Monday, January 23, 2012

T-Rav's Sockpuppet Theater Presents: Floriduh!

It's time for the first Sunshine State Debate of the week and that's somehow fitting, given the proximity of Disney World and the fact that we would be better off turning the country over to toons. Tell us which Disney characters remind you of each of the candidates and why.


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Tennessee Jed said...

Barrack reminds me of Dumbo

AndrewPrice said...

By the way, the polls have Newt starting about 5% ahead of Romney in Florida. So Romney came out swinging today.

P.S. Santorum = the Red Queen.... on so many levels.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I can see that... with the ears!

Tennessee Jed said...

Mitt is Uncle Scrooge.

Eric Holder as one of the Beage Boys

Jerry Brown as a hookah smoking catapillar

Newt as Baby Huey (wait that isn't Disney is it)

Huntsman as a Federation Ambassador (wait . . .ditto)

DUQ said...

Romney is turning into Daffy Duck.

LOL! At the Red Queen -- the anger, the communism, the gay thing. :D

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, The Beage Boys? I don't know them.

Totally agree about Jerry Brown -- good call!

I was thinking Paul might work as the caterpillar as well, but he could also be the Mad Hatter.

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, Yep... my thinking exactly!

Romney as Daffy? Yeah, that works. So would Romney as Sneed from Peter Pan actually.

BevfromNYC said...

They all remind me of the characters in Looney Tunes cartoons. The ones that had all of the Hollywood stars doing crazy thing. As a matter of fact, I expect Harpo Marx to run across the stage honking his horn and chasing some screaming starlet every time we have one of the debates...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, That would liven things up a great deal. And it would probably put the whole thing in perspective.

On the Looney Tunes front, Perry always reminded me of Yosemite Sam.

Paul in many ways reminds me of the Coyote.

Doc Whoa said...

They're all Goofy to me!

AndrewPrice said...

Doc, Isn't that the truth!

Tennessee Jed said...

It was a typo, Andrew. I meant one of the Beagle Boys who were the crime dogs always trying to steal Uncle Scrooge's money. BTW, Daffy, Looney Tunes, etc. are great. but not Uncle Waltie. The ears are thing with Obama, but DPinnochio would work as well given the amount of outright lies he tells.

Notawonk said...

i love that i have such irreverent friends. especially in the face of another debate.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, If we can't look adversity in the face and laugh, then... well, then we'd probably just spend the night watching sitcoms. :(

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, They could all be Pinocchio, especially Obama and Biden. I wonder if there's a Pinocchio club from whence they came?

tryanmax said...

I'm going with a strictly Pinnochio theme--for what I hope are obvious reasons.

Newt Gingrich = The Coachman
Mitt Romney = Honest John
Rick Santorum = Lampwick
Ron Paul = Stromboli

Since there are already so many Alice picks, here are mine.

Newt Gingrich = Cheshire Cat
Rick Santorum = Queen of Hearts
Ron Paul = Mad Hatter
Mitt Romney = any one of the cards

tryanmax said...

Of course I was typing while Pinnochio came into the conversation, so now I look unoriginal. Pthzzz!

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, That's ok, we'll credit you with originality nevertheless. :)

You know who Newt reminds me of in Alice? The Walrus.

I prefer to think of Santorum as "the Red Queen" because it fits his politics better. :(

tryanmax said...

Andrew, by either name, I wouldn't be shocked to hear him utter, "Off with their heads!"

AndrewPrice said...

Me neither, not at all. And it would be over something completely irrational.

BevfromNYC said...

Patti - If I couldn't be irreverent, I'd be huddled in a dark closet weeping uncontrollable about another debate...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, LOL! That about sums it up. Fortunately, we're coming to the end of the debate schedule. Soon we'll all be free.

T-Rav said...

How about Santorum = Tinkerbell? (Not because I believe it, but because...well, ya know.)

Doc Whoa said...

I don't know how many more I can take.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, The problem with Tinkerbell is that she's likable. She seems to be a decent person, except that she's a little jealous.

The Red Queen really captures his self-righteous judgmentalism and his attitude toward those he does not authorize to exist on this planet with him.

By the way, that makes me think of Hillary. Has there ever been a more perfect Captain Hook than Hillary?

AndrewPrice said...

Hang in there Doc, we're getting there.

Ed said...

I predict right now that Gingrich will be declared the winner tonight, no matter how he does.

