Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Captioning: Shiver Me Bankers!

Tired of being rightly accused of supporting large, connected banks, Pelosi unveils her version of the "claw back" provision she wants included in next year's Democrat-sponsored government handouts to rich bankers. . . either that or she's announcing that she's become possessed? [+] Read More...

The Most Interesting Man In The Administration

People want him hung for his every word, even the prepositions.
He can speak idiot, in gibberish.
His incompetence is expanding faster than the universe.
He lives vicariously through Neil Kinnock.
He once had a non-awkward moment, just to see how it feels.
He could dismember you with his motorcade or his policies.
He is a big f*cking deal.
He is the most interesting man in the administration.

“I don’t always get to drink at beer summits, but when I do, I prefer Kool-Aid.
Stay Thirsty my friends.”

ObamaCare and the Courts

By now you’ve heard a parade of diverse (read: all far left) law school professors tell you that the lawsuits filed by the state attorneys general are “frivolous.” I guess it doesn’t take much to be a law professor these days. “Frivolous” is a legal term which basically means so obviously wrong that you’re wasting the court’s time. For a lawyer to call these suits “frivolous” is pure propaganda, and tells you more about the lawyer than the law. Let’s talk about the two major claims and what their chances of success might be. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Are Those Enlistment Papers You're Holding?

The debate is on regarding gays in the military. As Congress enters the fray, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has already softened "don't ask, don't tell" to "don't ask, don't tell--too loudly." But there is another aspect to the debate which must be considered. If openly gay persons are allowed to enter the military, what about benefits for their "partners?" [+] Read More...

Question: To Boldly Go. . .

It's time to get your nerd on! Slap on that pocket protector and the uniform your mom made for you, and riddle me this Herbert, what was your favorite Star Trek episode. Bonus points if you can also name your favorite TNG episode. Oh, and don't forget the why. . . never forget the why. Live long and prosper my friends!

Health Care PR Failing Already

As the Democrats continue their desperate attempts to convince themselves that they haven’t ended their careers by voting for ObamaCare, the evidence is becoming more pronounced that they are in serious trouble. Indeed, after a week of euphoria in the mainstream media, reality is starting to set in. [+] Read More...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why The Sociologists Have It All Wrong

Sunday seemed like a good day to talk about the role of religion in America as it has impacted our economic success. The Democrats and the sociologists want to remove religion from our lives and denigrate our uniquely American blend of religion and the work-ethic. [+] Read More...

Why The Democrats Are Doomed

Over the past few days, the media has been struggling to tell you that everyone around you really loves ObamaCare, that it really will make things better if we just click our heels together and wish it so, and that the Democrats really won by passing the bill. But you know better. You know that the Democrats are in serious trouble. Here’s a little proof. [+] Read More...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Captioning: Trained Seal of Approval

The shocking truth can now be told. The real Nancy Pelosi died tragically as a result of a defective implant on a male stripper. To keep the party faithful from losing faith until they could get ObamaCare passed, the leadership replaced Pelosi with a body-double. . . a similar looking trained seal. Here the Democrats are feeding the Pelosi seal, as an off-camera Harry Reid throws her a couple of fish. [+] Read More...

Go, And Sin No More

A minor kerfuffle is developing over the unpleasant divorce of writer David Frum and the American Enterprise Institute. We've mentioned Frum a few times at this site. He is not everybody's conservative choice for writer of the year, but did he deserve to be kicked out of the AEI. Or for that matter, was he kicked out? Technically, he resigned, but we all know that can mean many things. [+] Read More...

Friday, March 26, 2010

San Francisco Diary--Journal Of An Exile

Behold--the Mighty Chron! This picture of the San Francisco Chronicle Building was taken shortly after it was finished in the early 20s. It replaced the old building which had been largely destroyed by the Great Earthquake and Fire of 1906. Still located at Fifth and Mission Streets, it hasn't changed appreciably since the photo was taken. [+] Read More...

Question: Spring Is In The Air

Spring, for those who don't know, is one of the four seasons, along with Summer, Ski and that other one. It's the season the Easter Bunny hides eggs in your house. . . for some strange reason. And the birds and the bees turn to whatever it is they do. What do you like best about Spring?

Film Friday: Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)

Jesus Christ Superstar is one of those strange movies that grows on you. When I first saw it, late, late, late one night, I thought it stank. I didn’t like the music. I didn’t like the actors. I thought the whole thing was done on the cheap. But I gave it a second chance, and before it was over, I was hooked. It's now become one of my favorite musicals. [+] Read More...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Associated Press Joins The Democratic Party

If you regularly check out the news, you can’t help but notice that the Associated Press is in the tank for the Democratic Party. It’s been obvious for a while. But in the past couple days, it’s gotten so bad that their writers should be required to wear cheerleader uniforms with little donkeys on them. Check this out. . . [+] Read More...

What Are Pro-Life Democrats?

Well, to start with, they're Democrats. I'm not belaboring the obvious. It is vital to remember that "pro-life Democrats" add numbers to the entire Democratic majority. Single-issue abortion opponents tend to forget that simple fact, and it cost them dearly. Bart Stupak just proved that in order to remain a loyal Democrat, he was willing to take the most ridiculous of promises from a lying president in exchange for his yes vote on a health care bill that will quickly begin funding abortions. [+] Read More...