Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Captioning: "Sweet, um, Nothings"

Rumor has it there is a little hanky and some panky going in the old White House. Seen below, Obama and Hillary during a recent "working dinner" at The Love Club in Manhattan. It looks like Obama just told a joke: "What do you, um, do with an, uh, elephant with three balls?" Or he might be talking shop: "How about them, uh, Hondurans." But I'm not good at lip reading, so you tell me what they're talking about.


Writer X said...

Whatever he was talking about, I'm sure the president was talking about himself. Is he capable of anything else?

Anonymous said...

Obama's telling Hillary that he learned Honduran so he could speak to Zelaya on Cinco de Cuatro. It's a special dialect of Austrian.

StanH said...

“Guess what I got Hillary? Hillary responds with a nonchalant tone, …what Barry? A Dark Knight action figure, you wanna play with it? No Barry that’s your toy, you have fun …but keep it out of sight Putin is looking, Barry responds like an adoring child …yes Mommy, can I call you Mommy …Hillary? Yes Barry, Mommy loves you, now straighten up here comes Putin.”

Tennessee Jed said...

Barrack: "Aren't you glad you don't have my job?" Hillary: "heh, heh, heh . . . no!"

AndrewPrice said...

Upon further review, I think they're watching Barack the Movie and he's spoiling it for her: "Here comes the part where I save the world from everything."

MegaTroll said...

I'm thinking Obama's talking about splitting the check.

Individualist said...

Obama is saying to Hillary:

I just got the Chinese to agree to give us another month on our loan.......

patti said...

bar to hil: ha, sucks being you!

AndrewPrice said...

Don't forget, Hillary looks kind of pleased. I'm wondering if Obama isn't bragging about that he could get rid of Bill for her -- with extreme, um, prejudice. Which of course doesn't mean what she thinks it means. . .

rlaWTX said...

what's the age differnce between them? cuz H is looking ragged next to the fresh-faced fellow.

I think it was something innane and ummm-ish, because the teleprompter wasn't facing in that direction. I think H looks like, "I knew I should have sat by Gaddafi." While O patters on... and on...

AndrewPrice said...

"I knew I should have sat next to Ghaddafi" -- LOL! That's hilarious!

BevfromNYC said...

Barry: So, Hill, how about that Air Force One, eh?

Hill: Whatever, Barack...

rlaWTX said...

high praise indeed, Andrew!

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