T-Rav said...

I don't know, I kind of just see her as the Wicked Witch of the West and nothing else. But that's not a Disney character, so I guess.

Ron Paul reminds me of Donald Duck.

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, I think you're probably right unless the MSM decides that it would be better for Santorum to win.

A couple radio people were on Newt's bandwagon today for all the wrong reasons -- "he's not the establishment candidate." Uh, yeah, because he's insane.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, That works for me too -- the Wicked Witch of the West!

Of course, Donald Duck works for Paul too. I think the caterpillar works too because it and Paul share the whole Svengali Guru thing.

Ed said...

Andrew, They should call him Baghwan Ron Paul!

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, That's perfect actually!

Tam said...

My French relatives told us that the French media is declaring Gingrich the nominee. I had to set them straight on that one.

T-Rav said...

I'm actually interested to see how things go this week. If Gingrich wins in Florida--and he has a very real chance to do so--a few people think the GOP establishment may have a total meltdown and actually throw Romney under the bus in favor of a new candidate. Even if they don't, it still makes the odds of an open convention much higher.

CrisD said...

they are all cartoon characters! Hilary is a lamp-throwing off with their heads!! Obama might just be Cinderella.

I can't believe they have this scheduled for p.m. I have to get up in the morning and get the car inspected...(more government regulation in my life!)

BevfromNYC said...

This is my prediction - Gingrich will win all the primaries, but the Obama machine will come up with something on him (probably not hard to find) that will throw the Republican convention into disarray. This will cause a brokered candidate/nominee who will be someone perfect and unimpeachable and we will all be saved...

At least that's what's going to help me sleep through the night until July...

BevfromNYC said...

T-Rav - Great minds think alike!!

rlaWTX said...

I was looking forward on the TV schedule last night and nearly went into my closet to cry when I saw first the State of the Union and then another debate...

Cinderella's step-sisters = Obama & Biden [there was a conniving one and a bumbly one, I think]
If they are both bumbly, then Obama = Kaa in Jungle Book [trussssst in me; jusssst in me]

DOJ = the vultures in Jungle Book ["Whatcha want to do?" "I don't know. Whatchoo want to do?"]

Newt = King Louie

Is Joel Osteen a Disney character? Entirely by accident he ended up on my TV last night and I realized who Santorum reminded me of... [I have DEEP theological issues with Osteen - and he's slick and creepy IMO]

rlaWTX said...

[I like Bev's daydream...]

tryanmax said...

Andrew, the caterpillar is definitely in the Paul camp. What do you suppose is in that hookah?

CrisD said...

rla- I said Cinderella for Obama b/c I see her "dressed up" by all the birds and mice to be a princess...

T-Rav said...

Bev, that's what I tell myself every night as I'm curled into the fetal position. Somehow this will all work out, it'll all work out....

tryanmax said...

Andrew, Ed -- Even Limbaugh sounded somewhat on the Newt bandwagon today. I chanced to hear him explain to a caller that what he meant is that Newt's SC win wasn't about Newt but about a message that conservatives are trying to send to the establishment. But if I missed that, I'd just think he was rooting for Newt. (heh heh, Root for Newt)

However, I think Rush still called it wrong. I think the caller had it right that SC voters were wooed at the last second by that John King nonsense. (Say what you will, I think that was King's gift to Newt, topped with a bow.) Newt didn't win because voters want the GOP to take conservatives more seriously. He won because people were dazzled by his "take down" of the media.

Nevermind that if a candidate talked like Newt four years ago, everyone would have clucked their tongues, called it "unpresidential" and lamented the lack of civility. Yes, people are sick of media bias and "civility" but Newt is just riding a wave. If he was for real, he'd have been attacking the media back in the 90s.


T-Rav said...

rla, what are your problems with Osteen? I'm not defending him; I don't really pay attention to him one way or the other. He seems to me more of an inspirational speaker than a preacher.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Isn't Osteen that guy who said God wants you to be a yuppie?

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I hear things like that from my German relatives all the time. They get the most skewed view of American you can imagine over there -- basically the far left version. It's amazing how much nonsense they believe.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, We'll see. I think a brokered convention just isn't realistic because of the way things are structured. And I don't know who they would put in his place?

In fact, both sides stink at this. If the Establishment OR the Conservatives knew what they were doing, they would have picked better candidates. Instead we're left with Tweedle Dull and Tweedles Horrible.

