Monday, April 4, 2011

Obama Versus the KOOKIES

In case you're wondering, I've decided to save time when discussing immoderate Muslims who murder because of real or imagined insults to the religion of peace. Hence, Koran Obeyers Ordering Killing In Every Society (KOOKIES). The KOOKIES first showed up in 2006 after a Danish newspaper published unflattering cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Unfortunately for the murdered infidels, no KOOKIES would ever have known about the insult without local help.

Our Muslim friends in the Middle East are not particularly big on reading foreign-language newspapers, so the imams and ayatollahs reprinted the offending cartoons in local sheets, including a few cartoons which weren't even in the Danish paper. Adding little suggestions like "kill all defamers of Islam," and "death to those who insult the Prophet," the race to see who could murder the firstest and the mostest was on.

Last week there was a repeat episode. Like most Americans, I was fully aware of the publicity-seeking pastor in Florida who was going to memorialize 9-11 by burning Korans at his church. He got his fifteen minutes of fame, and backed off. But until the heads started rolling (literally) again, I was unaware that he had decided to go ahead and burn a Koran anyway. Now if I didn't know that, how did a bunch of immoderate Muslim murderers in Afghanistan know about it? Well, the imams and the ayatollahs repeated their 2006 comedy act, but this time they had the assistance of the President of Afghanistan, the slimy and crooked Taliban-appeaser Hamid Karzai.

Undoubtedly Karzai was merely establishing his bona fides with the Taliban and other immoderate Muslims in readiness for their re-taking of Afghanistan the moment the last American soldier leaves. And it certainly had its desired effect. It caused thousands of immoderate Muslims to gather together for a hate-fest (required at least every couple of weeks or so), and not just in Afghanistan. But its best effect was in the once-and-future Talibanate. Mobs of hundreds of sensitive Afghan Muslims marched on Kandahar, a favorite killing ground. They carried Korans over their heads, and long sticks to batter anyone who got in their way.

The best was reserved for the formerly relatively peaceful city of Mazar-i-Sharif. There a large crowd of purveyors of the religion of peace mobbed a UN compound, and left at least seven UN employees dead--two of them beheaded. In Kabul itself, two cross-dressing KOOKIES blew themselves up after an unsuccessful attempt to get onto a NATO base. A third, in men's clothing was shot down and killed. The UN Human Rights Commission may have attempted to cool the tempers of rabid believers in anti-defamation resolutions, but inside Islam, the punishment for burning a Koran is to murder people 4,000 miles away who weren't even aware that somebody had burned a Koran.

Enter Barack Hussein Obama, Speechifier-in-Chief. Said the President who bowed low to the Saudi King: "To attack and kill innocent people in response to the burning of a Koran is outrageous, and an affront to human decency and dignity." No, Mr. Obama. Electing you as President was an outrage. This was cold-blooded, mob-fueled, Islamic terrorist mass murder. Obama couldn't bring himself to outright condemn these murders as, well, murders. But he carefully prefaced his weak-kneed response with: "The desecration of any holy text, including the Koran, is an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry." The Koran is a holy text the way Mein Kampf is a political text. It's a stretch, but not entirely untrue.

The governor of Kandahar was quick to issue his own Obama-like statement. Rather than recognize that his religion has not advanced one day since Mohammed emerged from his cave announcing jihad on Christians, Jews and pagans, the governor claimed the riots and murders were incited by extremists. That sounds familiar. Those peaceful and loving Muslim demonstrations that we've seen time and again were forced into violence by a few extremists. Somehow it doesn't seem to take much to turn one of those "peaceful demonstrations" into a bloodthirsty mob. It may have something to do with the fact that on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being the most violent, "extremists" score 100, while the peaceful demonstrators (aka "moderate Muslims") score a mere 98.

