Friday, March 26, 2010

Question: Spring Is In The Air

Spring, for those who don't know, is one of the four seasons, along with Summer, Ski and that other one. It's the season the Easter Bunny hides eggs in your house. . . for some strange reason. And the birds and the bees turn to whatever it is they do. What do you like best about Spring?


CrispyRice said...

Spring, Summer, and Ski? You in Colorado, Andrew? LOL!

My favorite thing about spring is flowers and planting. I love gardening. I love to start plotting about what to plant this summer. I love seeing tulips poking out of the ground.

Anonymous said...

Since I'm no longer a young man whose fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, I'll have to settle for the sun coming out more often than not. Believe me, during the winter, San Francisco can be a very gloomy place (I'm talking about the weather, mind you, it's gloomy all year if you're talking about politics).

StanH said...

What’s not to love about Spring! The flowers, fishing, warmth, the pollen …achoo, kidding!

patti said...

i think the easier question is what do we like least about spring...pollen.

AndrewPrice said...

Crispy, I could have said "hunting" except I don't hunt.

Spring does bring a lot of potential to the garden doesn't it? It is kind of cool see everything go from brown and dead back to green and full-on blooming.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, If it comes to politics, it's probably gloomy all the time!

Stan and Patti, yeah allergies are the worst part about Spring. But I'll put up with them in exchange for the benefits of SprinG

AndrewPrice said...

P.S. Stan, what's wrong with ice fishing? (burrrrrr)

StanH said...

I’ve never been ice fishing Andrew, but I’d love to give it a whirl. But as a Southern boy the cold might chase me off ...brrrrr!

rlaWTX said...

I love spring and fall! cooler temps!! fall has less wind out here in western TX, but spring has pretty flowers (today's official forecast includes "Blowing Dust")!

We're bound to get another freeze (we know because the mesquite aren't greening!), but the pears are blooming up a storm - the petals are everywhere, blowin' in the wind!

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, that does sound a might cold! In fact, anything that requires you to spend time on a frozen lake sounds a might cold.

AndrewPrice said...

rlawtx, I can imagine that summers in Texas are probably unbearable. DC was like that. The winters were cold, the summers were hot and humid, and the two weeks of fall and spring in between were quite pleasant.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about spring is when they impeached the president.. oh wait that hasn't happened... yet.

AndrewPrice said...

Rob, That would be a nice Spring! LOL!

BevfromNYC said...

I love that first day when the harsh wind turns to a soft breeze and the buttercups appear at the corner deli. That's when I know I can take my coat off and leave the gloves at home. And those linen and sandals days are coming shortly! Oh, yeah and when I leave work it's still light out!!! It feels like I'm sneaking out early...

Individualist said...

In Florida we have four seasons too....

We have Tourist Season, Summer, Race and Biker season and Snowbird season.

Never heard of this "Spring" you speak of........ you northerners and your dialects

AndrewPrice said...

Individualist, LOL! I lived in Tampa for a few years, so I know what you're talking about.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Leaving work when it's still light out is a great feeling indeed.

MegaTroll said...

Spring is when trolls fall in love. Tis an ugly season.

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