AndrewPrice said...

Cris, Obama as Cinderella! LOL! That works. And David Axelrod is the fairy godmother.

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, Newt as King Louis is a great choice!

"I'm the king of the jungle yeah, the jungle VIP! /

I've reached the top and had to stop and that's what bothering me..."

rlaWTX said...

Osteen: he has no theology that I can see. I think Andrew's summation is pretty close to his "preaching". And, honestly, he just feels slimy. I have issues with "christian preachers" who manage to get a large following and don't give them the real Good News.

Newt Gingrich said...

I want to be like you!/Shoobie-doo, shoobie-doo/To be like you!/Shoobie-doobie-doobie-doo/I want to walk like you, talk like you/Yooouuuuuuuuu!

(For my friend Nancy Pelosi)

T-Rav said...

By the way, did you guys know Obama's SOTU is tomorrow night? Aren't you excited?

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I too think Newt's surge had more to do with John King than anything else.

Nevertheless, I'm stunned at the blatant stupidity of conservatives. I understand the objections to Romney, those are fair. But look at the other two. Neither of them is actually conservative by any measure.

This is killing yourself to spite you face. Newt and Santorum are everything people hate about Mitt only 10 times worse and they are unrepentant about it! Big government leftists with huge egos who want to run your life. How in the world can anyone who calls themselves a conservative actually pick either of them? OBAMA IS TO THE RIGHT OF THEM!!!

If they wanted to send a message then they should have chosen Paul. That would say something meaningful. Picking Newt only sends the message: "conservatives are stupid and we're suckers for theater, we don't understand or care about substance... please keep ignoring us."

This really bothers me.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, We have to do this again tomorrow night? What the heck.

// hits self with rubber mallet

T-Rav said...

rla, I can think of several people like that. Honestly, I don't really like megachurches. They're too wildly emotional for me, and they feel more like an audience than a congregation. I can't explain why so many of their televangelist leaders got caught in one scandal or another, but if I had to guess, I'd attribute it to the enthusiastic mass following they get. It's too easy to feel like a rock star in that position. I don't think Osteen has so far, but it wouldn't be the biggest surprise to me if he was.

T-Rav said...

And don't forget Andrew, there's another debate on Thursday night! Whee!!!

//hits self with wooden mallet

rlaWTX said...

I don't GET the "mega-church" thing.

I've been told that Joel's dad was a pretty straight-forward preacher and he has watered it down along the way... And yeah, having people follow you like that can't be a safe place for the ego to be.
-- and we're back to politics!!! ;)

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I know. It needs to stop! The debate by attrition is not a good plan.

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX and T-Rav, I think the Mega-Church thing is all about marketing, not religion. My impression (from the outside) is that they are generally selling feel-goodism rather than religious understanding and all they care about is ratings.

BevfromNYC said...

"I think a brokered convention just isn't realistic"

Andrew, Duuuude, stop harshin' my mellow!!

AndrewPrice said...

Sorry, Bev. Dream on! Maybe it could happen?! :)

ScyFyterry said...

I don't know much about Osteen, but when I've seen him on shows like Larry King (yeah, I watched that once), he always struck me as a guy who thought his role was tell people why they don't need to change anything they do.

T-Rav said...

By the way, it'll be interesting to see how much Santorum goes after Gingrich tonight. I read yesterday that there's been a scurry among evangelicals, for reasons you can probably imagine, to shore him up at Newt's expense. Given the current poll numbers, Santorum's going to need a lot of support, and not just from that group, to compete for Florida's delegates.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I get the feeling Newt is the target tonight. Romney needs to hit him to stop his momentum and Ricky needs to remind people now that Newt is not a good alternative to Romney. So I expect a nasty night actually.

Joel Farnham said...

Does any one have a live stream for tonight's debate?

Kelly said...

You all are funny and make this so much easier to swallow.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I haven't found one yet. NBC's site if a bit of a mess.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Kelly! And thanks for commenting. :)

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, It should be here: LINK

rlaWTX said...

so, is the debate supposed to be on NBC, MSNBC, or CNBC? or just online?

Joel Farnham said...

Thanks Andrew. Hopefully it will work. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, It looks like it will be on MSNBC, which means I won't switch over until right before the debate.

I'm watching Scooby Doo until then.

You're welcome Joel, good luck!

Joel Farnham said...