Moral equivalence is already rearing its ugly head, and UN, NATO, and Afghan authorities are investigating whether the local security forces overreacted by killing some of the "peaceful demonstrators." The Taliban has denied responsibility, and that's good enough for the Western useful idiots. A fourth Afghan man was killed along with the three suicide bombers, but has not been directly linked to the attack. Therefore, Western authorities are doing cartwheels attempting to determine if he was an innocent bystander killed by overzealous NATO military action.

Any President who can use terms like "man-caused disasters" and "kinetic military action" when describing mass murder and presidential usurpation of the power of Congress to lob missiles into Libya has no problem calling another Islamic mass murder "outrageous." One loose cannon fundamentalist minister in Florida burns a book (holy or otherwise) and the religion of peace goes nuts. If every insult to Christianity and Judaism and their Holy Books resulted in the same kind of violence, there would be no Muslims to offend. But that isn't what civilized religions and civilized people do.

I assume we will soon be hearing massive condemnation and seeing huge demonstrations against the murders from moderate Muslims throughout the world. I'm sure that the imams and ayatollahs will preach tolerance and understanding while telling the members of their mosques to stop killing book-burners and those who didn't rush to stop the book-burners. But then I'm already preparing for the arrival of the Easter Bunny, so I could be wrong.


T_Rav said...

LawHawk, it should also be noted that Harry Reid and Lindsey Graham came together yesterday--and really, how many times does THAT ever happen??--on "Face the Nation" to denounce the Koran-burnings and imply that they would be open to the idea of introducing a resolution that would formally condemn Pastor Jones and their "inflammatory" acts. I posted the video on Facebook yesterday under the caption, "Alternate headline: The terrorists have won." Welcome to the world of the dhimmi, folks.

StanH said...

Islamo-goons react to this crap, like union-goons react to someone suggesting an attempt at balancing budget. Think of the blind ignorance these two groups display, now there’s a moral equivalence argument I can see.

Joel Farnham said...


It has been said before. Until the President declares a simple statement that Islam as it is defined now by the current Koran is evil and uncivilized and backs it up with force, we are going to get this occasional tragedy and the resultant political comedy.

I don't know if it will ever happen. I sincerely hope it happens and soon.

Tehachapi Tom said...

This AM on KOH Reno I heard them discussing Reid and how he thinks a modification or re wright of our first amendment needs to be considered.

This re wright is to make the koran constitutionally protected.

Interesting thought is, by doing that wouldn't that make a state religion out of islam?

Hawk can provide a clearer insight into that for us so lets stay tuned.

Notawonk said...

read that burning the koran is waaaay worse than burning the bible:

kookies every where agree....

Tehachapi Tom said...

Your kookies are evidently only half baked.

Possible solution would be to build some big ovens where they could be finished, baking.

Anonymous said...

T_Rav: Isn't it wonderful how our elected "representatives" can find common ground to condemn in clear terms one publicity-hound in Florida but can't bring themselves to condemn the millions of Muslims wildly and murderously indignant about nearly everything? We won't have to have dhimmitude forced on us. We're represented by Judas goats who will lead us to the slaughter, all in the name of multicultural tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Stan: That's a moral equivalence I can get behind.

Anonymous said...

Joel: We've run out of cheeks to turn. Putting on blinders and pretending that Islam is the religion of peace is like believing that after Munich, Hitler really had no further territorial demands in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Patti: I don't know that burning a Koran is worse than burning a Bible, but it's sure as hell a lot more dangerous, as events have proven.

The two discussing that issue don't have any understanding that many Christians do believe that the Bible is the direct word of God, just as the cave-dwellers believe the Koran is the direct word of God. I have yet to read of an angry mob of Christian fundamentalists descending on a Muslim town in America and beheading a few mosque members because KOOKIES in Saudi Arabia burned a Bible. In the Middle East, they tend to burn the Bible with the Christian or Jew still holding it.

As for burning a Koran as a direct attack on God, shouldn't Allah then simply respond directly rather than wait for his troops to do his dirty work?

Anonymous said...

