Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Discussion: Time

As I am currently up to my neck in a project that is keeping me from sleeping or even leaving my desk. . . damn chain. I got to thinking, briefly. If you could make the days longer, would you? And what would you do with your time. . . assuming it wasn't stolen by your job.


BevfromNYC said...

I know what I am supposed to say -Spend more time with my family and friends etc, finish those projects that I have been meaning to finish, or work out at the gym -

But frankly, I would love more time just to sit and stare...without feeling guilty about it.

Anonymous said...

Bev: I'm with you. It would be nice for just a few minutes to have time to do absolutely nothing worthwhile. Even psychologists tell us that "doing nothing" often gives us some of our most creative moments.

AndrewPrice said...

I think I'd spend it watching cartoons, or doing something out-doorzie. . . maybe robbing drive throughs.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I was thinking more of reading the collected works of Barack Obama. That's like doing nothing, isn't it?

BevfromNYC said...

Neither of you are making a very good case for adding extra hours to the day. Andrew you would use it for a crime spree...when good lawyers go bad.

And you Lawhawk, PLEASE don't give our Dear Leader any more legislation ideas. He's just that arrogant that he would add an extra hour to every day for mandatory "Obama Reading" hour!

Anonymous said...

Bev: LOL. I take your point, but I can't help but wonder if an hour a day of Obama-contemplation by people with IQs above room temperature wouldn't do the nation a whole lot of good.

Writer X said...

I would absolutely make my days longer. And then stop time every now and again if someone showed me how.

patti said...

the day is long enough, unless i am on vacation...

Anonymous said...

An old American native said once, "only the white man would think of cutting a foot off the bottom of the blanket and sewing it to the top and think he had a longer blanket."
And so it goes with daylight savings time. We in our present world have obligated our selves to the point of complete overload.
In a more calm time frame it is amazing how much Thomas Jefferson managed to accomplish. even by today's level of obligations he managed to do a ton.
I agree with LawhawkSF some idle time to just zone out can produce the best solutions to a problem.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Crime spree. . . being a lawyer. . . tomato tomahto. ;-)

I agree with everyone that having more time would be nice, if we could use it to take some time off. I'd be concerned that it would just end up being filled with more work hours. Yuck.

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