into suspended animation, like Walt Disney, until a cure can be found for failure. Huntsman lost his invite and can't be there tonight. Michelle Bachmann will attend, but first she has to shake an 8 year old stalker. Rick Perry will attend, after a quick stop at the Brokeback Mountain gift shop. Brokeback Mountain could be Beaker's favorite film. Mitt Romney plans to attend provided everyone thinks that's the right choice for him and for America. Newt plans to appear because he invented debating and he luvs him some cow tipping. And Ron Paul will appear, but won't be allowed to speak.

Anyhoo, the debate is on ABC. . . 9:00 pm EST. We'll put a link to the live feed: (HERE).

In the meantime, while I have your attention, I need some help coming up with a list of films that you think include genuine liberal "sucker punches." :)


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Ed said...

Andrew, What's the sucker punch list for?

Ed said...

Here's an article about Happy Feet 2 and some others from the Hollywood Reporter.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Ed. Here's the link: LINK

DUQ said...

"Source Code" - It's all about how the real terrorists are white guys.

"Machete" - It's full of racist white border patrol guys.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks DUQ. I've specifically avoided Machete for that reason. I guess I'll have to see it.

tryanmax said...

What about RoboCop, or at least the series? It's been awhile since I've seen any of them, but the last time I watched any of them (can't remember which) I remember thinking it was a load of propaganda. I'd have to rewatch to get more specific than that.

AndrewPrice said...

Good question. I know the director wanted it to be full of anti-conservative digs, but I don't recall anything specific that struck me... just a bunch of bland "corporate American sucks" type stuff.

Interestingly, the second film actually attacks political correctness, though they ironically pretend corporate America is behind it.

BevfromNYC said...

Dear God,

Please save us.

Yours truly

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, No need to call for help. Just drink some KoolAid, it will all be ok soon...

tryanmax said...

Okay, here is a brief list, fully up for debate, that I've been jotting down while doing other things.

Good Morning, Vietnam (total distortion of source facts)

Shawshank Redemption (criminals are kinldy, misunderstood souls)

The Cider House Rules (pro-abortion/contraception)

Born on the Fourth of July

Three Kings

12 Angry Men (total corruption of the legal process)

E.T. (insofar as many liberals view it as a coming-of-age love story. I wish I were kidding)

All Eisner-era Disney animation and afterward


Anonymous said...

Re: RoboCop - this is one of those films that both liberals and conservatives seem to love: the former for the anti-corporate stuff (though it's at least done in a funny, satirical manner), and the latter because it's basically an old-fashioned western, pro-law enforcement, with a lone gunslinger who has to clean up a town. One can also see it as a Christ metaphor (which is how director Paul Verhoeven interpreted it). On the DVD extras, producer Jon Davison labels the film "fascism for liberals" (I don't know what that means). :-)

Re: Source Code - I must respectfully disagree. I finally saw the movie and, yeah, the villain's a white guy. So what? Nowhere in the film is it implied that all terrorists are white guys or that Muslims are just innocent victims or that the US isn't worth defending. If I may be so bold, if the film were released right now, I guarantee at least one commenter on BH would submit that the bad guy could represent an OWS nut, who only wants to see the world burn. And the terrorist is just a McGuffin. His race is irrelevant. A joke Family Guy did featuring a Nazi wearing a McCain/Palin pin was waaay more offensive than anything in this movie.

Re: Machete - man, oh man! A left-leaning friend of mine )who is also of Hispanic descent) said he was officially done with Robert Rodriguez after watching this film. "It badmouths anyone who doesn't want to see every last illegal immigrant come into this country!" he told me. Ha!

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, What's wrong with Grease?!

The thing about something like Born on the Fourth of July is that you kind of know what to expect going in. I'm looking more for "out of the blue"/unexpected shots.

I debated Three Kings. That might fall into the category because it really does mock the military.

