Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Captioning: Thank You Sir, May I Have Another

Did you know there's a Senate tradition where new Democratic senators punch RINOs as the RINOs repeat the line from Animal House: "Thank you sir, may I have another." Apparently, the RINOs started this tradition to make the new Democrats feel welcome. Seen below is the first publicly released image of one of these RINO Punching sessions (unless you've got a better explanation):


Writer X said...

Was this taken before or after John McCain referred to Obama as "my friend"?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Democrats get the fist bump, RINOs get the face bump. Sounds fair to me.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I believe McCain kept saying that throughout the beating. :-(

Lawhawk, That sounds about how Washington works.

Writer X said...

As an aside, I watched ANIMAL HOUSE last night. It was playing on one of the free movie channels that I've gotten this week. That movie cracks me up. I was disturbed to also realized that John Belushi looked a lot like Gibbs. But way more funny.

So many funny lines in that movie but when Belushi destroys the guitar of that James Taylor wannabe, I lost it. Still makes me laugh and I've only seen it about 100 times.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, That is a great moment. My favorite is the grade point averages. . . " 0.0! " LOL!

Tennessee Jed said...

r.i.n.o.'s kill us all the time. They are Charlie Brown to Lucy with the football.

As for Animal House, Otis Day and the Knights is tough to beat. I have downloaded the full "Shamma, Lamma Ding Dong onto my ipod. "Do you mind if we dance with your dates?" Kind of reminds me of, well, Obama and Rino's.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, "do you mind if we dance with your dates" -- LOL! Isn't that the truth.

You know, it could be that Obama is promising to knock some sort of insect off McCain's face? Naaah. McCain's asking for it.

Writer X said...

Andrew, the grade point averages line? Hysterical. Same with Belushi's seven-year college plan.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I take it you're done with his "speech"? How's your blood pressure?

Scooby Doo was fine, by the way, everything went according to plan. It was Old Man Wilson wearing a costume. Shocking!

Writer X said...

Andrew, I had to eat a little dinner, to compensate for some of my cocktails. Nothing thrown at the TV--until Axelrod debriefed after the speech. What a tool. And, btw, Obama's speech was way too long.

AndrewPrice said...

Obama's speeches are always too long. He loves to listen to himself read.

Skinners 2 Cents said...

Alinsky's hand book for fighting cripples.

Wait till your opponent extends their hand in friendship and then when they're not looking attack from an angle they can't defend themselves from.

freedom21 said...

"Listen McCain, when the bosses tell you to take the fall in September, you take the fall. All that fighting in November really threw off the books. These gangstas in Chicago don't take too nicely to people who don't follow directions. Ive been sent to teach you a lesson"- Barry "bareknuckles" O'Bama

AndrewPrice said...

Skinner -- the handbook for fighting cripples! LOL!

freedom21 -- That could explain a good deal about McCain's campaign performance.

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