Monday, March 15, 2010

Captioning: Freudian Finger

Team Obama is having little success swaying over NO votes to the YES camp on health care. They're not sure why. Could it be something about the image Obama is projecting as he busily woos these recalcitrant Congressionals?


patti said...

barry: f-you and you and you and you....

Anonymous said...

Mr. President: As we used to say in grammar school, "are you showing us your age or your IQ?"

AndrewPrice said...

He's gone from the Great Reader to the Great Flipper-Offer. At least he's being subtle!

Writer X said...

I can't tell whether he's scared stiff or pissed. I believe the muscles and tendons in his hand are permanently molded into the flip-off position. Very presidential.

StanH said...

Actually with little Timmy Geitner sitting to his left, it makes perfect sense!

Joel Farnham said...

The longer PBHK stays angry, the better it is for us. I can handle one or two impudent digits. :)

CrisD said...

Didn't he give Hilary the bird during the campaign? I saw a photo of him doing this elsewhere somewhere else today! You know, he needs a teleprompter to communicate.

AndrewPrice said...

CrisD, He did. He seems to be very good at that.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I would say sacred pissed. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, Agreed. His anger is our friend. As for his finger, who cares.

Stan, It does make sense. Little Timmy hasn't exactly helped Obama out much has he?

USArtguy said...

Sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnalls porch since noon today, the envelope please...

Obamanak, The Magnificent... (places envelope to forehead)

The answer: "F* you and the horse you rode in on."

The question: "Did you know Mr President, according to Pew Research, the public ranks health care reform at number 8 near the bottom of the nations top ten priorities and according to Rasmussen, 53% remain opposed to your plan?"

JB1000 said...

Was this the one that went to market or the one that went Whee Whee Whee all the way home? Damn, why can I never remember that? Damn, that Biden bozo is still droning on and on about things he never did!

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