12 Angry Men irks me something fierce. I call it 12 Angry Strawmen because it's so warped and such a pathetic set up.

tryanmax said...

Here's one for the surprisingly conservative list: Man of the House starring Tommy Lee Jones. Sure, the comedy is centered around the girls trying to make him trendy and hip. But the drama is focused around him teaching the girls some timeless principles.

tryanmax said...

BTW, it just happens to be on right now.

AndrewPrice said...


I think we've found one if your left-leaning friend hates Machette for it's leftist message! LOL!

I have yet to see Source Code, but I'm told it's not just the matter of the bad guy being white (which isn't a problem) but that they first suspect an Arab and then it's not him and they go into a speech specifically about racial profiling and racism. If that's the case, then it sounds like a sucker punch... though I have not seen it and cannot say for sure.

Robocop is an odd film. It strikes me as a film made by a very liberal and anti-American director who didn't realize that much of what he is attacking is liberalism and the consequences of liberalism. I suspect that's why both sides can like the film -- conservatives see the anti-liberalism and liberals see the intent to be anti-conservative.

Starship Troopers is the same thing. In the name of being a subversive "anti-fascist" film, Verhoeven actually makes a pretty strongly pro-fascist film.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I haven't seen that one. Strangely, I would say The House Bunny is similar. On its surface, it appears to be an anti-consumerism rant, but it ends up doing more pushing of traditional values. Though I wouldn't go so far as to call it conservative.

tryanmax said...

IMO, Grease is a giant attack on traditional values under the auspices of "this is reality, but people just don't want to talk about it."

In the end, good-girl Sandy abandons her principles in order to fit in, big closing number, and scene!

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't recall the racial profiling stuff in Source Code or if it was even there in the first place. To be fair, I have a terrible short-term memory. :-) I do remember the Jodie Foster film Flight Plan did something similar. There was no speech but her daughter goes missing on a plane and two Muslim passengers are used as a red herring.

As far as The House Bunny, I've said this before: you could apply the "conservative" label to any number of similar films about slackers and ne'er-do-wells who grow up, from the Revenge of the Nerds films to the Police Academy films to Stripes, ad infinitum.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Huh. On the one hand, you're right. The film is definitely not pro-traditional values in any way. On the other hand, I never really notice. Interesting.

Guess I got distracted by the music?

tryanmax said...

I included Born on the 4th because, as I recall, I think a lot of people were taken in by the way it was marketed. But the film itself is quite obvious.

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, I try to avoid labeling too much because I think most films are generally neutral. They have a little liberalism, a little conservatism, and generally don't realize they are doing either.

That said, I would definitely say that many of these films "impart conservative values" whether that is the intent or not.

Something like The House Bunny draws upon both liberalism and conservatism, though it leans more conservative than liberal. But in the end, I think it's hard to call it one or the other.

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar.

Ed said...

"Born on the Fourth of July" really pissed me off at the anti-war people because of the way they treated the soldiers.

tryanmax said...

Man of the House is kinda the same, only the formula that it follows is "square guy ain't so square, after all."

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax and Ed, I have to say I honestly never finished Born of the Fourth of July. I saw it on television and just lost interest most of the way through.

I did read about the thing with the barber. I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is, then frankly they should have started shooting college kids on principle. That's an obscenity, but it fits with other things I've heard about the anti-war crowd.

T-Rav said...

Hey, I like "Grease"! What's wrong with that one?! (And also RoboCop; it's so bad it's good.)

AndrewPrice said...

What's interesting about Grease is that when I was a kid, I never knew how dirty some of the film is. Of course, I know now, but not at the time.

T-Rav said...

By the way, I find it disturbing that of the original eight candidates, only five of them now have undefaced pics on your post...and one of them is Ron Paul.

"sucker punches," huh? I can't think of a film right off the bat, but the entire seventh season of 24 was one long exercise in liberal shibboleths, in my opinion.

AndrewPrice said...