Tehachapi Tom: If Reid wants to see how Christians and Jews riot, just let him try to rewrite the First Amendment. What I think he was talking about was the UN Human Rights Commission which recently dropped the idea of condemning "defamation of Islam." Even Reid can't be stupid enough to think that Americans will stand for the liberal fascists taking away their right to speak their minds publicly.

And then there's the simple fact that Islam is already constitutionally protected, as is every other religion. Reid doesn't know that because he's never read the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Tehachapi Tom: As much as I oppose Islamism and Islamofascists, I think your play on words regarding KOOKIES and ovens was unfortunate. We have already seen that analogy carried out in the real world in Nazi Germany, and even in jest, I don't want to suggest such a thing being done by Americans for any reason.

Tehachapi Tom said...

There is a difference between the two books that one needs to understand.

The Bible IS the word of God, written by many with God's direction and inspiration. The Bible does not contain contradictions.

The koran was written by one man and is seriously fraught with contradictions. In fact the contradictions are acknowledged in the body of the koran. The koran in it's text states, that where ever there is a contradiction you are to use the later writing as your guide.

Tehachapi Tom said...

I stand reprimanded and agree.
My apology is offered and I hope accepted.

Anonymous said...

Tehachapi Tom: There is a large body of Christians, myself included, who believe that the Bible is the divinely-inspired Word of God. We therefore recognize that there are Biblical commandments which exist for all time, and Biblical passages that were the attempts of mere men to explain what was seemingly inexplicable, and applicable to the times at which they were recorded.

That is the basis of exegesis. God gave us Ten Commandments, and man gave us a body of religious laws which attempt to apply them to real life. The Commandments don't change, but their application to life may or may not. Islam does not allow for exegesis. It is the same religious/political/military concept today as it was when Mohammed emerged from the cave.

There are contradictions in the Bible, particularly between the Old and New Testaments. But theologians have been resolving those contradictions for thousands of years by distinguishing the Commandments from the human application of those Commandments as society has evolved. Islam cannot resolve its contradictions because it is not allowed to evolve.

I say this with no enmity or ill-will toward fundamentalist Christians who believe differently from me. Murder of those with whom we disagree is forbidden to believing Christians of all denominations. The same cannot be said of Islam.

The Westboro Baptist Church haters are a cult which distorts Christianity. The KOOKIES are mainstream Muslims. Therein lies the difference.

Anonymous said...

Tehachapi Tom: I fully recognize that you meant nothing evil. No apology necessary. I've made more than one joke in my lifetime that fell flat because I didn't realize that it might be taken quite differently by people who didn't understand the limited context of the joke.

Tennessee Jed said...

I know that you are way too smart to hold your breath while waiting for the "moderate Muslim" condemnations of murders of innocent Christians and Jews, but your point, as always, is well taken.

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: Thanks. Does this mean I'm right about the Easter Bunny? LOL

Notawonk said...

law: a good smiting is what we need.

Anonymous said...

Patti: Indeed.

I'm always lecturing people about concurrence not equaling causation. So I'll simply throw out the concurrence and leave it to others to decide the causation.

1. Today, Obama announces his decision to run for re-election in the morning.

2. Today, Holder announces military tribunals for the mass murderers in the afternoon.

3. Tomorrow, Congress has its first day of hearings on Holder's failure to bring the terrorists to trial in any court whatsoever.

Coincidence or causation? You decide.

T_Rav said...

Tom, that's just great (not). If there is a silver lining to this mess, I guess it could be that his and other liberals' masks are finally starting to fall.

LawHawk, that's the thing. Neither Reid nor Graham said a word about the dirty goat#%@$ers who perpetrated this massacre. I can't understand, how could the people who are pushing so hard for feminism and gay rights and so on countenance a movement that would stand their sacred cows against the wall and shoot them? But then, I haven't figured out how the people at this university square that circle either.

Anonymous said...

