Monday, August 24, 2009

Commentarama, Advice for the Forlorn

We like to think of ourselves as well rounded at Commentarama, but lately we’ve gotten a lot of flack for our failure to dispense romance advice. So here it is. Just remember, you asked for it.


Dear Commentarama,

I go on a lot of blind dates, but none of them ever work out because I’m just not good at the whole dating thing. Can you tell me five things that I can say on a first date to make a woman fall madly in love with me?

Clueless Loan Officer

Dear Clueless Loaner,

If you want a woman to fall in love with you, whip out these babies:
(1) Oh, I thought you were thinner. (Shows that you have thought about her.)

(2) You’re wearing that? (Shows that you notice details.)

(3) Did you know that blind dates are more economical than paying for hookers? (Shows that you are financially responsible.)

(4) What happened to your hair? (Shows that you care.)

(5) I have the same dress at home. (Shows that you share her interests.)
These are guaranteed to put the “madly” smack-dab into the heart of your relationship.



Dear Commentarama,

I’m in love with my boss, but he barely notices me. Sometimes I think he hates me. He has appointed other people to take over all of the most interesting parts of my job, and he ignores me. Still, I love him so. How do I get his attention?


Dear Hillary,

Please stop writing us. As for your question, try bringing a gun to the next cabinet meeting.



Dear Commentarama,

I love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks, slow moving trains and rain. But I have leprosy, and that just breaks me up inside. On what date should I tell the person I’m dating about the leprosy?


Dear Stew,

No need to go to pieces over this issue, leprosy isn’t that relevant in the modern era. But if it bothers you, try finding dates on They also have good counselors who are always willing to lend an ear.



Dear Commentarama,

I really want to date “Michelle,” who is a wonderful woman, but is also married, as indeed am I. What makes this worse, she’s married to my boss. He’s a jealous man who never dug coal or visited a Homes Depot Bar like I have. He’s so jealous that he has “Michelle” watched day and night by what I swear is like a private security force. Also, I am the first member of my family to go to college and I fear that she is a snob. Hopeless right? Well, get this. The other day I came across a little document from, let’s say “Kenya,” that my boss wouldn’t want people knowing about. Should I use this to blackmail him into letting me go on a date with “Michelle.” I would love to take his plane for a little ride. Maybe to New York. Any advice would be appreciated.

“Neil Kinnock”

Dear Slow Joe,

Despite the propaganda put out by Hallmark, blackmail remains the surest method for obtaining dates. Go where your heart takes you.



Dear Commentarama,

I want to be loved. Nay, I need to be loved. I need to be loved just about as much as I hate earmarks. But no one ever wants to give me the love I need, no matter how hard I try. I told my respected friends, who work just across the aisle from me, that I’ll do anything they want for love, but they still won’t love me. What can I do to win their love?


Dear Maverick,

Buy a dog.



Anonymous said...

Dear Commentarama: Weren't you previously the loveline editor at Field & Stream? As for Stew, you should have advised him that he should take up hockey. Then he can invite his lady-love to a game, and when she sees a face off in the corner, she'll know about his problem.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I never worked for Field & Stream, I was the loveline editor for Weekly Mercenary.

CrispyRice said...

Politicians can't get no love. Nor respect. LOL!!

Remind me never to push my local paper to carry Dear Commentarama.

AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, Of course you mean that you want to be reminded to push your local paper to cover Dear Commentarama.

USArtguy said...

I once tried complimenting a coworker on her new hair do. I said "Hey, I noticed you got your hair fixed!" To which she replied: "yeah, like it was broken".


AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy, I'm a big believer in the theory that if someone wants to be offended by a compliment, then you should oblige. I hope you replied, "well, somebody had to say it. . . everybody was talking about it."

Anonymous said...

USArtguy: You forgot to mention that you told her that right after you complimented her by saying "for a fat lady you don't sweat much."

MegaTroll said...

I laughed so hard at the Biden bit! Was Kinnock the guy Biden plagerized?

Writer X said...

Andrew, all I can say is that it must be brutal working in your office!

Love the advice to Hilary. She does look more unhinged than usual these days. If I were Bill, I'd start wearing a bullet proof vest.

AndrewPrice said...

MegaTroll, Kinnock was the head of the British Liberal Party. He gave a speech about a decade ago (I think), in which he outlined his personal and family history. Soon thereafter, Biden gave an eerily similar speech in which he claimed the same background Kinnock had (the coal mining, the college thing), but none of it was true.

It's one thing to plagiarize a sentence or two from an article, but to steal another person's personal history shows a serious disconnect with reality.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I'm not going to kid you. . . we have had more than our share of office knifings, and a couple chain saw attacks. :-(

I suspect that Bill is going to need something more than a bullet proof vest. Do they make claw/knife/fire proof underwear?

Writer X said...

Chain saw attacks? Ouch!

Not sure about the fireproof underwear but I bet Bill wishes periodically for some mind-altering drugs whenever Hilary enters a room. At least some super-dooper ear plugs.

Joel Farnham said...

Has anyone else noticed, Bill routinely keeps the planet between him and Hillary?

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Chainsaws do seem to be a rough way to go.

You know, I can definitely see Bill sneaking laughing gas into the air conditioning!

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I noticed that. For a married couple, they don't spend much time on the same continent.

patti said...

poor hil. always a secretary of state, never a president...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, LOL! Poor Hillary indeed.

StanH said...

“Love is a many splendored thing.” Man, my love life is perfect I don’t need this series, …ha! The imagery of “Stew,” at the stove, …yuk!

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I'm glad to hear your love life is going so well. Please feel free to disregard future columns on this topic. :-)

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