Will Ferrell fans, what do you think about The Other Guys? I've heard it is crawling with sucker punches, but haven't actually seen it because watching Will Ferrell films makes my television burst into flames.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, It's a strange world indeed, isn't it. I have no idea what to expect tonight.

Television counts too.

T-Rav said...

Wait, now that I think of it, I was always irked that they turned the end of The Fugitive into an attack on "Big Pharma." Not enough that you can't ignore it, but I thought it was uncalled for in an otherwise great cat-and-mouse game.

tryanmax said...

Well, if it helps at all, I do still love Grease and playing Doody in my college production was one of the highlights of my sad little life.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I actually never thought about that in The Fugitive. I just took it as his friend being a thief. Interesting.

tryanmax, I have no idea what the highlight of my life would be. But it would probably involve some donuts. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

Re: The Fugitive, the villain is clearly one doctor who screwed up, not "the system" or the industry itself. Tommy Lee Jones has a line about Devlin-MacGregor: "This company's a monster" (in terms of its profits) but that's it. Small potatoes.

Re: The Other Guys, from what I remember, the end credits are accompanied by a bizarre PowerPoint-style presentation about the economy, corporate greed, etc. I didn't freeze-frame my player to read it! While greed is a problem, I'm sure the presentation was mostly one-sided. Some of the sucker punches that BH discussed at the time (Rush Limbaugh on the radio complaining about Obama, etc.) were obviously cut or never filmed since I didn't notice them.

BevfromNYC said...

Hey Andrew,
Watching Will Farrell makes MY television burst into flames too! Someone should stop him before it's too late.

T-Rav said...

Yeah, I remember reading that about the credits to "The Other Guys." Despite what Andrew may or may not be trying to insinuate, I am not a Will Ferrell fan. He seems to be singularly humorless where the things he holds dear are concerned, and most of his work over the past few years has been a parody of his earlier hits.

tryanmax said...

How much longer before Jason Segel starts setting TVs on fire, too? I've noticed the plastic is somewhat warped after he appears onscreen.

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, On The Other Guys, I had heard it's full of tirades, but like I said... I've never seen it. Frankly, I'm hoping it's not full of sucker punches because I don't want to have to watch it.

T-Rav, I'm not implying that anyone is a Will Ferrell fan... I believe that would be slander in most states and I would never anyone. ;)

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, It sounds like a plot by Big Television to force people to replace their sets more often!!

tryanmax, I don't care for Segel either. I think he's just all around dull.

CrisD said...

Forrest Gump...overview of pop culture OR flat out telling Americans that they are "pretty much" retarded.

I'm tuning in to debates :))))

AndrewPrice said...

CrisD, I'm glad you're with us! It should be an interesting debate. I'll be curious to see how they handle having few debaters. I'm also curious to see who attacks whom.

Yeah, I've never been sure what to make of Forrest Gump. Is it a nice movie or an insult? I honestly don't know.

Anonymous said...

Interesting comments from everyone. Sorry, but I've been chopping wood all day for the Franklin stove to save on propane expenditures. Now it's time to go up to my daughter's house for dinner. I'll miss the debate, but I'm sure you will all fill me in with your comments by the time I get home.

T-Rav said...

Okay, so now that we're getting closer, here are my pre-debate predictions--you figure out which are serious and which are not.

1. Newt will probably win the debate but not so conclusively as to rally the whole party behind him, because--I mean, come on. It's Newt.
2. Romney will bank on the other candidates tearing each other to pieces, while he stands there looking so @#$%ing smug and faux-presidential with his carefully groomed hair and...sorry, where was I?
3. Ron Paul will continue to be Ron Paul.
4. All the candidates will make a shameless pitch to the natives by standing behind large bushels of corn instead of podiums.
5. Given the endorsements he's racked up from influential Iowans over the past few days, Santorum might (and I do stress MIGHT) have a chance at a minor breakout tonight, as far as the state caucus is concerned. That is, he will if only they will let him finish.
6. The entire debate will be haunted by Donald Trump's comb-over.
7. After suffering through a debate conducted by Diane Sawyer and George Snuffleupagus, the GOP will realize it's playing into liberal hands with these debates and conduct itself in a more serious and rational manner in the future.

