Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Captioning: Shiver Me Bankers!

Tired of being rightly accused of supporting large, connected banks, Pelosi unveils her version of the "claw back" provision she wants included in next year's Democrat-sponsored government handouts to rich bankers. . . either that or she's announcing that she's become possessed?


JB1000 said...

We're going to lose HOW many seats in November? Damn! I might need to become a Republican to retain my Speakership!

Anonymous said...

"Here, Snow White, have one of my delicious apples, dearie."

Joel Farnham said...

Hey Andrew, you found the claw picture! Now all you have to do is add a black pointed witches hat. I swear I saw a mole on that nose. It must have been flattened out because of the latest skin stretching.

AndrewPrice said...

JB, Could you see her trying to become a Republican? She would burst into flame!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I wouldn't want to trick or treat at her house, that's for sure. And certainly wouldn't eat any apples she hands out.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, She's got zombie skin, so you never know. . . it might have just fallen off.

wahsatchmo said...

Frozen in mid sentence, the Speaker had spewed so much nonsense in such a short time period that her brain vapor locked, causing a systemic failure and the resultant paralysis. Aides were dispatched shortly after this photo was taken to jiggle the Speaker's head to make it go again.

AndrewPrice said...

wahsatchmo, LOL! "vapor locked"!! Hilarious. I can see the aides shaking her now!

Tennessee Jed said...

Glancing first at her mouth agape much as if it was stretched in the rictus in the rictus of death, Tom looked more closely at the figurine of the house speaker, and said "what do you think?"

"Damn, this looks so frickin' lifelike, it's hard to believe it's actually a ventriloquist's dummy!" came Maggies not altogether kind response.

No, I hate to tell you it's actually her, but I can understand why you were mistaken about the dummy thing" Tom said both swiftly, and to an extent woodenly.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, If you look closely, you can see the strings! LOL!

Tennessee Jed said...

Andrew - I suspect you are too young, but ask Hawk about Tom Swift books!! :=))

wahsatchmo said...

...said Tennessee Jed literally.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

....Pelosi is a wicked witch of the Left.

LL said...

The portrait of "Nancy Pelosi" (Dorian Gray)...

LL said...


StanH said...

The early stages of turning into a pillar of salt!

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, You're right, I don't know the Tom Swift books. :-(

Writer X said...

And she's always wearing that hideous strand of pearls. They look like something you'd win at the County Fair. The woman is possessed, no doubt about it. She could do the female version of those Dos Equis commercials.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, The Dos Equis commercial for Pelosi will be next week! I'll try to make sure to include the pearls. LOL!

Ponderosa said...

[inaudibly] Oil can.

AndrewPrice said...

Nice, a good deal of Wizard of Oz action -- the Tinman and the Wicked Witch! LOL!

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