Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Question: Travel?

According to the Simpsons, "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man." But travel embiggens the mind. What was your favorite country to visit, and why, and what country do you still want to visit to have your mind further embiggened? Bonus points if you can tell us something they have, that we don't, that you think we should have here.


Anonymous said...

Andrew: I enjoyed Germany most (with England close behind). My first trip to Germany included visits with cousins and the like. It was the early 60s, and my mother's family in Bavaria weas happy and prosperous. My father's family in East Berlin was not faring quite so well. When I went back a few years after the Wall fell, it had changed. Bavaria hadn't changed much, though the income levels were not as relatively high as before. But Berlin looked like an entirely different world. So I got to see the land of my ancestors, both before and after western democracy replaced communist tyranny in the east.

patti said...

i have always wanted to go to england, stand outside the queen's castle and yell, "STELLA!" and tease the guards. what can i tell ya?! it would definitely enbiggen me...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I can totally see how that would be embiggening! LOL!

Lawhawk, I loved Bavaria -- have family there. They live in a place that used to be the East/West/Czech border. It was wild riding bikes on the autobahn when I was young, and you could see it running off into the distance, but you couldn't get there because of the barbed wire.

When the wall fell, we visited Dresden, where my mother grew up -- amazing comparison between communism and capitalism. I wish everyone who claims to like socialism would have been forced to see that. They wouldn't be socialist today, that's for sure.

AndrewPrice said...

In terms of what embiggened me, I love Bavaria, but I think I liked Switzerland a little better -- amazing place.

(I also liked Paris (despite my utter dislike for the French) and Japan was really cool.)

In terms of what they have that we don't, I like the way they bring you something to clean your hands before you eat in restaurants in Japan. I don't know why we don't do that here?

Writer X said...

Tough to choose just one but I'd have to go with Barcelona, Spain. I loved the flowers--bright color and flowers everywhere. I also loved how the city closed every day at 2 pm so that everyone could take a nap! Sometimes I wish we'd do that here, but I usually never have enough hours in a day to get done what I need to do, so I don't know if that's practical. And all the coffee I drink doesn't help either.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I haven't seen Barcelona, except on television, but it looks amazing. I'd love to see that someday (I also still need to see Italy).

Believe it or not, the Germans used to take a break after lunch too. I think it's not a bad idea at all.

MegaTroll said...

My favorite country was travelling the US. I think that counts.

AndrewPrice said...

Mega, In many ways, the different regions of the US are like separate countries, but all told they are still very, very similar compared to what you find in other countries.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: My son and his wife took a dream trip last year which they confined to three cities where they intended to do nothing but luxuriate. London and Paris were great. But they absolutely fell in love with Barcelona.

freedom21 said...

One of my favorite places i've ever been was Kenya. Sadly, we've tried to bring their animals over here and it just doesn't have the same effect. plus they have killer beaches.

I also agree that Bavaria/Czech republic is some of the most beautiful imagery in terms of architecture and landscape.

in terms of things that "they" have which we don't....there isnt much. Over here, we got at least a little something of everything. except maybe pyramids....

AndrewPrice said...

Freedom21, I've never been to Africa, though what I've seen on television seems pretty incredible. I always thought it would be cool to go on a photo safari.

Tennessee Jed said...

Well, I think I mentioned that Ireland is a great place. Even if you don't golf, the people are quite possibly the friendliest on earth. Guiness is different over there. It is so smooth, it is nectar of the Gods.

I would think New Zealand would be great to visit. From what I understand it is like the country of California, but without all the liberals.

Having recently traced my ancestory back to the Liverpool area in the time of Elizabeth I, I have an interest in going over to explore more of that.

BevfromNYC said...

Mega: I agree. I have travelled to 45 of our beautiful 50 states (or 57 depending who you are) and am making my goal to travel to all 50 as soon as I can.

I was lucky enough to be an exchange student in my teens to Belgium and I got to travel in Northern Europe. Unlike others, I could spend months wondering through the great cathedrals of Europe.

Japan was my most interesting travel. I was lucky enough to spend a month working in Western Japan. What gracious and beautiful people the Japanese are, but I do suggest a translator travel with you. I now know what it was like to be completely illiterate and it was scary.

I must go to the United Kingdom and Australia one day...

CrispyRice said...

Bev, I'm a member of the "been to all 50 states" club, and it's pretty cool! :D I've spent so much time roadtripping and this country is so fantastically worth seeing! Take the back roads, get off the interstate and just drive.

I lived in Japan for a couple years and really loved it there, too. I would bring over cheap sushi... and maybe singing vending machines, LOL.

BevfromNYC said...

Crispy: I forgot about the vending machines. I loved the beer vending machines particularly!

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I've never seen Ireland, though I certainly would like to.

Crispy & Bev, it's interesting that so many people on this blog have been to both Europe and Japan. Small world huh?

rlaWTX said...

please see me sending jealous sighs your ways!! I have been to Mexico. and the US (about 1/2 the States). I want (WANT) to go to Australia and Great Britain.
What we've got: great people & great views... I love the mountains in CA, CO, WY, and even WTX. The green trees in south are pretty, but look hungry.
The big sky of West Texas is amazingly awesome. Especially at night, out in the middle of nowhere, with the stars over-whelming you... guess I know where I am going tonight.
(Our sunsets are pretty good too, and I have heard the the sunrises are too)

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