(Hint: Only one of those is 100% not going to happen.)

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I'm thinking only number 7 is truly far-fetched. The rest will probably happen.

AndrewPrice said...

My predictions are this:

1. Newt will attack the reporters for asking him such "foolish" questions and for asking him to participate in something called a "debate." Odds: 100%.

2. I think Romney needs to take Newt down. He will attack (1) his comment on the poor being lazy, (2) his comment on the Palestinians being a "made up people" and (3) he'll bring up Trump somehow. Odds: 75%.

3. Paul will finally lose his patience with everyone, will literally split into two of himself and will be beside himself with anger at not being taken seriously. Odds: 4%.

4. Santorum will come out of the closet and hit on Rick Perry. Odds: 37%.

5. Bachmann will bury us in details about how ethanol works and how Iowa is the bestest state ever. Odds: 89%.

6. My head will explode. Odds: 100%.

7. Rick Perry will state "there ain't no homorsexuals in Iowa." Odds: 69%.

AndrewPrice said...

I think this is the live feed, but I'm not sure:


T-Rav said...

In all fairness to Newt, Palestinians pretty much are a "made-up people"; no one called them that before 1948 and the establishment of Israel. There's plenty they can and should attack him on, but not that.

I had a really dirty thought when I read your last prediction, but I'm not gonna share.

ESPN said...

No, we seriously need an entire one-hour program to announce the winner of the Heisman Trophy, because it takes us 54 minutes to spit out the answer! Honest!

tryanmax said...

Is this only on the web? Because the "pre-game show" online is not on air.

T-Rav said...

More people watch Nightline than any other late-night program? What's the total viewership, seven?

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I have no idea what you are talking about, I certainly did not imply anything dirty! ;)

Oh, I agree, they are "made up." But the problem with Newt is again one of saying things he shouldn't or at least saying things in ways he shouldn't.

T-Rav said...

tryanmax, it's coming on ABC now.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, It's on ABC. It just started here... we had Judge Judy before this.

tryanmax said...

Here's my prediction: since I live within spitting distance of Iowa, I will.

T-Rav said...

How was this the most incredible week ever? Personally, I thought it was pretty blah. Oh wait, do you mean because Amanpour got canned?

tryanmax said...

Op, it just came on TV.

Judge Judy said...

And I was a lot less painful to watch than this will be, wasn't I?

AndrewPrice said...

I've actually been to Iowa. That's about all I have to say about it.

tryanmax said...

I was confused because my local affiliate was airing some other ABCNews program.

Iowans said...

We're all narcissists. It's bred into the corn.

tryanmax said...

Wait. What? Amanpour got canned and I missed it? How did that happen?

T-Rav said...

Wait, you introduced Santorum first and Bachmann last? Who decided that?

AndrewPrice said...

I have to say, Diane Sawyer is already rubbing me wrong and she hasn't said anything.

AndrewPrice said...

We salute you! WTF?

T-Rav said...

Oh, great. If anyone in the audience is driving a vehicle, that's gonna be really confusing. Someone could get hurt.

NotAndrew Who Would Never Insult Anyone said...

Iowa = Idiots Out Wandering Around

tryanmax said...

An Iowa Republican is roughly equivalent to a Florida Democrat. In case that helps.

Newt Gingrich said...

I learned a lot about jobs when I helped end Communism.

AndrewPrice said...

I have no plan to create jobs. Jobs are for losers.

AndrewPrice said...

Ok, did anybody catch what Newt just said? I don't recall any of it.

NotT-RavWhoWouldNeverPanderToAnyone said...

