Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Captioning: Sad Signs Say So Much

As I'm getting ready to burn a little dinosaur on the nation's highways at the end of the week (20 hours at warp 2 should do it), I decided to look through the old traffic book . . . for loopholes to the speeding laws. Strangely, I found a sign that I can't make heads or tales of, as I don't speak Chinese. It looks to me like it says "Shamed Congressman Crossing," but I could be wrong. You tell me what it means? And what do you do when you come upon one?


USArtguy said...

workmen can't find their butt with both hands... next 5 kilometers.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

Hunchback crossing.. beware Disney sequels.

ScottDS said...

Warning: depression ahead

StanH said...

Vomit here!

JG said...

Caution: Napping Pedestrians

AndrewPrice said...

JG, Napping pedestrians, I can see that! Maybe there's a narcolepsy clinic nearby?

Scott, "depression again"! LOL!

USArtguy, I think those guys are out working in front of my house right now. How many people does it take to stare into a hole?

I thought perhaps this was warning that passing through this area makes you sterile?

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I think you've hit upon a new public service that cities should institute. Why aren't there more vomitoriums out there?

ACG, I heard they made a sequel to Hunchback. . . why I wonder?

AndrewPrice said...

P.S. If anybody know what this sign really means, I'd love to know. . .

CrispyRice said...

I don't know for sure, but something makes me think of radioactive oven mitts...

LOL @ USArtguy!!

ScottDS said...

Andrew - you know it was a pun... the guy on the sign looks depressed but there could also be a depression in the road (and by explaining it, I have thus rendered it unfunny). :-D

I don't read or speak Chinese so is it possible the sign is upside down? :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, I got your pun. In fact, it's a mega-pun! Depression in the road, economically depressed area, depressed people, or economic prediction of depression. More punish puns are hard to find!

If the sign is upside down, then I would suspect this must be the financial district, and it's cautioning drivers to watch for falling brokers.

CrispyRice said...

Oh, and for what it really means, I don't know for sure, but I do think it's Japanese, not Chinese. And I think it's likely that the guy is supposed to be bowing, as in perhaps apologizing for a road closure or something like that.

AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, I think you're right about the Japanese. And that could actually be it, kind of a "please excuse our dust" type sign. Fascinating world we live in!

Anonymous said...

Now how the hell am I supposed to read that? But I'm guessing it says: "Obama arriving, prepare to bow." I think I saw it in Chinatown just before his last visit to SF.

Writer X said...

"Pattycake, Pattycake, baker's man"?

patti said...

batteries not included....

to be honest, that wasn't my first reaction, but i'm trying to keep it clean(er) here.

Tennessee Jed said...

The slouching man . . . .we cannot tell . . . . why his shoulders slump . . . . . no way to tell

Burma Shave!

Suzie1 said...

LOL! These are great!

How bout

"Resistance is Futile"
"It's No Use. Just Give Up Now."

StanH said...

Look mommy, I’ve got ten toes and fingers.

What’s the matter with you man? “I voted for Obama.” Oh…

AndrewPrice said...

Great suggestions everyone! LOL!

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