Monday, August 31, 2009

Question: Parts Is Parts?

I've been getting into genetics lately. It's a long story. Suffice it say that I'm getting really close to completing a little project that I like to call "Human 2.0". It's nothing you should be concerned about. . . trust me. But out of curiosity, if you could eliminate one body part or add one body part to your average human, what would it be?

Congress, The RIAA and Your Rights

I despise the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and their paid whores in Congress. I despise them because of what they’ve done to our judicial system. [+] Read More...

YOU SAY POTATO. . . Differentiating Between Literary and Genre Fiction

By Writer X

When I asked my agent how he’d define literary fiction, he said, “I just know it when I see it.”

Okay. That’s helpful. [+]

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Giving It Back To The Indians

Max Baucus received more than one unwelcome series of hard questions from Montanans, and they weren't all in town halls. Some were in tribal councils. Even before finding himself embarrassed at a town hall meeting which he thought would be an easy mark for the Obamacare proposals, Baucus thought he would at least be safe heading into Native American territory where most medical care is either provided by the federal government or paid for by the federal government. [+] Read More...

The Meaning of Life

Over the past year, Commentarama’s Philosophical Thought Unit has queried various experts regarding the meaning of life. Today, we reveal our findings. . . [+] Read More...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Americans Are Conservatives, Not Republicans

If there was ever a time to call yourself a liberal, this should be it. The Republicans made a mess of the last eight years and now find themselves leaderless and seemingly without hope. Supposed titans of capitalism declared that capitalism "fell off the rails." The free market is said to have failed and the era of Reagan was declared over. The Democrats hold the White House, most governor’s mansions, the House of Representatives, and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

But something has gone wrong. Even with the penchant of so many people to jump on any bandwagon they can find, the country is shedding liberals like a bear sheds in the woods. [+] Read More...

First Avowed Marxist In An American Administration

A short while ago, I posted an article in which I did some chatting about the McCarthy era and how the expression has come to mean "witch hunt." But I have good news for you. We no longer need McCarthy. For the first time in American history, we now have an administration official who is an open, public, avowed Marxist. I have provided you with a peek at the new official White House uniform. [+] Read More...

Friday, August 28, 2009

San Francisco Diary--Journal Of An Exile

San Franciscans (present company excepted) are wandering around like zombies the past two days, utterly bereft over the death of the Lion of the Senate, Edward M. Kennedy. The problem for me, of course, is that they haven't provided as much material as usual for my Diary. And even worse, my favorite stream-of-consciousness cuckoo, Mark Morford of SF Gate, has been on vacation in Las Vegas. Since his usual writing style would get him put on a 72 hour mental hold anywhere but here, he's been very quiet. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: Ghostbusters (1984)

Everyone likes Ghostbusters. It’s one of those rare comedies that has held up through the years and never gets old no matter how many times you see it. There is a reason for that. Just as interesting, much of what makes this movie so enduring almost didn’t happen. Ghostbusters should be dubbed the “Accidental Movie.” [+] Read More...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Question: Cast Yourself!

We’ve been busy casting “Commentarama: The Movie.” So far, all we’ve got is Janeane Garofalo playing Lawhawk. She kindly agreed to step in when the whole Michael Jackson thing fell through. I suspect Lawhawk will be thrilled to hear this. In any event, if you had to cast someone (living or dead) to play you in your biopic, who would it be? And tell us what role(s) they played that made you choose them.

Obama Tries To Break A Bucking Bronc

Bronco Barack Obama decided to take his socialized medicine show to Bozeman, Montana. He figured the locals would be a pushover for his Chicago Wranglers and Union Rustlers. "Well, howdy pardner" said the real cowboys and Big Sky residents. And they proceeded to show the city slicker that you don't push Montanans around that easily. [+] Read More...

Health Care Townhalling

Writer X has an interesting write up today over at her place of a telephone townhall meeting held by her representative last night. Here's the link.

No Vacation Goes Unpunished. . .

It’s been a difficult vacation for Obama. His worshipers won’t leave him alone: CNN, ABC News, CBS, they’ve all followed him, fighting for just a glimpse. They gushed over his reading list -- all white male authors, by the way. They’ve gushed over Michelle’s shorts. And they’ve sung his praises for choosing a vacation spot like Martha’s Vineyard, where the ultra rich mingle freely with the moderately ultra rich. . . it’s true Americana. But while he’s basking in the glory, things haven’t been going so well at the office. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Captioning: Head Of The Fed Lock. . .

Tim Geithner announced this week that they are creating a new Obama quarter. To ensure that it stands out, they decided to make it the size of Ben Bernanke's head. In the photo below, Geithner explains the headlock maneuver he used to verify the size of each quarter. At least, that's what my unreliable local paper said. . . but they could be wrong? [+] Read More...

The Great Gun Shouting Match. . . er, Debate

Readers ask, Commentarama delivers: today, we talk about guns. The problem with the gun debate is that it is dominated by misinformation and myth, and is fought on emotion and false reasoning. Let’s cut through it all and talk about the facts. [+] Read More...