For shame!!! Iowa is full of good, decent people and how DARE you denigrate them!!!!!

tryanmax said...

Romney picked a better tie this time. (I am so my grandma.)

AndrewPrice said...

Romney > Gingrich

T-Rav said...

Wait, did Mitt just advocate more regulations to strengthen the free market? Did I hear that right, or am I tripping acid again?

The Fed said...


T-Rav said...

Shoulda started a pool on how many times Ron Paul will say "Federal Reserve." He's right out of the gate tonight.

BevfromNYC said...

Christine Amanpour is being "replaced", not fired. She hasn't brought the numbers like they thought she would.

I just can't watch this debate. I'm getting a stress rash...I'll just read the comments and make stuff up as you go along.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I'm not sure. He was doing fine and then I lost interest.

Definately tryanmax who doesn't like Iowa said...

I am taking advantage of my spitting proximity.

tryanmax said...

T-Rav, Not too late to be a drinking game.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, No problem. I hear "Snowmaddeon" is on the SciFi Channel! :)

Replaced, huh?

tryanmax said...

Perry: "Government doesn't create jobs, except in Texas."

Rick Perry said...

My recovery plan rests on three things, a flat tax, less regulation, and, uh....

AndrewPrice said...

Rick Perry is an outsider only in the sense of he's outside reality.

T-Rav said...

Bev, are you SURE about that?

BevfromNYC said...

Tryanmax- I've started my own private drinking game. You are all welcomed to join me.

Every time anyone answers a question, DRINK!

AndrewPrice said...

Bachmann: "I'm adopting the 6-6-6 plan."

And I have kids who love corn.

tryanmax said...

Bachmann: "I'm a former tax lawyer and I've raised thousands of foster children."

Michele Bachmann said...

And that's important, because then all my kids can find jobs. Have I told you how many I have?

AndrewPrice said...

"the win plan"

I HATE people who come up with kitchy names like that.

T-Rav said...

Yeah, Rick, I don't think we're getting back to 21% manufacturing.

tryanmax said...

All candidates: Corn, corn-corn, corny, corn-corn.

AndrewPrice said...

Santorum's "manufacturing only" thing is called picking winners and losers.

T-Rav said...

But Andrew, she said it three times fast! A can't-lose delivery method!

BevfromNYC said...

Michelle Bachmann was a tax attorney AND has fostered many, many children?? Who knew!


AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, We can if we use magic.

Diane Sawyer said...

In case you couldn't tell, I think Romney's totally awesome. At least until he runs against Obama.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, I agree. I hate kitchsy items on restaurant menus.

I refuse to order a Cowboy Burger. Just put some damn bacon and cheddar on my hamburger.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, That's true. If you repeat a stupid slogan enough then it suddenly has meaning.

BevfromNYC said...

But T=Rav, she didn't click her heels together, so it doesn't count.

Government Bean Counter said...

Why is Santorum picking on us? Beans are healthy.

tryanmax said...

Sawyer: "What would you do about something you have no say in?"

T-Rav said...

Shameless plug for Democratic policies in 3...2...1...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, If she's done that, then she would have ended up in Kansas.

Beans said...

Why does everybody love corn so much? We grow in Iowa, too!

T-Rav said...

Hmmm. Extending payroll tax cut=draining Social Security funds. From a tactical point of view, that's not a bad way to go.

AndrewPrice said...

I'm sorry, but Bachman's lips are moving and the words just don't have any meaning for me.

Oh wait, she disagrees with Obama unlike everyone else who love Obama. Huh?

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - Sorry, I mixed up my "corn" states.

Corn, corney, corn-corn...

tryanmax said...

Bachmann: "Barack Orbramra: LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

Romney plays class warfare....

Dorothy Bachmann said...

Somewhere over the tax attorney rainbow....

T-Rav said...

Bev, remember, it's "corn" before "corny" except after "corn-corn."

tryanmax said...