T_Rav: One thing always to remember when looking for reason and logic in the moves of this administration and the Democrats in Congress is that there is an underlying antipathy toward America, Christianity and Judaism on the left which defies reason and logic. It's deep, it's ingrained, and it colors everything they do. The reason Barack Obama was determined to "fundamentally transform America" is that he shares that antipathy. That philosophy goes hand-in-hand with the grievance mentality. "Somebody did me, or my family, or my ancestors, or one of my idols wrong, and America must pay." There is only one common good, and that is to change America forever. Ignoring Muslim terrorists is easy because they want the same thing. They're just messier at it.

Writer X said...

The Muslims who are offended by a stupid cartoon have skin that is about as thick as President Obama. I'm so tired by people who are constantly and perpetually offended. Get a life.

BevfromNYC said...

I have been on HuffPo all weekend sparring with the Liberal drones on this topic. They mostly believe as Reid that the Pastor is in the wrong and should be punished. Many think he should be held criminally liable because he was told repeatedly that this would happen. Since walking outside without a burka can also get you killed, I was not convinced.

And certainly not convince that we should apply the "Butterfly Effect" to our interpretation of our First Amendment rights - If an action in the US causes any violence ANYWHERE, then it must be banned. But you would be surprised how these idiots would gladly give up their rights. (Wasn't that their complaint about the Patriot Act?)

And to have our President equate burning an inanimate object however holy it might be to someone with beheadings is just offensive.

BevfromNYC said...

I used two arguments – Doctors and facilities who perform abortions. They have been warned repeatedly that violence might occur if they continue, therefore IF violence continues then they should be held accountable for any violence that occurs ANYWHERE in the world for violence against any doctor or facility who perform abortions.

My other argument was that perhaps the Pastor should have just called it “Performance Art” and applied for an NEA grant. Then every Prog/Lib would be marching in force to help him burn that Koran. Remember “Piss Christ”?

But as offensive (and lazy) as I thought pissing in a jar and sticking a crucifix int was, I would still DEFEND TO THE DEATH Andres Serrano’s right to do it. Pay for it, not so much...

BevfromNYC said...

Finally, would the extremists kill me if I were to delete a Koran app from my Iphone?

Frankly, I am all for scheduling a "Delete The Koran App" Day

patti said...

law: i got one too.

1. today, barry announces his decision to run for re-election in the morning.

2. janet announces to the country that border towns are SAFE! yay!

Anonymous said...

Bev: Just remember. Allah is watching you. He knows when you've been sleeping, he knows when you're awake. He knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. I do have the right religious figure, don't I?

Anonymous said...

Patti: Well that sews it up for me. I'm voting for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Lawhawk this a blend of your post on Backwards Christian Soldiers and KOOKIES. Someone has drawn the line in the sand and it's awesome to witness.

It is a little OT but this video and part 2 are a must see.

That's part 1 if you scroll down a little ways to part 2 it's quite the firey waste of bacon. Be sure though to watch to the very end of part 2. She does what few people are willing to do and it's incredible.

Johnny 5 is alive

Anonymous said...

Bev: The pastor has been roundly condemned by pretty much anyone with any sense. He has the right to do something that stupid, and we have the right to tell him he's a jerk. But we don't kill people who say or do stupid things while they're exercising their constitutional right to do so. We don't even criminalize their acts, unless there's a littering ordinance for leaving burning Korans on the public right-of-way. Different from Europe. Quantum leaps away from Muslim lands. We counter speech with opposing speech. They murder innocent people who had nothing to do with the speech or the act just to make their primitive point.

T_Rav said...

Don't worry, LawHawk, I'm sure they know they belong on the list. Only they would see it as a badge of honor.

Anonymous said...

Writer X: The Islamofascists murder those who insult them. Obama merely talks them to death.

Anonymous said...

Bev: Gee, I loved your rant, and your logic is flawless. I apologize for just now getting around to commenting, but your comments suddenly appeared on my screen hours after you had written them, and after I had responded to comments from others which were written after yours.

Anonymous said...

T_Rav: I know. You can't even insult these people into reality.

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