Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Secret Plot?

Many on the left are wondering how it all went so wrong for them? How could the Democrats prove to be so utterly incompetent? Who knows? Meanwhile. . .


Writer X said...

OMG. Hilarious! Can't decide who I like best: Agent TuTu or Timmy the Elf. I'm looking forward to them all driving away in the Batmobile after the next election.

Tennessee Jed said...

Very good, Andrew. My particular 'fav' is Senator Robert Byrd and the way he is droppin' letters at the end of words. Well, o.k. the flamin' pants were pretty effen funny as well.

BevfromNYC said...

I second that OMG, Hilarious! However, even in Cartoonland it's hard to believe that Biden could be that smart and clever to be in charge of an secret evil plot. But then again that's what "they" said about Bush. Byrd's my fav!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks everyone! I'm glad you all enjoyed it!

Writer X, My personal favorite it Timmy the Elf! The Batmobile would be a worthwhile edition! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, Byrd is a personal favorite of mine. While he often (strangely) makes sense, he's also become a bit of a living cartoon over the past few years.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I knew an intelligent Biden would be a stretch, but he's so bad, that you almost have to wonder if he isn't faking?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I assume the super-duper hero will show up in later editions to vanquish all the evil ones.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I figured these were the good guys? Though, I could easily see Dick Cheney as the mastermind behind this group. If I could have found a way to remove the Biden mask and show Cheney, I would have done that.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I get easily confused. Remember, I always rooted for Lex Luthor.

CrispyRice said...

I love these series, Andrew! Well done and funny!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Crispy! I'm glad you liked it.

StanH said...

Funny Andrew! The sad part these are our fearless political leaders at present, they make better jokes than responsible serious people.

AndrewPrice said...

Yeah Stan, that is sad. But it's what we're stuck with. Oh well. At least it's the other side looking like idiots now!

DCAlleyKat said...

What a hoot! When do we get to meet Bubba Bailout and D.C. Krapper?

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