AndrewPrice said...

Is it just me or is no one saying anything?

If I had to sum up the debate so far, I would literally have nothing to say.

tryanmax said...

Perry: "Crony crony crony, uh, er, corny corny corny"

AndrewPrice said...

If Santorum says "lock box" I'm sending him a turd in the mail.

tryanmax said...

I'm still waiting for the first answer to be given.

Corn (and their children) said...

Shut up, beans.

tryanmax said...

No, Andrew, just DRINK!

CrisD said...

Felt like Romney was talking to me re:people in their fifties who are Fing pissed. (Sorry, family show here)

AndrewPrice said...

Why are they arguing about something this stupidly minor? This is like arguing about what color to pain the Presidential limo.

T-Rav said...

Uh, we're not fighting a war in Syria, Mr. Paul.

tryanmax said...

Ah, the embassy in Baghdad! That's the problem!

AndrewPrice said...

CrisD, I think you're right.

Anonymous said...

Who os the best among you?????

tryanmax said...

In other words, please describe how you would slit your fellow candidates' throats.

T-Rav said...

No, Andrew, that's too extreme. Just put a Muppet's head in his bed.

AndrewPrice said...

Romney -- Obama believes in a change from a merit society to an entitlement society.

That is solid analysis on Romney's part.

T-Rav said...

Hey, I live in the economy too, and I'm not claiming to be a wizard.

tryanmax said...

FYI, I am very rapidly enjoying a New Belgium 1554. Ah! Tasty!

AndrewPrice said...

That is called a b*tch slap by Romney.

T-Rav said...

Okay, I'm seriously to punch that smug little piece of @#$% in his @#$%ing face.

tryanmax said...

Newt: "This is dumb."

T-Rav said...

FIGHT! FIGHT! Take your jackets off!

AndrewPrice said...

So much for nice Newt.

Beans said...

We have more presence on stage than corn. Every candidate is full of us.

Tom Hanks said...

Oh man, I'm so gonna vote for Newt Gingrich next year. I'm on cloud nine right now.

AndrewPrice said...

Iowa State is brilliant?


CrisD said...

You can't go to Mars. Sorry, Newt.

AndrewPrice said...

So Newt wants to fire janitors and replace them with kids.

Newt said...

Let me rephrase what I said about poor kids being lazy. What I meant was, poor kids are lazy.

tryanmax said...


BevfromNYC said...

So I am not sure what I think of Newt's idea of making poor kids work in the schools.

AndrewPrice said...

"cereal hypocrisy" luv me some Captain Crunch...

Ron Paul! said...

I'm always consistent. Crazy, but consistent.

University of Northern Iowa said...

Are we not getting any love tonight?

AndrewPrice said...

Ron Paul is consistent, that's true.

tryanmax said...

Well, this debate is officially worthless. This whole affair would have been better had they held it in a wading pool full of jello.

AndrewPrice said...

"I was in the private sector" -- lobbying?

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I'm liking the jello idea.

AndrewPrice said...

Bachmann: "Newt is the posterboy of crony capitalism."

Hey, she's right.

tryanmax said...

That Cap'n Crunch, such a hypocrite.

T-Rav said...

Oh boy. We've now gone from "true conservative" to "constitutional conservative."

Rick Perry said...

I am the posterboy of cronyism and don't you ever forget it.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, The Captain rules.

tryanmax said...

Hell, at this point, I'd be happy to select the next president by how good they look in a speedo.

AndrewPrice said...

When did Bachmann ever lead 40,000 people to Washington?

T-Rav said...

tryanmax is absolutely right. Screw Cap'n Crunch! Count Chocula 2012!

T-Rav said...

With her mind, Andrew. With. Her. Mind.

AndrewPrice said...

So Cain is gone and now the debate has turned into a bunch of whiny and sniping.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, whatever. He's all "try my cereal." Meanwhile, he's Sugar Crisp below deck. Hypocrite!