Ask and ye shall receive. Let me know if you decide to build a home entertainment center PC. I would be interested in your choices.

T-Rav said...

The debate should be on NBC as well. They were advertising it earlier. But the CNBC debate proved how good the network is at managing these things, so who knows.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, My guide doesn't show it on NBC.

FYI, it looks like the kids have another mystery on their hands. It sounds like the ancient village might be haunted!

T-Rav said...

Ruh-roh! Will the villains get away with it, or will those meddling kids save the day?

AndrewPrice said...

I'm not sure yet, this one could be a close call! ;)

Anonymous said...

My info says it will be on streaming video from NBC and MSNBC, but at 9 PM Eastern and Pacific time. If that's right, I won't be able to get it worth watching (my internet connection is via really bad satellite and smart phones don't get reception here) and the debate will be long over before it shows up here anyway. My guide shows it isn't showing on any TV network or affiliate of NBC, so I guess I'm out of this one.

If anybody gets later and better information on TV showings, please let me know.

tryanmax said...

Andrew "debate by attrition" - you said it. I am so not buying the notion that these debates are "sharpening" anything except maybe the candidates' cynicism. Like we need that.

tryanmax said...

Joel, thanks. I'll be sure to keep you posted. I don't know if I'll be able to get started before summer. Still savin' up.

T-Rav said...

Since I've got it on AMC, what's better--Batman Begins or The Dark Knight?

tryanmax said...

I like Dark Knight a little better. But as sequels go, they are rare equals.

AndrewPrice said...

Dark Knight. I didn't like Batman Begins at all.

rlaWTX said...

my TV cable guide doesn't show it ever coming on here... darn the luck

Andrew, Farmer Smith is pretending to be the ghost!!

Dark Knight is better. 'Begins is good', but I prefer the Joker to the crazy gas.

T-Rav said...

Hey now! I liked TDK better, but I thought Begins was a really good movie. See if I ever ask you losers a movie question again....

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, I'm thinking it's the farm too. This stinks of "land scheme"!

AndrewPrice said...

My tv guide doesn't show the debate at all. If it's not on television, I'll watch it online.

Don't worry, I won't abandon the sockpuppets!

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Batman (1969) or Batman Begins?

rlaWTX said...

Batman Begins is on AMC tonight

AndrewPrice said...

Also, unless tonight is totally dull, I plan to wrap it up tomorrow.

Will also try to ponder when a candidate should not be supported in the general election.

T-Rav's Sockpuppets said...

We appreciate that, Andrew. T-Rav beats us when we're alone and keeps ranting "Mother never loved me!" It's haunting.

rlaWTX said...

poor sockpuppets! go hide with the kittens, T-Rav's afraid of them...

T-Rav said...

Hence my question, rla!

Andrew, that's a tough question. I don't know if a comparison would be totally fair to either, because they emphasize different characters. Batman is more about the Joker than Wayne/Batman, who you really don't get a good understanding of, and Nicholson is of course a show-stopper in that role. For examining the superhero himself, though, I think Batman Begins is undoubtedly better.

AndrewPrice said...

Hey, that's no ghost! That's a man in a costume!

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Wrong Batman. The 1969 version is Adam West... "some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."

I agree with you though, the Nicholson Batman and the new ones really aren't directly comparable.

AndrewPrice said...

The NBC feed hasn't started yet. These people are amateurs. Is this their first debate?

T-Rav said...

Before we start, this article from Jonah Goldberg, as well as a similar one from Mark Steyn, makes me wonder if National Review and others considered to be part of the GOP establishment may not, in fact, be about to turn on Romney if he loses Florida.

tryanmax said...

Good to know, I thought it was just me. (or my 'puter, rather.)

BTW, assisting me in getting through the debate tonight is a pint of Coors in my favorite Looney Tunes pint-glass. And, of course, refills are at the ready.

T-Rav said...

It's on amateur hour--I mean, NBC--now.

AndrewPrice said...

Unbelievable, NBC has tape delayed it on television. I'm watching on the feed. Idiots.

T-Rav said...

T, house rules are you must take a drink every time Newt or Romney mentions Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. I would advise putting 911 on stand-by.

T-Rav said...

Reagan! Drink!

AndrewPrice said...

Yes, but Reagan wasn't an insane ass Newt.

rlaWTX said...

it's on NBC here... I'm trying to be interested enough to stick around.

AndrewPrice said...

