Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Captioning: Gangs of D.C.

Seen below is the first public photo taken of an infamous Washington D.C. street gang known as the "Sozis". They roam the streets with a giant hammer breaking windows because they believe that will spur the economy. Said the gang's leader, San Fran Tran Nan (who was once a man): "when you're a Sozi, you're a Sozi all the way." Oh, and nice purse Steny. . .


patti said...

nice purse AND holding hands with the dude next to him. it's a new day in washington!

AndrewPrice said...

It is indeed Patti. Wait till you see the San Fran dress code that Pelosi is working on for the Democratic leadership. The only one who seems happy about it is Barney Frank.

Writer X said...

Andrew, I believe that's called a European organizer.

What a lovely photo with Botox Nan leading the lemmings down the rabbit hole. Touching.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Is that what it is? LOL! I guess we should thank Geico for explaining these things to us.

It does seem a little like lemmings doesn't it? I prefer the idea of a street gang though. . . the world's lamest.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: That just looks like a typical day at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. I have to give Speaker Polluted credit, she's taken San Francisco national.

BevfromNYC said...

I knew the gangs in DC were bad, but I didn't know they were THIS bad. Scary stuff...

Joel Farnham said...

The Wrong Stuff.

Skinners 2 Cents said...

"I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too cackle cackle cackle"

Just add water!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Thanks for losing containment! Yuck.

Bev, Yeah, the nation's capital has a huge gang problem. And this is the worst!

AndrewPrice said...

Joel and Skinner, Nice movie references... sadly appropriate!

wahsatchmo said...

With a sickening snap, Pelosi’s neck finally succumbed to the years of face skin pulled too taught one too many times. Though the other congressmen tried to laugh off their horror in front of the unruly crowd, they quickened their pace knowing that other manufactured body parts would probably soon break free from their containment.

AndrewPrice said...

wahsatchmo, hilarious!!

CrispyRice said...

LOL! And OMG @ Steny!

I'm with WriterX - that's a croquet mallet the queen is carrying.

AndrewPrice said...

Crispy, calling Pelosi "the red queen" would be so appropriate on so many levels!

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