Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Question: Favorite Movie Character?

Character counts. . . especially in movies, where it's usually the characters that make the movie worth watching. In fact, sometimes we even like the characters better than the movies they are in. What's your favorite character and why?


MegaTroll said...

Shrek. No contests. He's very popular among us trolls. 8-D

Joel Farnham said...

Captain Jack Sparrow. Because he reminds me of Bugs Bunny. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I actually think that Sparrow is a brilliant character!

I thought this would be an easy question when I posted it, but I'm having a hard time narrowing it down. Plus, the ones I keep thinking of are all on television.

I think in the end, I have to go with Jean Reno's character in Ronin. I think it's the mystery that they give his character that I find so dang cool. Who is this guy? We don't know. But we do know that he's one cool character.

I can't think of a character that I've wanted to see more in a sequel.

Joel Farnham said...


Did you know there is another Pirates movie coming out?

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I heard that. He signed on for one or two more right?

freedom21 said...

Lt. Dan (Forrest Gump)


Cousin Eddie (Christmas Vactation)

Also, I read in an interview that Sparrow's mannerisms were based on Keith Richards

Joel Farnham said...


At least one. Which pleases me mightily. :-)

Reno is always good in whatever he plays.

AndrewPrice said...

Freedom21, he's absolutely Keith Richards -- which is why Richards was in the third movie.

I love Gary Sinise in everything he does, though I wasn't a fan of Forrest Gump the movie.

Joel, I'm looking forward to it as well, though I wish they would tone down the CGI.

I've liked Reno everytime as well. I really liked him in Leon as well.

Anonymous said...

Rhett Butler. Smart, handsome, occasionally ruthless. Just like me.

freedom21 said...

Oh no! You didn't like Forrest Gump? I've seen it a million (well...closer to 200 times) and can recite it by memory. Heck, I've even been to Bayou LaBatre, AL just because Benjamin Buford Blue (Bubba) was from there...Still, I must agree with you, Gary Sinise is a champ.

Also, I wouldnt be completely honest if I didnt mention the entire cast of Bridget Jones. Every character was sheer brilliance...right down to jaundice Julian

Anonymous said...

Freedom21: I've eaten at Bubba Gump's Fish House on Fisherman's Wharf here town. Does that count?

freedom21 said...

Oh, smart, handsome, occasionally ruthless Lawhawk... I'm pretty sure that having pineapple, teryaki, chopped, peeled, pineapple, bbq and everyother type of shrimp.... counts. Personally,until you name your boat Jenny, youre not a true fan.

I am preparing myself to watch Michael Moore on Jay Leno ( it's training for my trip to LA)

AndrewPrice said...

Freedom21, Sorry, the movie just didn't strike me. :-(

Why in the world do you want to watch Michael Moore?

Writer X said...

Rhett Butler. Because I've been in love with him since I was 10 years old. If Rhett's not available, Daniel-Day Lewis in THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. Because he seemed pretty good with a bow and arrow. And he was kind.

AndrewPrice said...

I'm seeing a lot of love for Rhett Butler!

Writer X, The problem with Daniel Day Lewis is what he grows up into -- There Will Be Blood.

Writer X said...

Andrew, I try to block that out. In THERE WILL BE BLOOD, Daniel Day Lewis reminds me of that evil doctor-wizard-guy in CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG with the stringy mustache who captured all the little children and kept them in cages. Not pretty.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, LOL! That's funny. I was actually really impressed with Lewis in There Will Be Blood. I thought he did a great job holding together a movie that was little more than a one man show -- strangely compelling.

Writer X said...

Andrew, I'm always impressed with Daniel Day-Lewis, don't get me wrong. But the character he played in THERE WILL BE BLOOD would not be one that I'd want to bump into in a dark alley. Or even inside a supermarket.

USArtguy said...

Tough to name just one:

Indiana Jones... Why? Manly stuff...Smart, clever, tough, rugged, a bit of a rogue but someone you can count on to do the right thing.

Han Solo. Same reasons.