I want a solid conservative too, but that's not Newt.

Newt = Washington Establishment

T-Rav said...

rla, it's a struggle isn't it?

Newt Gingrich said...

And two wives!

tryanmax said...

I'm perplexed how Newt can run on his past and yet disavow his past.

AndrewPrice said...

Jackass The Movie is on Showtime... that's fitting.

Nancy Pelosi said...

Gee, you weren't eager to get away from me on that couch, Newtie dear.

Joel Farnham said...

I noticed Newt didn't call himself conservative.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, That's because he doesn't care what he says. He's just spitting out soundbites whether they're true or not.

T-Rav said...

I should have kept it on Batman Begins. Even the villains are more appealing.

AndrewPrice said...


T-Rav said...

Wanna bet?

AndrewPrice said...

Romney said NOTHING false you liar.

Joel Farnham said...

Newt, it is because You really can't answer it.

Brian Williams said...

Why are Southerners such anti-Mormon bigots?

Newt said...

Don't tell facts about me!

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, He didn't refute the "four" lies because they weren't lies.

tryanmax said...

I think the gloves are off. If Newt thought Mitt was attacking him before, it's about to get real.

T-Rav said...

Personally, I think it's great how our candidates have managed to avoid getting down in the mud and instead put on a united front against Obama.

tryanmax said...

Grazing Goldberg's article. I don't get this inauthenticity problem. What does Mitt need to do? Cry?

History said...

Please leave me out of this.

AndrewPrice said...

"I asked Republicans to vote yes" to reprimand Newt? That's probably the whopper of the night.

Zombie Reagan said...

Tell me about it!

Joel Farnham said...

Attack each other and forget about Obama. That's right. I hate Brian Williams.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, "authenticity" is a liberal idea that means "we like him and can't explain it." It's a fudge factor.

T-Rav said...

Yeah, it's really a three-person race. Don't forget, Paul's still in it.

tryanmax said...

"fudge" is what my children call it.

AndrewPrice said...

Santorum = Obama in whiteface

Ricky said...

Blah blah blah...

AndrewPrice said...

Losing by 18 points is a big issues.

tryanmax said...

Well, he certainly talks alot, doesn't he?

T-Rav said...

T (that's what you want us to call you now, right?), I think Goldberg's point is that primary voters are starting to think Romney isn't all that electable on his own terms. Which may or may not be true, but it might be one reason why they're giving Newt another shot.

Joel Farnham said...

Brian Williams is painting these guys as losers and they don't even realize it.

T-Rav said...

Well, that is an accurate point about his loss compared to other GOP setbacks in PA. He still lost, though.

AndrewPrice said...

Brian Williams is an ass... "when you will give an honest answer"?

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I agree. They are playing right into his game.

tryanmax said...

T-Rav, I get the article. I just can't decide if it is making an observation or crafting a meme.

Incoherence said...

Well done, Mr. Paul.

tryanmax said...

That's a long way of saying maybe.

rlaWTX said...

yeah, lost me...

tryanmax said...

GOLD! And drink!

T-Rav said...

No, Ron, if we could change YOU on foreign policy, that's the goal.

AndrewPrice said...

Howard Johnson is right!

Leprechauns said...

This guy is really obsessed with gold.

AndrewPrice said...

Is it just me, or is tonight both dull and horrid?

AndrewPrice said...

23 years of taxes? I would be hard pressed to find last year's taxes.

tryanmax said...

I hope Mitt doesn't actually answer this question.

AndrewPrice said...

What kind of stupid question is that? "How would you smear yourself, sir?"

Joel Farnham said...

Elect-ability is another straw dog.

T-Rav said...

T, that's what I'm wondering. I think it might--emphasis on "might"--be a prelude to a move to dump Romney if he loses Florida by a wide margin and then underperforms in the next couple caucuses.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, I think it's about 70% horrid, 30% dull.

Brian Williams said...

Hey, I tried to smear you, why are you talking about policy?

tryanmax said...

Grazing Steyn's article; he's calling Mitt a flip-flopper. I wish we could get this one straight. Going back and forth and back again is flip-flopping. Changing one's position once is coming around.

How is conservatism supposed to win hearts and minds if we won't allow it!?

AndrewPrice said...

Newt is such a hypocrite, "I'm not attacking Romney for paying 15%, but I'm about to smear him over it."

T-Rav said...

I'm confused. Who's advocating what here? Does anyone know?