CrisD said...

Stop fighting, Michelle

AndrewPrice said...

Count Chocula is a communist. Capt'n Crunch 2012!

Michele Bachmann said...

And I am that person. You can tell I'm serious, because I just referred to myself in the third person.

tryanmax said...

I dunno when Bachmann ever led 40,000 people to Washington, but she has just led one person to least.

BevfromNYC said...

Well, if you count Bachmann showing up at the "anti-healthcare legislation" tea party rally, then, okay. But "lead" is a stretch.

T-Rav said...

Yeah, you two have been acting so friendly tonight.

AndrewPrice said...

I hadn't thought about Newt and Romney being clones. I suppose that's possible. We should have their DNA checked.

tryanmax said...

I would have to see Count Chocula's birth certificate.

AndrewPrice said...

Is Santorum still here?

T-Rav said...

Excuse you, Andrew?! You're calling Chocula a commie after the big spending policies of Crunch? Talk about your cereal hypocrisy.

BevfromNYC said...

That was the infamous March 20th rally where all those racists swore at the Congressional Black Caucus members and Pelosi beat them with a gavel. (something like that...)

T-Rav said...

Heck, until just now I wasn't sure Perry was still here. Come to think of it, I'm still not sure.

AndrewPrice said...

That's racist trynmax, Chocula may have grown up in Transylvania, but he was born in the USA. No... proof... needed.

LOL on the Sugar Crisp comment.

Mitt Romney said...

But my advisers have said that. Wait, did I say that out loud?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I recall that... though it was more than 40,000 and I don't think Bachmann was their leader.

BevfromNYC said...

I hate cereal hypocrisy, like when they changed "Sugar Smacks" to "Honey Smacks" to make it sound more healthy...

T-Rav said...

Oh, really? We're really going to go down this road AGAIN?

AndrewPrice said...

Is Perry's shirt pink?

tryanmax said...

One point that's hysterical?

oh, historical. Sorry.

12-year-old girls said...

Can you guys stop wearing us on your sleeves, please? It's itchy.

AndrewPrice said...

So because everyone else was wrong, Newt was right when he was wrong.

CrisD said...

Oh, dear. This is sounding boring!!! Maybe Michelle SHOULD start petty fights up again?!

Pop Tarts said...

End the cereal hypocrisy in Washington. Join the Toaster Pastry REVOLUTION.

Rick Perry said...

I read yer book. Really, I can read.

Donald Trump said...

I do not believe Count Chocula's birth certificate is real! I believe it was forged! Vote for me!

AndrewPrice said...

I'm serious. Am I the only one having a problem hearing any substance here?

Michelle Bachmann said...

Oooh! Oooh! Call on me! I'm still here!

T-Rav said...

Hey, Santorum's back!

tryanmax said...

Like I said, Andrew, I'm still waiting for either the first answer or the jello pit.

I hope it's lime.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, He snuck out for dinner.

T-Rav said...

Nope, Andrew, I haven't heard a freakin' thing for the past half hour. We are all screwed.

Ricky Santorum said...

Bachmann is a loser.

Ricky Santorum said...

Bachmann is a loser.

BevfromNYC said...

Who is Santorum again?

Oatmeal said...

The Toaster Pastry is nothing but a pawn of the Captain Crunch bigwigs! We're the only true independent outsiders!

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I honestly thought it was just me. I'm hearing lots of words, but none of this seems to make any sense? All I'm hearing is: "you're a liar, I'm a leader" "nuh uh."

tryanmax said...

Thank God that Cain dropped out. If he were still here, we'd have to talk substance.

T-Rav said...

Bev, there are rumors that he's a presidential candidate. Stupid Pennsylvania jokers, running a Muppet for president...

AndrewPrice said...

"ooh me me!" "my turn!"

AndrewPrice said...

Santorum was in a gang?

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