Several Clint Eastwood characters: any of the Spaghetti Western guys he played, Dirty Harry, Sarge in Heartbreak Ridge. Ditto the reasons.

USArtguy said...

Oh, and I like the Transporter movies...

James Bond...

Hard to just come up with just one...

LL said...

Maximus Desmus Meridius (Russell Crowe) Gladiator

"The things we do in life echo in eternity"

Individualist said...

Yes it is hard to pin it down but I would have to say it was Jack Nicholson's Joker in Batman.

Sorry Keith you were good though!

Yes he was a murderer and a bad man

but on the other hand he had a wonderful singing voice.

P.S. Andrew I keep typing the secret word into the verification box yet Groucho has not yet shown up to give me $100. Is it working?

Cheryl said...

Good Morning Andrew:
I like this question. Another good one for another time might be, your favorite movie line. Or perhaps you've done that already.
I first saw this post last night when there were no comments yet, but I was pulled away by the season premier of The Biggest Loser. One good reality show.
What strikes me as I read the comments this morning is that men name men, and women name men. With the exception of the Bridget Jones cast - not a single women mentioned. Interesting. My first thoughts were all of men also. The Kevin Costner character in a little movie called The War. The priest/prisoner character in The Count of Monte Cristo. But since we only get one choice and no-one here on Commentarama would ever break the rules... oh wait, nevermind. I'm officially choosing my favorite woman character - Diane Keaton as Erica Barry in Something's Gotta Give. Smart, funny, sexy, successful playwrite, Great House!, and she gets the guy in the end. Yep, I wanna be her.

StanH said...

John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn, in “True Grit.”

Clint Eastwood as Harry Callahan in any of the “Dirty Harry,” movies

Bruce Willis as Corbin Dallas “The Fifth Element,” or any of the “Die Hard” movies

Mel Gibson in, “Braveheart,” or the “Lethal Weapons.”

BevfromNYC said...

Cheryl: Thank you for that. And because of your brilliant insight, I am going to throw Melanie Wilkes into it for all you GWTW fans. She remains true to her gentle self while showing a steely spine and still moving on.

AndrewPrice said...

Cheryl, There could be gender bias, certainly, but I also suspect that Hollywood is very poor at writing good female characters -- particularly in the last 20 years. Perhaps next time, we'll ask "favorite female character" and see what we get?

LL - Gladiator, great character.

Indi -- Nothing yet huh? Check the cash slot on your computer, maybe it's blocked.

Stan, My first thought was Corbin Dallas.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

Harrison Ford (Indy, Han) Mel Gibson (The Patriot, Braveheart), Sean Connery (Everything he's ever done)

rlaWTX said...

It's funny - folks keep mentioning the actor (Mel Gibson, Sean Connery). I guess the way that I consider it's a bad thing that Costner always plays Costner, these guys are good enough that their similarities are strengths instead of weaknesses.

So in the same vein - anything (except when opposite Mae West) that Cary Grant did - esp Philidelphia Story! In fact, I think that I'll play by the rules and say C.K. Dexter Haven: self-aware, forgiving, tough, suave, caring, --- and Cary Grant!!

AndrewPrice said...

Rarons, welcome! And thanks for being one of the first to play by the rules!

Cary Grant is awesome, and so was Philadelphia Story. Great movie, great role, great actor!

rlaWTX said...

Andrew - no worries. I don't know how often it will happen.

I followed y'all over from Big Hollywood & usually posted as Anonymous, spent part of today as rarons, and now I am ME!!

I enjoy the conversation and topics! Thanks and keep it up.

AndrewPrice said...

You're welcome Rlawtx! Glad you found us.

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one - it's hard to name just one.

I love, love, love Cary Grant in The Philadelphia Story (one of my favorite movies). I also liked Jimmy Stewart's character - Macaulay Connor.

Boss Spearman (Robert Duvall) from Open Range

Jack Sparrow

John McClane from Die Hard

Sean Thornton from The Quiet Man (I love just about all of John Wayne's characters in his westerns).

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