DCAlleyKat said...

So here in northern California I can't even find the debate on the local NBC channel!...mega frustration!

AndrewPrice said...

trynmax, And don't forget, Romney flipped from left to right. Newt stayed on the left. Would you rather have a flip flopper or a confirmed leftist?

AndrewPrice said...

DC, It's not on here either, I'm watching online.

Obama Campaign said...

Already on it, man!

DCAlleyKat said...

where online?

AndrewPrice said...

Excellent defense of capitalism.

AndrewPrice said...

Ricky is of course smirking because he wants to get in there and blast the rich man.

tryanmax said...

See, according to the alleged right-wing media, this is Romney not being passionate about the free market.

Rick Santorum said...

But I could, if you'd like me to.

T-Rav said...

Hear that, Andrew? Santorum supports capitalism. Don't you feel foolish now.

tryanmax said...

Remind me, didn't Ricky support the bailout. And who's asking the questions here?

AndrewPrice said...

Rick is such a hypocrite. This is 100% opposite of what he has done and said in the past and even what he's arguing about today.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, He supports "good capitalism" but not "bad capitalism."

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, He did support it until it became unpopular.

AndrewPrice said...

I hate Newt, everything he just said is misleading.

tryanmax said...

So, after it was passed. That's what I thought. @$$

T-Rav said...

Shut up Brian Williams.

AndrewPrice said...

1. Lobbyists don't call themselves lobbyists, they call themselves consultants.

2. His attempt to described Romney's nonlobbying consulting work as lobbying is a lie.


tryanmax said...

Andrew, slime is a flame retardant.

T-Rav said...

I want the audience to get into this. I'm falling asleep in my chair here.

tryanmax said...

Does no one question why, if Newt was an historian, did we not learn this forever ago?

AndrewPrice said...

Newt is such a SH*T! He's trying to hide in accounting details.

I need a drink.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, He wasn't a historian, he was a lobbyist, pure and simple.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, aren't those two kind of a contradiction? If Newt is a lobbyist under 1. (and he was) it seems like Romney would be too.

tryanmax said...

Newt was a bully in grade school. I'm convinced.

A Baseball Bat said...

Anyone need me yet?

tryanmax said...

I should have put sarc marks around *if*.

AndrewPrice said...

enter the smoke screen.

Crack said...

Forget Baseball Bat. Does anybody need ME?

T-Rav said...

Andrew, can you get me a whole bottle while you're at it? Good God.

tryanmax said...

I wonder what Ricky and Ronny are doing right now. :D

A Very Tall Building said...

Screw both those guys. Anybody need me?

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, No, and that's what Newt is hoping people believe.

A consultant is simply someone who gets paid to provide provide under contract rather than as an employee. What Romney did is what millions of people are doing IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR.

What Newt did is agree to go lobby Congress on behalf of companies.

They are completely unrelated and Newt knows that.

tryanmax said...

I bet Ron Paul loves this commercial.

Joel Farnham said...

Newt has been gored. He is going to try to hide it, but Mitt Scored. Santorum and Paul are going to be ignored from now on.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, What Newt just did is this.

Imagine two people work. One person works for the federal government as an "executive." Imagine the other words for IBM as an "executive."

First, he denied working for the government on the basis he was actually an "executive" and his title wasn't "government executive."

Then he tried to claim Romney must have worked for the government because he also had the title "executive."

It is a flat out lie by Newt, as has been most of what he's said tonight.

rlaWTX said...

DC - here's Andrew's link from earlier...

CrisD said...

They are having another one of these Thursday night? Who's gonna ask the questions--Oprah? Barbara Walters? Whoopi?

T-Rav said...

I think NBC's strategy here is to just let these guys make themselves look like idiots and drive Republicans to mass suicide, thus guaranteeing an Obama win. And it's probably working.

Tennessee Jed said...

I had to leave the debate. Williams suckered this into a bare knuckles make the Republicans look like idiots. hour Romney came out so weak. All he had to do was talk about immigration, Pelosi, and speaking out against Paul Ryan's budget proposal -- show some passion as to why Newt is not a conservative. Unfortunately, politicians win based on soundbites and Newt is a master of that.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Almost everything Newt is saying about how the government works and his relationship to the government has been a flat out lie. This is honestly a shameful performance.

T-Rav said...

They call it the "Council of 100" because that's the median age in Florida.

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