Friday, March 19, 2010

Captioning: Don't Touch My Medicare Sonny

I understand the Democrats are regretting last year's prescription fire arms benefit they passed as part of Medicare. Seen here, Myrtle Johnson prepares to do a little lobbying with extreme prejudice.


Joel Farnham said...

That is the way I am feeling about now since I watched several commentators and special visitors to FOX news this morning.

I am spitting mad right now about it.

patti said...

this is seriously me in 30 plus years. PEW-PEW-PEW!

Joel: if you are already pissed, refrain from visiting my site. my entire intent today is TO PISS YOU OFF!

Joel Farnham said...


Now, I have to go there. Be back soon!!!

Joel Farnham said...


It is getting to the pitchforks and tar and feathering time.

patti said...

joel: dude, i warned you. i told husband today that i wished like hell i could be on a plane to washington. i think so many of us wish that...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti and Joel, This is a truly infuriating time in our country. This like watching some foreign power taking over your government.

AndrewPrice said...

FYI, the women in the picture is actually related to Clyde Barrow, and the Medicare firearm was apparently used by him in some of his robberies.

Joel Farnham said...

I just had a horrid thought. Everytime Pelosi gets a yes vote, a candidate goes no vote and announces it, but also states he or she can change their mind.

Kind of like a person is stuck between bases during a baseball game and the pitcher and baseman are playing catch getting closer and closer to the runner. Question is, who is the runner? Pelosi or US?

Or should it be compared to keep-away.

BevfromNYC said...

The pitchforks are coming and heading to Washington tomorrow.
There will (hopefully) be a huge turnout in front of the Capitol building tomorrow at High Noon to protest the impending passage of the bill. Watch for me. I'll be the one carrying the sign and yelling the loudedst!

Anonymous said...

Andrew: What, me worry? The socialists just want to take away a major portion of what I've paid for over 45 unwilling years to give it to everybody, including those millions who haven't paid a damned penny. Granny's rifle is very impressive, but I'm loading up my .357 magnum with 125 grain, copper-jacketed hollow points. Why warn them in advance? I've got their redistribution ready.

BevfromNYC said...

I had to bring this to everyone's attention.

I am completely appalled! What the hell is happening? Have our Congressional representatives just gone off the deep end?

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, You didn't really believe the government did you when they said they were saving that money for you?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I saw that. I also saw they were getting around 100,000 an hour in D.C. The Dems are of course sayings it's just "special interests," which I guess means "the public"?

Joel Farnham said...

Mark my words, pretty soon, calling someone a Democrat will be as bad as calling someone a NAZI.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, The way these people are going, I can't argue with you. I think they've managed to ruin their "brand" for at least a generation. The next couple elections could proof telling.

Skinners 2 Cents said...

To barrow a slogan from Verizon the caption should read,

"Can you hear me now?"

AndrewPrice said...

Skinner, I don't think that was the slogan they had in mind, but it works for me! LOL!

StanH said...

Great photo! Maybe the Greatest Generation still has enough in them to save us again?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I didn't believe it for a minute, even when I was a radical. But even then, the idea of forcing me to pay for something I wouldn't be able to use for another forty or fifty years bugged the hell out of me. I'm angry beyond all self-control, but only because they are doing exactly what I predicted they would do when they first started stealing from my earnings.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I liked it! LOL! It's very appropriate some how.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I've never bought the idea that I would get this money back. That's why whenever they tell me "it's not a tax, you get it back," I just laugh. It's a tax. I've written it off.

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